Count Tynan Makem

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Player Details

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Terms: 1 Term = (s)
Dues For Life: Yes No
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Companies & Households

Name Type Quit
House of the Iron Ravens Household ×


Class Credits Reconciled Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 0 0
Assassin 0 0
Barbarian 0 0
Bard 17 2
Color 1 1
Druid 66 6
Healer 54 5
Monk 0 0
Monster 0 0
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 0 0
Scout 0 0
Warrior 21 2
Wizard 53 5

Player Operations for Count Tynan Makem

Historical Imports

Note Description Date ×

Add Award

Type: Awards Officers
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Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Order of the Dragon 1 2016-06-11 Eggman The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains For his performance “King of the Faeries“ at Crimson Dawn’s Dragonmaster tourney × Strip
Order of the Dragon 2 2017-03-04 Duke Sebastian Kazimir Whorl The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains Artistic construction of non-standard items as garb × Strip
Order of the Dragon 3 2017-04-22 Goglestofin × Strip
Order of the Dragon 4 2016-06-04 Duke Sebastian Kazimir Whorl The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains Artistic construction for non-standard items as garb × Strip
Order of the Dragon 5 2019-12-07 Theric 'Africa bi Toto' Winterheart The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Order of the Dragon 6 2019-12-07 Theric 'Africa bi Toto' Winterheart The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Order of the Garber 1 2019-10-28 The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Order of the Hydra 1 2017-12-02 The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains qualifying for office × Strip
Order of the Lion 1 2019-03-16 Tyr Awarded for running IMD Summer/Winter Midreign feast 2018 × Strip
Order of the Mask 1 2017-09-09 Duke Sebastian Kazimir Whorl The Empire of the Iron Mountains Roleplay during Rakis quests × Strip
Order of the Mask 2 2017-12-02 The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains excellent roleplay in keeping with reign theme × Strip
Order of the Owl 1 2016-06-11 Eggman The Empire of the Iron Mountains For making a butload of legal javelins × Strip
Order of the Owl 2 2017-03-04 Duke Sebastian Kazimir Whorl The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains Construction of garb accessories × Strip
Order of the Owl 3 2017-08-26 Amaara The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains Plasti-dip "Alters" to use as battle game bases × Strip
Order of the Owl 4 2019-03-16 Tyr Awarded for construction of a carved, tooled, stamped, & painted leather cuff for IMD Summer/Winter Cookie Contest × Strip
Order of the Owl 5 2019-10-28 Tyr The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Order of the Rose 1 2016-09-17 Duke Sebastian Kazimir Whorl The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains Helping create props for Candy Quest × Strip
Order of the Rose 2 2016-09-17 Duke Sebastian Kazimir Whorl The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains NPC work in Candy quest × Strip
Order of the Rose 3 2017-09-09 Duke Sebastian Kazimir Whorl The Empire of the Iron Mountains Rakis Gate × Strip
Order of the Rose 4 2019-03-16 Tyr Awarded for initiative & expiditious production of a relic award for IMD Summer/Winter Cookie Contest 2018. × Strip
Order of the Rose 5 2019-09-28 Theric 'Africa bi Toto' Winterheart The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Order of the Rose 6 2019-09-28 Theric 'Africa bi Toto' Winterheart The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Order of the Smith 1 2017-08-26 Amaara The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains Conducting a class- Intro to Plasti-dip × Strip
Order of the Smith 2 2017-12-02 The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains running a bardic × Strip
Order of the Smith 2 2018-03-10 Duke Sebastian Kazimir Whorl The Empire of the Iron Mountains local game design as monarch × Strip
Order of the Warrior 1 2019-03-16 Tyr The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Order of the Warrior 2 2019-09-28 Theric 'Africa bi Toto' Winterheart The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Ducal Regent 2017-06-03 Amarra The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Provincial Duke 2017-12-09 Amarra The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Provincial Duke 2018-08-11 Count Tynan Makem The Iron Mountains, The Empire of the Iron Mountains × Strip
Count 2019-06-15 Owen Glendwagon × Strip