Player Roster

Persona Mundane Waivered Suspended Until
Abbazabba , Waiver
Adam , Waiver
Aiolos , Waiver
Alexxa Bonner , Waiver
Angus macauiuh , Waiver
Ans , Waiver
Arandela , Waiver
Argus Lynch , Waiver
Arkelle , Waiver
Arlam LightBurner , Waiver
Artax , Waiver
Astrianna Dalkmir , Waiver
Auden , Waiver
Austin , Waiver
axelwing , Waiver
Bacon Quoren Starduste , Waiver
Boyar Boza Rasputin , Waiver
Brenda , Waiver
Bukee , Waiver
Canton Bardsong , Waiver
Critamos , Waiver
Darphuis , Waiver
Dash , Waiver
Dianysus , Waiver
Dizzy Vertigo , Waiver
Don Diego Rodolfo Velazquez , Waiver
Donser , Waiver
dovar steelsong , Waiver
Drakknar , Waiver
Ed , Waiver
Ed , Waiver
Ed's Daughter , Waiver
Elaxos , Waiver
Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui , Waiver
Erik the bastard , Waiver
Eschele the Small but Mighty , Waiver
Evoke , Waiver
Ezme , Waiver
garik frens , Waiver
Gavin Tres\'alon , Waiver
GD Sir Fish of the Freshwater , Waiver
Ghost Blayde , Waiver
Goldric , Waiver
Grackle , Waiver
Griffen , Waiver
griffendaine , Waiver
Griffin , Waiver
Hercule M Satan , Waiver
Hyacinth, emissary of the sun , Waiver
Icarus , Waiver
Isadore , Waiver
Jace , Waiver
Jack P. , Waiver
Jan C , Waiver
Jbar , Waiver
Josaic Blacdrune , Waiver
Justin for now , Waiver
Kal Sharak , Waiver
karrli , Waiver
Kaz , Waiver
Kizer shadow fang , Waiver
Kordel of the Deeper Well , Waiver
Krix , Waiver
Krowlee , Waiver
Kyle , Waiver
Kyra of the Silver Flame , Waiver
Lady Elaine O'Malley , Waiver
Lady Zif , Waiver
Leuanya Ravenscar , Waiver
Levarith , Waiver
Lil Spicy , Waiver
Mad Laddie , Waiver
Mama Yaga , Waiver
Marcus Aurelius Gaius Lucianus Cotta Asylus aka The Night Train , Waiver
Margul , Waiver
Marie the Destroyer , Waiver
Marquis Meliodas Wynn , Waiver
Masao Loublin, Liege , Waiver
Maya Mithcall , Waiver
Megiddo, Esq. , Waiver 0000-00-00
Motah , Waiver
Nightshade , Waiver
Nithanalorn , Waiver
Noah , Waiver
Odobek of Ockham , Waiver
Ohran Negra_khan , Waiver
Oogie the Blacksmith Boogie , Waiver
Orca noc , Waiver
Rogue , Waiver
Rusty Katana , Waiver
Rygart Krasnaya , Waiver
Sam , Waiver
Sash , Waiver
Scorpion dentiata , Waiver
Selve , Waiver
Silvia , Waiver
Sir Crinos of Darkenthal , Waiver
Sir Garrick Kershaw , Waiver
Sir Jameson O'Malley , Waiver
Sir Lord Nightmare Dragonspawn , Waiver
Sir Torq , Waiver
Sisco the Ded , Waiver
Slayer the Diplomat , Waiver
Sorcha Stormbringer , Waiver
Soul Cleaver , Waiver
Styler , Waiver
Sven Stormbringer , Waiver
Sylvanista de'Ebonydaryth , Waiver
Sylver Blayde , Waiver
Talen , Waiver
Tater , Waiver
Telchar , Waiver
Tesla Valkyrie , Waiver
The Mitch , Waiver
Thore Pendragon , Waiver
Vincik , Waiver
Virgilio , Waiver
Warschaw Darkjester , Waiver
White Kong , Waiver
William the Mighty , Waiver
Wolverine , Waiver
Zahava , Waiver
Zem Black , Waiver