Brother Isaiah


Player Details

Given Name:
Persona: Brother Isaiah
Username: brotherisaiah
Dues Paid:
Password Expires: Expired
Reeve Qualified: No
Corpora Qualified: No
Park Member Since: 2023-10-01


Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?

Companies & Households

Name Type


Class Credits Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 0 0
Assassin 0 0
Barbarian 0 0
Bard 0 0
Color 0 0
Druid 0 0
Healer 1 1
Monk 55 5
Monster 0 0
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 0 0
Scout 0 0
Warrior 1 1
Wizard 0 0

Historical Imports

Note Description Date


Login to send an award recommendation.
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By
Order of Battle 1 2023-07-08 Sir Taldak d. Escariot The Iron Mountains,The Empire of the Iron Mountains Noxia Escariot
Order of Battle 2 2023-12-10 Kaeya Rose Draconis The Northern Holdfast,The Empire of the Iron Mountains Garret Thornwood
Order of Battle 3 2024-03-10 Thane Brom Swifthammer The Northern Holdfast,The Empire of the Iron Mountains Increased excellence in use of tactics and efffectiveness as a player in battlegames. Gryffyth Aurum
Order of the Griffin 1 2023-04-08 Sir Taldak d. Escariot Noxia Escariot
Order of the Griffin 2 2024-06-16 Thane Brom Swifthammer The Northern Holdfast,The Empire of the Iron Mountains in recognition of being undaunted, fearless, & honorable, and becoming more mindful and aware of sequence of combat and calling invalid shots when they are such. Alashandra
Order of the Mask 1 2024-06-16 Thane Brom Swifthammer The Northern Holdfast,The Empire of the Iron Mountains in recognition of their first impression as a pious monk. Portraying an unspoken, reserved, quiet monk isn't noticed by most, though he is always portraying his class. Alashandra
Order of the Warrior 1 2023-04-08 Sir Taldak d. Escariot Noxia Escariot
Order of the Warrior 3 2023-12-10 Kaeya Rose Draconis The Northern Holdfast,The Empire of the Iron Mountains Garret Thornwood


Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note Entered By

Award Recommendations

Award Rank Date Sent By Reason


Date Kingdom Park Event Class Credits
2024-08-11 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Healer 1
2024-08-04 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-07-21 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-07-07 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-06-30 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-06-23 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-06-16 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-06-09 The Empire of the Iron Mountains Summer Coronation Monk 1
2024-06-02 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-05-19 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-05-03 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 3
2024-04-28 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-04-07 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-03-17 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-03-10 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-02-17 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-02-04 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-01-28 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-01-21 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2024-01-14 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2023-12-24 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2023-12-17 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2023-12-10 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2023-11-26 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2023-11-19 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2023-11-12 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2023-11-05 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2023-11-04 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2023-10-22 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2023-10-20 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 3
2023-10-15 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2023-10-01 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2023-09-02 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2023-08-26 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2023-08-19 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2023-08-05 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2023-07-29 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2023-07-22 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2023-07-15 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2023-07-01 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2023-06-24 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2023-06-03 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2023-05-21 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Northern Holdfast Monk 1
2023-04-01 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2023-02-11 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2022-12-31 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2022-12-17 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2022-11-19 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2022-11-05 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2022-10-29 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2022-10-15 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2022-10-08 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Monk 1
2022-10-05 The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Warrior 1