Armorer (Custom Award) |
2006-09-01 |
Baronet Cubli Kong - DK - NW; |
× |
Strip |
Tire Checker (Custom Award) |
1 |
2014-02-23 |
Sir Nocturne Karuwhogod |
Ravensmoor, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Being thrown under the bus for kingdom service |
× |
Strip |
Order of Battle |
8 |
2022-02-09 |
Sir Cookie Monster the Darkness |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Crown |
2 |
2019-11-02 |
Sir Bolt Cheetah |
Service in office |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Crown |
5 |
2022-03-13 |
Duke Squire Sieto Niketa du Chevalier DuzuWhoGod Esquire |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
For being a trooper. |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Crown |
7 |
2024-02-11 |
Perrin Wyyrlok |
Offices previous not awarded |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Crown |
8 |
2024-04-20 |
Lady Rowana Celestial |
Spring Midreign |
Term in office - KPM |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Crown |
9 |
2024-04-20 |
Lady Rowana Celestial |
Spring Midreign |
Term in office - KPM |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Dragon |
1 |
2004-10-03 |
Sir Venus Hunuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Dragon |
2 |
2004-10-03 |
Sir Venus Hunuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Only the gods know at this point. |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Dragon |
3 |
2005-07-03 |
Sir Venus Hunuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Something to do with Art |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Dragon |
4 |
2005-07-03 |
Sir Venus Hunuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Art. |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Dragon |
5 |
2005-10-02 |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Art. |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Dragon |
6 |
2024-04-20 |
Lady Rowana Celestial |
Spring Midreign |
Making multiple Kingdom awards |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Dragon |
7 |
2024-04-20 |
Lady Rowana Celestial |
Spring Midreign |
Making two knights belts |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Flame |
1 |
2006-04-02 |
Sir Duke Cubli Kong DuChevalier Duzuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Service at midreign. |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Garber |
1 |
2005-02-06 |
Sir Venus Hunuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Sewing Garb |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Garber |
2 |
2005-07-01 |
Sir Venus Hunuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Sewing Garb |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Garber |
3 |
2004-10-03 |
Leslie B |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Sewing Garb |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Garber |
4 |
2006-09-03 |
Sir Duke Cubli Kong DuChevalier Duzuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Sewing Garb |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Garber |
5 |
2023-04-30 |
Perrin Wyyrlok |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Belt Favor |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Hydra |
1 |
2005-10-02 |
Leslie B |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Ye old terms of office |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Hydra |
2 |
2006-11-05 |
Sir Duke Cubli Kong DuChevalier Duzuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Ye old terms of office |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Lion |
1 |
2005-07-03 |
Leslie B |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Taking the lead. |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Lion |
2 |
2007-01-07 |
Gary |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Leadership |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Lion |
3 |
2007-04-01 |
Gary |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Leadership |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Lion |
4 |
2007-04-01 |
Gary |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Leadership |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Lion |
5 |
2017-01-15 |
Noremac Dashite |
Forsaken Hollow, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Owl |
1 |
2004-10-03 |
Sir Venus Hunuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Armour |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Rose |
1 |
2005-02-06 |
Sir Venus Hunuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Service |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Rose |
2 |
2005-03-06 |
Leslie B |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Service |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Rose |
3 |
2005-10-02 |
Leslie B |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Service |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Rose |
4 |
2006-03-05 |
Leslie B |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Service |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Rose |
5 |
2006-06-04 |
Sir Duke Cubli Kong DuChevalier Duzuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Service |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Rose |
6 |
2006-10-01 |
Sir Duke Cubli Kong DuChevalier Duzuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Service |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Rose |
7 |
2006-12-03 |
Sir Duke Cubli Kong DuChevalier Duzuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Service |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Rose |
8 |
2015-04-11 |
Kelevra NaNuWhoGod |
The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Rose |
9 |
2018-02-17 |
Lady Mauve Noor |
Defrost |
Feast cratting |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Rose |
10 |
2018-11-03 |
Brutus D\'Monet |
The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
for cumulative crating for so many years, service at your park and for always being prepared as a Nurse to help others whether Med crat or not. |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Smith |
1 |
2023-04-02 |
Lord Squire Rizonthalis Porthois DuChevalier Esquire |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Mentoring crats both online and in-person |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Smith |
2 |
2023-10-01 |
Perrin Wyyrlok |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Smith |
3 |
2023-10-01 |
Perrin Wyyrlok |
× |
Strip |
Walker of the Middle (Order of the Walker in the Middle) |
2005-10-01 |
Baroness 3D - DK - NW; |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Warrior |
1 |
2005-10-02 |
Leslie B |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Battlefield Prowess |
× |
Strip |
Order of the Warrior |
2 |
2006-11-05 |
Sir Duke Cubli Kong DuChevalier Duzuwhogod |
Dragons Crossing, The Kingdom of Neverwinter |
Skills in battle. |
× |
Strip |