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Kingdom Level Event (Dec 05 - Dec 05, 2015)

Kingdom Park Player Class Credits ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Merlot Lovell Barbarian 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Drake Bloodblade Archer 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Shrouding Mist Jack Darkmoon Monster 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Mithril Hills Kyten Barbarian 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Shrouding Mist Sir Lady Kaylin Underhell / Lady Mom Anti-Paladin 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Nar Voad Wormwood Color 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Vodin Scout 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Lord J. Mann Scout 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Aidan Archer 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Darius Llewellyn Monk 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep D'Gar Monk 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Seaside Keep Medzek Bard 2 ×
The Kingdom of Blackspire Silver Moon Kai Soulfull Warrior 3 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Shrouding Mist Angelline Aurora Assassin 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Archduke Morgun Bloodblade Darkjester Archer 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Fyoden Dragonclaw Bard 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Kelrick Barbarian 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Greenwood Keep Bjorn Greyheart Monk 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Aeryth Color 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Takara Scout 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Makai Scout 2 ×
The Kingdom of Blackspire Dragons Forge Laurel Obsidyn Assassin 3 ×
The Celestial Kingdom Slaughter Creek Lady Ziana Stalrim Druid 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Inland Ocean Turtle Bard 2 ×
The Kingdom of Northern Lights Shrouding Mist Hawk Assassin 2 ×