Active Players

Kingdom Park Persona Weeks Local Park Weeks Park Weeks Attendances Monthly Credits All Credits RoP Credits
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Blade's Edge Adena Darkstar 8 1 3 9 21 21 9
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Blade's Edge Caaaarl 10 3 9 15 20 20 15
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Blade's Edge DeVille 11 10 10 11 12 12 11
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Blade's Edge Dice 11 9 10 13 14 14 13
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Blade's Edge Fillip 14 13 13 19 20 20 19
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Blade's Edge Jericho 12 11 11 13 14 14 13
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Blade's Edge Merric Idanikos 10 7 8 13 15 15 13
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Blade's Edge Operator 8 5 6 9 15 15 9
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Blade's Edge Rin Idanikos 17 14 14 34 30 29 25
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Blade's Edge Roadkill 7 1 7 10 12 12 10
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Blade's Edge Soot 12 6 10 13 20 20 13
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Blade's Edge Theos Idanikos, the Blind 22 13 18 40 35 35 29
Total: 12