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Player Details

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The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Western Winds 2022-01-20 2021-07-20 No Revoke

Companies & Households

Name Type Quit
The Third Legion Company ×


Class Credits Reconciled Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 0 0
Assassin 0 0
Barbarian 24 2
Bard 0 0
Color 1 1
Druid 59 5
Healer 0 0
Monk 1 1
Monster 0 0
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 0 0
Scout 0 0
Warrior 0 0
Wizard 20 2

Historical Imports

Note Description Date ×

Add Award

Type: Awards Officers
Award Name:
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Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Order of the Whitewalker (Custom Award) 1 2020-01-25 Baronetess Adelae Verdenwylde Western Winds, The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands For efforts in battle despite the cruel bite of winter's grasp (Jan.18) × Strip
Order of Battle 1 2022-08-13 Sir Tristan Garnovich Western Winds, The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands for Fight After Death madness in battlegames × Strip
Order of Battle 2 2022-08-13 Sir Tristan Garnovich Western Winds, The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands for Wrath of the Druid unleashed in battlegames × Strip
Order of the Flame 1 2019-07-20 Arduan Felsong Western Winds, The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Western Winds hereby presents the members of The Legion the “Order of the Flame” in recognition of our group for outstanding contributions to Amtgard (helping new players) × Strip
Order of the Griffin 1 2019-01-26 Dassureth Western Winds, The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Courage and training × Strip
Order of the Griffin 2 2022-02-12 Sir Tristan Garnovich Western Winds, The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands for cunning and courage on the battlefield × Strip
Order of the Owl 1 2018-08-04 Dassureth Western Winds, The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Sword/shield combo × Strip
Order of the Rose 1 2021-07-24 Baronetess Adelae Verdenwylde Western Winds, The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands field set up at COF × Strip
Order of the Rose 2 2021-10-23 Baronetess Adelae Verdenwylde Western Winds, The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands for helping set up at Foam Fighters × Strip
Order of the Warrior 1 2018-12-01 Dassureth Western Winds, The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Battlefield prowess × Strip
Order of the Warrior 2 2021-10-23 Baronetess Adelae Verdenwylde Western Winds, The Kingdom of Viridian Outlands Battlefield Prowess × Strip


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip