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Go to EndReign 11-10-2024

EndReign 11-10-2024 (May 17 - May 19, 2024)

Kingdom Park Player Class Credits ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius Druid 5 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Onishi Katzushinsei Archer 5 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Kindyr Penumbra Monster 5 ×
13 Roads Acanthus Crest Herr Volker Monk 5 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Teishi Masamura Druid 5 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Coko Healer 5 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Bernhildt Blackhelm Warrior 5 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Hogr Barbarian 5 ×
13 Roads Wolf Rock Squire Lady Akira Rowena Ishtar Wolfsbane Druid 5 ×
13 Roads Wolf Rock Squire Baroness Fey Anya Marina Grimwulff Monster 5 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Cordelia_PT Warrior 5 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Frieda_PT Archer 5 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Rabeez Archer 5 ×
13 Roads Haven Hills Roderick Silverhand Wizard 5 ×
13 Roads Owlbear Grove Lucky Monk 5 ×
13 Roads Owlbear Grove Real Archer 5 ×
13 Roads Owlbear Grove Shadow Lilly Scout 5 ×
13 Roads Owlbear Grove Blackhawk Warrior 5 ×
13 Roads Owlbear Grove Gidget Monster 5 ×
13 Roads Order of the Lost Crossfire Daunte Leatherneck Anti-Paladin 5 ×
13 Roads Lost Winds Atlas Paladin 5 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Laire Color 5 ×
13 Roads Acanthus Crest Noodles Anti-Paladin 5 ×
13 Roads Acanthus Crest Fredrick Warrior 5 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Falcon Tor Kithandra Barbarian 5 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Falcon Tor Ali Barbarian 5 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Falcon Tor Lord Squire Graileon Onofrio Dandolo Wizard 5 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Immortal Gafiltafish Tserrall Barbarian 5 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knoblands Staryu Anti-Paladin 5 ×
13 Roads Owlbear Grove Marquis Godric T Ravenyard Healer 5 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Knight's Rest Dante Osiris Scout 5 ×
13 Roads Haven Hills Chaka Shadowpaw Bard 5 ×
13 Roads Haven Hills Alicia Shadowpaw Color 5 ×
13 Roads Haven Hills Steff of Haven Hills Archer 5 ×
13 Roads Haven Hills Delafae Monk 5 ×
13 Roads Owlbear Grove Contessa Clementine Kelos Wolfheart, the Unladylike Monster 5 ×
13 Roads Owlbear Grove Edgelord Velar Wolfheart Wizard 5 ×
13 Roads Lost Winds Kamonra Bard 5 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Razor Wizard 5 ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains The Iron Mountains Valeria Wizard 5 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Fira Ironscales Nemoralis Wizard 5 ×
The Kingdom of Tal Dagore Hollow Mountain Lady Sparrow \'Finger\' Fyrebringer Color 5 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Kitsune Jack (formerly Triangl) Warrior 5 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Terran River Captain Krieg Hellbourne, Esquire Assassin 5 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Cursed Prairie Kelvelos Solevlek ap Warbird Color 5 ×
13 Roads Lost Winds Selora Dawnblight Healer 5 ×
13 Roads Lost Winds Calaun Dawnblight Anti-Paladin 5 ×
The Freeholds of Amtgard Terran River Mouse hYena Monk 5 ×
13 Roads Phoenix Tears Leona Wish Halvorsdottir Penumbra Archer 5 ×