Player Roster

Kingdom Park Persona Mundane Waivered Suspended Until
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Agis ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Agni ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Alex , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Arian Nawbia , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Ariya Rose Blacksoul , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Arsenal , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Arthur ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Ash ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Blaine ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Blood Reina , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Brian ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Brock ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Bunny , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Cayenne , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Christianos ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Christine , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Dakota , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Dawion , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Dead Dead ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun DragonBorn , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Drake Pindragon ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Dribbles , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Dylan ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Emily ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Fallen , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Glass , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Gonzal , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Hanyo ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Hayden ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Holland ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Igrael ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Jackson BlackSoul ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Johnnie ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Jughead , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun K'nar WaverBane , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Kass Eryn , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Katoka Ironbrod , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Kira Stormflower , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Leo , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Leslie ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Melinda , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Melodanan ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Michael , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Missy D ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Momma Bear , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Nathair Ironbrod , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Nathen ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Nihilns ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Nina Fae , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Pho Q , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Phoenix , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Psymon , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Quill ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Ria ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Ris ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Rob ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Rose ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Roxie , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Samantha ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Shannon ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Shannya , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Shay ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Shy ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Silver ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Skri Ironbrod , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Steffan Deswartzwald , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Steven ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Storm ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Svatava Petrashalova ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Talon Fire ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Tamale , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Tank Stormflower , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Tashiana ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Theadore Wrinkleton III , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Tiger , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Tooth Pick ,
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Tyler , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Varyn Valcyn , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Willa , Waiver
The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Arid Sun Zathur ,