
Guild Kingdom Park Player Attendance
Anti-Paladin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Count Psy Verrukt 21
Anti-Paladin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Ice Of Redhawk 12
Anti-Paladin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Patronakis Alexander Landcrest Sr. of Bacon Bits 2
Archer The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Count Psy Verrukt 2
Archer The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Gerky 3
Archer The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Hotmess Von Squid 4
Archer The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Ice Of Redhawk 4
Archer The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Marcus Desmond 10
Archer The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Nym (Fyr) 7
Archer The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Patronakis Alexander Landcrest Sr. of Bacon Bits 2
Assassin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Count Psy Verrukt 6
Assassin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Draco Katastrefo 2
Assassin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Fox 1
Assassin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Hotmess Von Squid 1
Assassin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Lady Aramis Clu 1
Assassin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Lady Ritter Renjara Darkblade 3
Assassin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Lord Shags Mcbaggins 3
Assassin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Nym (Fyr) 12
Assassin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Varble 6
Assassin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Zeraphel Galeborne 13
Barbarian The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Antonio Styx Monthanando 6
Barbarian The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Count Psy Verrukt 2
Bard The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Aidan Darklighter 2
Bard The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Count Psy Verrukt 1
Bard The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Goodwyn_Clu_DaBard 3
Bard The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Marcus Desmond 18
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Andrea deria 1
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Aurora b 1
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Celendrae Galeborne 5
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Count Psy Verrukt 7
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Lady Aramis Clu 3
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Laris 1
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Marcus Desmond 1
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Nathanial 1
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Not Murphy 2
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Patty Mike 1
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Phallowdeer Sempervirens 5
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass TalathaLin LostFen (Talapia) 1
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Tweak 1
Color The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Zeraphel Galeborne 2
Druid The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Celendrae Galeborne 13
Druid The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Count Psy Verrukt 5
Druid The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Goodwyn_Clu_DaBard 2
Druid The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Ice Of Redhawk 4
Druid The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Marcus Desmond 3
Druid The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Patronakis Alexander Landcrest Sr. of Bacon Bits 1
Healer The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Ameglosaurus 3
Healer The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Lady Aramis Clu 4
Healer The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Tsakhi Verrukt 4
Monk The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Count Psy Verrukt 1
Monk The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Draco Katastrefo 1
Monk The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Goodwyn_Clu_DaBard 2
Monk The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Hotmess Von Squid 11
Monk The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass kuni kuzushi 8
Monk The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Lady Aramis Clu 3
Monk The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Lady Ilex Darkblade 2
Monk The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Tsuki Albanon 1
Monster The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Hotmess Von Squid 1
Monster The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Ice Of Redhawk 1
Paladin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Patronakis Alexander Landcrest Sr. of Bacon Bits 4
Paladin The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass SpeedRunner Fuchs_Wulf 9
Peasant The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Goodwyn_Clu_DaBard 1
Peasant The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Not Murphy 1
Peasant The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Prizzard Sempervirens 3
Peasant The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Shamus the Green 1
Peasant The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass TalathaLin LostFen (Talapia) 7
Peasant The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Tsuki Albanon 1
Scout The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Count Psy Verrukt 1
Scout The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Goodwyn_Clu_DaBard 4
Scout The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Hotmess Von Squid 7
Scout The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass TalathaLin LostFen (Talapia) 10
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Andrea deria 1
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Celendrae Galeborne 3
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Fox 1
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Gerky 8
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Goodwyn_Clu_DaBard 2
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Hotmess Von Squid 12
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass javier cj 1
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass kuni kuzushi 9
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Lady Aramis Clu 2
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Lady Ritter Renjara Darkblade 4
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Legion 3
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Monster 1
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Nesta TBD 1
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Nym (Fyr) 5
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Prizzard Sempervirens 4
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass redbeard 1
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass SpeedRunner Fuchs_Wulf 1
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass tilly dragonheart 1
Warrior The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Zeraphel Galeborne 1
Wizard The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Count Psy Verrukt 1
Wizard The Celestial Kingdom Hero's Pass Hotmess Von Squid 1