Thunder Forge


Are you ready to embark on a new adventure? Thunder Forge located in Lawton, Oklahoma. We meet at Elmer Thomas Park on Sundays at 6 pm and fighter practice Fridays 6pm. We are a Shire under the Kingdom of the Emerald Hills.


Elmer Thomas Park is located in Lawton, Oklahoma. We meet off of third street and Lake Halen we will be located towards the pavilions!
Look towards the trees off of 3rd street and Lake Halen drive.

Park Monarchy

Park Days

When Time Purpose Map Location
Every Friday 6:00 PM Fighter Practice Alternate Park 501 NW Ferris Ave, Lawton, OK 73507, USA
Every Sunday 6:00 PM Regular Park Day Alternate Park 501 NW Ferris Ave, Lawton, OK 73507, USA


Event Next Date
Summer Collegium
Summer Coronation
Summer Crown
Jun. 25, 2023
Summer Dragonmaster
Summer Midreign
Summer Relic Quest
Summer Weaponmaster
Winter Collegium
Winter Coronation
Dec. 10, 2023
Winter Crown Qualifications
Winter Dragonmaster
Winter Midreign
Winter Relic Quest
Winter Weaponmaster


Tournament Event Date