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Player Details

Given Name:
Pronouns: custom
Password (Again):
Notice: Dues can now
be found in their own section!
Dues Paid: 2025-04-07
Dues Semesters:

Reeve Qualified:
Reeve Until:
Corpora Qualified:
Corpora Until:
Park Member Since:


Date Paid:
Terms: 1 Term = (s)
Dues For Life: Yes No
Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?  
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Sun's Haven 2023-09-26 2023-03-26 Yes Revoke
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Sun's Haven 1969-12-31 1969-12-31 No Revoked
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Sun's Haven 1969-12-31 1969-12-31 Yes Revoked
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Sun's Haven 1969-12-31 1969-12-31 Yes Revoked
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Terra De Votum 2025-04-07 2024-10-07 Yes Revoke

Companies & Households

Name Type Quit
House Feralheart Household ×
IGTG Household ×
Sceptre Company ×


Class Credits Reconciled Level
Anti-Paladin 53 5
Archer 0 0
Assassin 0 0
Barbarian 0 0
Bard 0 0
Color 0 0
Druid 56 5
Healer 1 1
Monk 0 0
Monster 5 1
Paladin 25 3
Peasant 0 0
Reeve 0 0
Scout 0 0
Warrior 54 5
Wizard 0 0

Historical Imports

Note Description Date ×

Add Award

Type: Awards Officers
Award Name:
Given By:
Given At:
Given For:


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Custom Award 1 2023-12-16 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds The Siege Tower × Strip
Order of Battle 1 2023-06-17 Razael Soulscar Sun's Haven, Being a force on the field × Strip
Order of Battle 2 2023-06-17 Razael Soulscar Sun's Haven, Being huge on team work × Strip
Order of Battle 3 2023-06-17 Razael Soulscar Sun's Haven, For strategy and leadership in Sun's Haven battlegames × Strip
Order of Battle 4 2023-06-17 Razael Soulscar Sun's Haven, For embodying a tank and using warrior abilities strategically on the field × Strip
Order of Battle 5 2023-06-17 Razael Soulscar Sun's Haven, Taking 3rd place at the SWW8 battlemaster tournament × Strip
Order of Battle 6 2023-12-16 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Battlemaster warrior prowess × Strip
Order of Battle 7 2024-04-13 Ser Finley Fortess Kingdom of the Desert Winds pionering the heart of the swarm gollum to account for his lack of ability to move due to injury to great effect × Strip
Order of Battle 8 2024-12-01 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Terra De Votum, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Skill and knowledge of game, and earning their paragon druid × Strip
Order of the Crown 1 2023-12-16 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Duchy regent × Strip
Order of the Crown 2 2023-12-16 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds duchy regent × Strip
Order of the Dragon 1 2022-12-10 Razael Soulscar Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Banana minis × Strip
Order of the Dragon 2 2022-12-10 Razael Soulscar Kingdom of the Desert Winds Dragon mini × Strip
Order of the Dragon 3 2023-03-18 Razael Soulscar Awesome Barbarian rock shaped like a turkey! × Strip
Order of the Dragon 4 2023-06-17 Razael Soulscar Sun's Haven, Beautiful blue dragon entered into the Best of the Best at SWW8 × Strip
Order of the Dragon 5 2023-06-17 Razael Soulscar Sun's Haven, Exceptional display of talent with painting VIP monster masks for SWW8 × Strip
Order of the Dragon 6 2024-04-20 Baronet Krod Featherbritches, Healer of the Wight Light Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Amazing minis that were entered in Best of the Best during SWW × Strip
Order of the Dragon 7 2024-12-01 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Terra De Votum, Kingdom of the Desert Winds scroll work × Strip
Order of the Garber 1 2022-12-10 Razael Soulscar Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Soka outfit × Strip
Order of the Garber 2 2024-12-01 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Terra De Votum, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Making a sash × Strip
Order of the Garber 3 2024-12-01 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Terra De Votum, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Moses garb × Strip
Order of the Griffin 1 2022-01-15 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Iluvatar von Darkjester Kingdom of the Desert Winds For his chivalry and honor shown on the field. × Strip
Order of the Griffin 2 2022-03-26 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Iluvatar von Darkjester Kingdom of the Desert Winds For his chivalry and honor shown on the field. × Strip
Order of the Griffin 3 2023-03-18 Razael Soulscar Stellar honor on the battlefield × Strip
Order of the Griffin 4 2023-09-16 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Exceptional honor on the battlefield × Strip
Order of the Griffin 5 2023-12-16 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Honor in the Crossroads Tournaments × Strip
Order of the Griffin 6 2024-01-20 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Clerical Errors. I can count to 6. × Strip
Order of the Hydra 1 2023-06-17 Razael Soulscar Sun's Haven, Qualifying in Summer Crown Quals × Strip
Order of the Lion 1 2023-12-16 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Excellence in Office × Strip
Order of the Lion 2 2024-12-01 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Terra De Votum, Kingdom of the Desert Winds A&S crat at Crossroads × Strip
Order of the Owl 1 2022-12-10 Razael Soulscar Kingdom of the Desert Winds Excellent medium shield submitted to Crown Quals × Strip
Order of the Owl 2 2024-12-01 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Terra De Votum, Kingdom of the Desert Winds building a bat × Strip
Order of the Owl 3 2024-12-01 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Terra De Votum, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Building 2 bats × Strip
Order of the Owl 4 2024-12-01 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Terra De Votum, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Building a shield × Strip
Order of the Owl 5 2024-12-01 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Terra De Votum, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Turkey boulder × Strip
Order of the Owl 6 2024-12-01 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Terra De Votum, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Fish sword × Strip
Order of the Rose 1 2022-03-26 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Iluvatar von Darkjester Kingdom of the Desert Winds For his contribution toward SWW7 × Strip
Order of the Rose 2 2022-03-26 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Iluvatar von Darkjester Kingdom of the Desert Winds For his contribution toward SWW7 × Strip
Order of the Rose 3 2023-06-17 Razael Soulscar Sun's Haven, For always being so helpful every day × Strip
Order of the Rose 4 2023-06-17 Razael Soulscar Sun's Haven, Helping with feast and volunteer work at SWW8 × Strip
Order of the Rose 5 2023-09-16 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Helping run first joint Dragonmaster × Strip
Order of the Rose 6 2024-07-20 Baronet Krod Featherbritches, Healer of the Wight Light Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Consistant help and always providing water × Strip
Order of the Rose 7 2024-12-01 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Terra De Votum, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Helping people understand the rules × Strip
Order of the Warrior 1 2022-01-15 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Iluvatar von Darkjester Kingdom of the Desert Winds His prowess on the field. × Strip
Order of the Warrior 2 2022-03-26 Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Iluvatar von Darkjester Kingdom of the Desert Winds For his skill in the tournament and on the field. × Strip
Order of the Warrior 3 2022-12-10 Razael Soulscar Kingdom of the Desert Winds battle field prowess × Strip
Order of the Warrior 4 2023-06-17 Razael Soulscar Sun's Haven, Impressive work in the Sapling Tournament × Strip
Order of the Warrior 5 2023-12-16 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Martial prowess × Strip


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Paragon Druid 2024-11-16 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Forgotten Crossroads, Þe Olde Records Empire excellent skills and knowledge of druid class × Strip
Paragon Warrior 1 2023-12-09 Ser Finley Fortess Rusty Gauntlet, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Mastering the warrior class × Strip
Lord 1 2023-12-16 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Sun's Haven, Kingdom of the Desert Winds × Strip