Player Roster

Persona Mundane Waivered Suspended Until
No Persona , Waiver
A'isha ,
Ahuic, Mistress of Crafts , Waiver
Alaunus , Waiver
Aloy , Waiver
Ari , Waiver
Aria , Waiver
Ash Tarrenthorne , Waiver
Aurm , Waiver
BAB , Waiver
BAB , Waiver
Beau the Quik , Waiver
Bonk , Waiver
Caeseus , Waiver
Cara ,
Col , Waiver
D'Vinn ,
Daguerre , Waiver
Dallios ,
Denrick , Waiver
Destiny Hope ,
Dj ,
Dragomir ,
D_england , Waiver
Exiled Enchantress , Waiver
Fredrick , Waiver
Gavin , Waiver
Geiger , Waiver
Glaive Valorium , Waiver
Highlord Dawken Blackblade , Waiver
Jac\'Koo the Mad , Waiver
Jael Nearknot ,
Katfish , Waiver
Kegen ,
Kestral , Waiver
Kronos ,
Macha , Waiver
Maze , Waiver
Merris , Waiver
Molar , Waiver
Nightshade , Waiver
Noodles , Waiver
Peanut the Sneaky , Waiver
Ralik ,
Roshiyu Duirbaine ,
Sammy , Waiver
Snake Eyes , Waiver
Théoden , Waiver
Titan ,
Toad , Waiver
Toxie Wolfheart , Waiver
Trish ,
Vendetta , Waiver
Visillia , Waiver
Volker , Waiver
Vorak Armenoc Utvara , Waiver
Vortex , Waiver
ZPC_Cups ,