Baronet Lady Morgana

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Player Details

Given Name:
Pronouns: custom
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be found in their own section!
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Park Member Since:


Date Paid:
Terms: 1 Term = (s)
Dues For Life: Yes No
Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?  

Companies & Households

Name Type Quit
Amazons Household ×
House Silvermoon Household ×
Wenches Guild Company ×
WEnches Guild 2 Company ×


Class Credits Reconciled Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 15 2
Assassin 30 3
Barbarian 3 1
Bard 59 5
Color 36 3
Druid 4 1
Healer 74 6
Monk 3 1
Monster 65 6
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 2 1
Reeve 20 2
Scout 5 1
Warrior 98 6
Wizard 106 6

Player Operations for Baronet Lady Morgana

Historical Imports

Note Description Date ×
Lady Lord Sir Wisp Nemoralis, Baron of Five Oaks/by King Thorvald 2006-08-01 ×
Regent of the Five Oaks 2005-09-01 - 2006-03-01 ×
Regent of the Five Oaks 2006-03-01 - 2006-09-01 ×
Regent of Jotenheim of the Iron Mountains 2002-03-01 - 2002-09-01 ×
Regent of Madoc's Keep 2007-10-01 - 2008-02-01 ×
Regent of Madoc's Keep 2008-02-01 - 2008-09-01 ×
Regent of Madoc's Keep 2008-09-01 - 2009-03-01 ×
Regent of Madoc's Keep 2009-03-01 - 2009-09-01 ×
Baron of Madoc's Keep 2009-09-01 - 2010-03-01 ×
Baron Of Madoc's Keep 2010-03-01 - 2010-09-01 ×
Lady title was made Kingdom level by King Thorvald in November 2008 2008-11-12 ×
Member of Wenches Guild , position Valor 1969-12-31 ×

Add Award

Type: Awards Officers
Award Name:
Given By:
Given At:
Given For:


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Crimson (Custom Award) 2004-08-01 Baron Marcus Curtius Ramius of the Five Oaks; × Strip
Order of the Crown 5 2020-09-06 Adv. Teyrn Grr \'Two Belts\' Argson Ebonmarch, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Crown Conversion × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2001-06-01 Sheriff Michael Drakewater, Jotunheim; × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2001-06-01 Sheriff Michael Drakewater, Jotunheim; × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2002-01-01 Mortan Bloodright on behalf of the IM; × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2002-01-01 Mortan Bloodright on behalf of the IM; × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2002-01-01 Sheriff Mortan Bloodright, Jotunheim; × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2002-11-01 Emperator Kain Elverez of the Rising Winds; × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2004-06-01 Ceasar Dekland Silverbush II of the Rising Winds; × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2008-09-01 Regent Dart of the Rising Winds; Seed bead headdress × Strip
Garber (Order of the Garber) 2010-03-01 Master Lord Kavier; × Strip
Garber (Order of the Garber) 2011-04-01 Twilight S. Moon; dress × Strip
Garber (Order of the Garber) 2012-11-01 Regent Baronet Lady Lexi; For necklace entered at KoTB 3 × Strip
Lion (Order of the Lion) 2009-06-01 King Thorvald - The Kingdom of the Rising Winds; × Strip
Order of the Lion 2014-10-11 Baronet Squire Michael Drakewater Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds helping with the office of regent × Strip
Owl (Order of the Owl) 2002-01-01 Sheriff Mortan Bloodright, Jotunheim; × Strip
Owl (Order of the Owl) 2002-01-01 Sheriff Mortan Bloodright, Jotunheim; × Strip
Owl (Order of the Owl) 2005-09-01 Queen Kizmit of the Rising Winds; × Strip
Owl (Order of the Owl) 2010-07-01 Regent Ray of Hawkwood; Healing Spririt Song × Strip
Owl (Order of the Owl) 2010-07-01 Regent Ray of Hawkwood; Flower Head Dress × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2001-09-01 Duke Thane Hobbit Bloodstone; × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2001-12-01 Sheriff Micheal Drakewater of Jotunheim; × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2006-03-01 Baron Greyden Laith of Five Oaks; Assisting with Winter War Feast \\\'06 × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2006-08-01 Lord Sir Wisp Nemoralis, Baron of Five Oaks; Awarded for service as FO Regent, March 2006 thru August 2006 × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2006-08-01 Lord Sir Wisp Nemoralis, Baron of Five Oaks; For service as FO Regent, Sept 2005 - March 2006 × Strip
Order of the Rose 6 2014-03-22 Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds × Strip
Order of the Rose 7 2014-06-08 Viscount Baron Baronet Lord Sir Wat NeedsALastName Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Running duchy dragonmaster × Strip


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Duchy Prime Minster (Ducal Chancellor) 2013-11-22 Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Served as PM Nov 2013-June 2014 × Strip
Baronet 2014-06-14 Baronet Lord Gromal Finlay Storm Bridge, The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Service as PM × Strip