
Kingdom The Kingdom of Goldenvale
Park Syrindale
Title Yule



Price Date Website Location Map Active Attendance
20 2017-12-02, 11 AM
2017-12-02, 10 PM
[ Link ] Greece Canal Park, 241 Elmgrove Rd, Rochester, NY 14626, USA No Attendance
Full Indoor & Outdoor schedules guarantee something for every attendee ; a holiday quest, tournaments both martial and artistic, workshops & crafts, a roaring fireplace, and so much more!
Yule is a time to celebrate the camraderie of the hall and the high spirits of your fellow Amtgarders.

20 2018-12-08, 11 AM
2018-12-08, 9 PM
Facebook Event [ Link ] 180 Beach Ave, Rochester, NY 14612, USA Google Maps [ Link ] Yes Attendance
Syrindale’s Coronation
Hosting the Kingdom of Goldenvale’s Winter Midreign

The winter event of Yule has been a tradition in Rochester Amtgard for over a decade. This year as a theme we are going way back to the late 800s and early 900s to give Goldenvale a taste of Ancient Scandinavia. Battlegames, A&S classes and Quest will be inspired by Viking traditions as well as Norse Mythology. This holiday marks the deepest part of winter, when people gather together to ward off the darkness of the longest night. We hope you will join us to celebrate the days getting longer and the promise of spring to come.

Schedule found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12X8YKa3AsCTM7ljukCBCZShH6kQJ_wA0oBqXsyirrt0

Autocrat - Lady Squire Isperia - Riley Price
War crat - Page Tyr Blackwood - Dylan Skwirba
Feast crat - Lord Fendolf - Nick Seger
A&S/Indoor Activities - Squire Eliessi - Amber Stack
Quest crat - Balbanes the Swift - Bob Ames
Reeve Crat - Baronet Gorovan - Jason Katzner
Troll - MaA CC Extollere - Aaron Schramm
Security crat - Lord Alarik the Dashing - Lester Finley
PR - Lady Squire Keladry - Brittany Lopez
0 2023-12-02, 12 AM
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[ Link ] No Attendance
0 2023-12-02, 12 AM
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[ Link ] No Attendance
30 2024-12-07, 12 AM
2024-12-07, 11 AM
[ Link ] Yes Attendance