
Guild Player Attendance
Anti-Paladin Damnit Master Viscountess Scrye 4
Anti-Paladin Umbrae Bellum 5
Archer Vanaliel 1
Archer WarBar 7
Archer Weebles 3
Assassin Monster Zong 3
Assassin Robert Otherbrother the Red 1
Barbarian Beluga 3
Barbarian Elgr the Mad 5
Barbarian Furious George 4
Barbarian Yip Yap 1
Barbarian Zatera 1
Bard Appa the Sky Bison 23
Bard Ardrin Greayfield 5
Color Ardrin Greayfield 2
Color Astrid 5
Color Damnit Master Viscountess Scrye 3
Color Furious George 1
Color Mal Bedelia 1
Color Metis 1
Color Robert Otherbrother the Red 4
Color Talia the Silver Fox 4
Color Varya the Traveler 7
Druid Aegas Ironcloak 2
Druid Beluga 20
Druid Cadan Wilk Kamien 1
Druid Hellor Highwater 6
Druid Kage DemonSun 2
Druid Mewy Cutie Kamien 17
Healer Capra 8
Healer Fortanish The Ghost beard 5
Healer Talis Rushlock 7
Healer Umbrae Bellum 18
Monk Ace 1
Monk Belial 1
Monk Grimm 1
Monk WarBar 4
Monster Talia the fox 2
Monster Vebren 3
Monster Yohon 3
Paladin Cadan Wilk Kamien 3
Paladin Grimm 1
Paladin Lahab 'Shir 3
Paladin Vebren 2
Peasant Talis Rushlock 2
Scout Uliem brother of Red 6
Warrior Belial 1
Warrior Caveman 2
Warrior Druce Naal 1
Warrior Ecclesiastros 1
Warrior Gonzo the Grizzly Bear 2
Warrior Talis Rushlock 4
Warrior Titanus Howell 1
Warrior Vebren 1
Warrior Wulfvana 2
Warrior Yip Yap 1
Wizard Cadan Wilk Kamien 10