Protector Deydron Du Harth,The Savior of the Emerald Hills

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Player Details

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Date Paid:
Terms: 1 Term = (s)
Dues For Life: Yes No
Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?  

Companies & Households

Name Type Quit
Dreadmoor College of Arts and Sciences Household ×
Ghostwalkers Household ×


Class Credits Reconciled Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 0 0
Assassin 7 1
Barbarian 0.25 1
Bard 33 3
Color 3 1
Druid 0 0
Healer 62.5 6
Monk 55 5
Monster 0 0
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 4 1
Reeve 1 1
Scout 57 5
Warrior 67.25 6
Wizard 21 2

Player Operations for Protector Deydron Du Harth,The Savior of the Emerald Hills

Historical Imports

Note Description Date ×
Lord Lord Docsi, Baron of Riverstone 2010-07-01 ×
Esquire Lord Malran,Duke of Dreadmoor 2012-10-01 ×
Regent 2010-10-01 - 2011-04-01 ×
Guild Master of Warriors (EH) 2013-07-01 - 2013-12-01 ×

Add Award

Type: Awards Officers
Award Name:
Given By:
Given At:
Given For:


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Savior of the Emerald Hills () 2013-12-14 Falamar The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Kicking undead ass and saving some people with shiny hats. × Strip
Order of the Herald () 1 2013-07-14 Voshe Souls' Crossing, Souls Crossing × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2010-09-01 Cavarnia, Regent of Riverstone; Black and yellow belt in A&S tourney × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2010-09-01 Cavarnia, Regent of Riverstone; Court Jesters Belt in A&S tourney × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2010-09-01 Cavarnia, Regent of Riverstone; Document Pouch in A&S tourney × Strip
Dragon (Order of the Dragon) 2011-05-01 Lord Deydron Du'Harth (Riverstone); For performing \"The Scottsman\" for RS Qualls. × Strip
Flame (Order of the Flame) 2012-12-01 King Docsi HardAnvil; Excellent contributions to Reign 49 × Strip
Garber (Order of the Garber) 2010-09-01 Cavarnia, Regent of Riverstone; Spell Pouch in A&S tourney × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2010-04-01 Sherrif Docsi the Mad Dwarf; for care of younger players × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2010-05-01 Sheriff Docsi the Mad Dwarf; Service to Riverstone at Bungle × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2010-07-01 Lord Docsi, Baron of Riverstone; service to Riverstone during Ballad of Warriors × Strip
Rose (Order of the Rose) 2012-12-01 King Docsi Hard Anvil and Regent Zelodie; helping with WBW feast × Strip
Order of the Rose 5 2016-06-11 Solithan Thorn The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Help with mid reign feast × Strip
Smith (Order of the Smith) 2010-09-01 Cavarnia, Regent of Riverstone; Domination game in A&S tourney × Strip
Smith (Order of the Smith) 2010-12-01 King Alby Kazan-5B-EH; AHEB × Strip
Warrior (Order of the Warrior) 2009-11-01 Sheriff Blade Shadowwind (Riverstone); × Strip
Warrior (Order of the Warrior) 2010-03-01 Sheriff Blade Shadowwind (Riverstone); 5 consecutive kills in an ironman tourney × Strip
Warrior (Order of the Warrior) 2010-05-01 Sheriff Docsi the Mad Dwarf; Champions Tourney × Strip
Warrior (Order of the Warrior) 2010-08-01 Lord Docsi, Baron of Riverstone; 11 consecutive kills × Strip
Warrior (Order of the Warrior) 2010-08-01 Lord Docsi, Baron of Riverstone; × Strip
Order of the Warrior 6 2013-09-22 Granite Jeweleater Souls' Crossing, Souls Crossing × Strip


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Squire 2014-10-12 Larin Moonstar Grim Hollow, The Confederacy of Dreadmoor × Strip