Player Roster

Kingdom Park Persona Mundane Waivered
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Ace ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Adaleigh ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Adeline* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Aerian ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Aidan , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Aidan* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Aleric* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Alex* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove alex.kiraan ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Alexis* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Aliriel ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Alistairoth ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Allyrd ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Altair ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Alyce de Sheppey ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Amaru ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Andrew* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Anode ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Aria ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Armand*** ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Arthidan ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Artoria ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Ashe ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove ASmith* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Asmoriliax ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Austin* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Auviro ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Barthos ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove BBuenacorsi* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove BDettwiler* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove BeesinaTrenchcoat , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove BiancaNC ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Bike , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Blade* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Bonez ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove BrendanM* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Brittany_T ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove BryceWebster ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Cabral* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove CadenceE* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Caelynn ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Cailin ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Carter* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Cauda ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Cayden ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove CCairns ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove CharlesC* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Chira ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove chris b ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Ciaran , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Cirel ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove CliffP ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Cole* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Colten* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove ConnerH* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Curtis ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Dacian ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Daniella* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Darlak of Davenwood ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Daronius , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Dave* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove David* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove DavidR* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Dawn ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove DeeAnn* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Delta , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Denna ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Destroyer of Worlds ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Devin* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove DGrimmer* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Diablo Mablo ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Diamond ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Diana.Chen ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Diarmund ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Dietrich Von Sachsen , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Dominica Andronikove ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Dorhap ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Dorkol Draco ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Dorothy , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove douglas.moore ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Dr. Haggis ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Dragor , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Drazius ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Dredre ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Drew*** ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Earl ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Edwin ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Embros , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Emerson ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Emily* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Emiya ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Endrid ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Eric* , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Ethereal Wolf ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Etherealz ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Ferax Wickerman ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Fido ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Forn ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Fronn ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Gabe* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Gerald ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove GFountain ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Ginevra ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove GOBrien* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Gorc ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Guinnein ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Gwenn ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove HaileyP* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Haivea , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Hannah* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove HArnott* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Harpreer* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove HayleyW* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove henry.kiraan ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Holnoth ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Hunter ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Ichorus Brightalon ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Illyria ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Isaak ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Ivy Snowmoon ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove J ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Jakob , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Jason* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Jeed ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove JeremyH* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Jereth ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Jerod* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Jeronimo , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Jessica* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove JKeen* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove JLWG ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove JMolina* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove JohnE* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Johnny ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Jonathan* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove JonN* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Jordan* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Joseph Redsword , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Julie* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Jullian William ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Juniper ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove KatherineL* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove KaylaH ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove KevinS* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Khakivan ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove KNesdoly* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Komi , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Korval ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Kor_Lot_Ko ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Krito ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove KSchumacher* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Lady Lily MacEwan of Chaol Ghleann ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Laird* , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Laura , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove lauren.daymond ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Leo ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Leon ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove levan.hessler ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove LGelser* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove LoriC* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Lorne ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove LSchumacher* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Luis* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Luke* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mac Haggis ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Macsen Mor ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mara ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Marix Greyfield ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mark* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Marnix , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mary Jane ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mathias ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mathias* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Matthew , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove matthew.rabali ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Megan* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mekan ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Melanie* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Merv ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mia* , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove MichaelC ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Michel*** ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mick* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mikito ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mini Haggis ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mistigan ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mistress Kaya Everwood ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove MorganM ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove MPowell* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mr. Guy ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Mystigan ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Naga* , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Nereus , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Nightshade ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Nile ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove NLWH* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Nodrog ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Noticula Bloodstone ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Octavius , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Okla of LWG , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Olfander , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Ook E. Spook , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Orcus ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Ore ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Pabet ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Paul* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Paul.Do ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Penfoot ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Pentagarn ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Pharrith ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Phillip* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Phoenix Gold ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Pink ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Popo Mudfeet , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Purru ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Quinn* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Rajavia , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Rea* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove RebeccaE* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Richard* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove RJohnson* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove RobynE* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Rohesia ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Rundas ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Sahaj* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Sakuma* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Sammy* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Samuel , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Sarah* , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Sarah* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Sarina ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Savon* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove SBeale* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Sebastien ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Seike ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Sharla* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Shawn*. , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Shiisana ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Sifana ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Snowy , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Solomon , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Steve* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Talion ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Tarkis ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Tarnish ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Taryn* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove TasahaF* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove The Bull ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove The Eagle ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Thongar ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove TinaC* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove TrenchcoatmadeofBees , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Tyler B* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Tyler* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove TylerF* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Urick ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Valora ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Various Meta ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Vera ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Vesuvias ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove VNewell* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Wolfgang , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove yorgh , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Yvonna* ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Zarc ,
The Kingdom of the Nine Blades Lichwood Grove Zarko* ,