Lady Jerenda

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Player Details

Given Name:
Pronouns: custom
Password (Again):
Notice: Dues can now
be found in their own section!
Dues Paid: 2023-01-07
Dues Semesters:

Reeve Qualified:
Reeve Until:
Corpora Qualified:
Corpora Until:
Park Member Since:


Date Paid:
Terms: 1 Term = (s)
Dues For Life: Yes No
Kingdom Park Dues Paid Until Dues Paid On Dues For Life?  
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Wymzee Dayle 2021-04-21 2020-04-21 No Revoke
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Wymzee Dayle 2022-02-22 2021-08-22 No Revoke
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Wymzee Dayle 2022-10-14 2022-04-14 No Revoke
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Wymzee Dayle 2023-04-29 2022-10-29 No Revoke
Kingdom of the Desert Winds Wymzee Dayle 2023-01-07 2023-01-07 Yes Revoke

Companies & Households

Name Type Quit
Order of the Unicorn Household ×


Class Credits Reconciled Level
Anti-Paladin 0 0
Archer 0 0
Assassin 0 0
Barbarian 0 0
Bard 77 6
Color 4 1
Druid 25 3
Healer 23 2
Monk 0 0
Monster 43 4
Paladin 0 0
Peasant 6 1
Reeve 45 4
Scout 7 1
Warrior 25 3
Wizard 55 5

Player Operations for Lady Jerenda

Historical Imports

Note Description Date ×

Add Award

Type: Awards Officers
Award Name:
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Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Order of the Juror () 1 2021-12-05 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna Vixen Kingdom of the Desert Winds (catchup from 12/2021 end reign) × Strip
The Grand Bard Dragon Orchid (Custom Award) 2022-04-28 Lord Protector Dumah Silentblade Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds outstanding work in Bardentines 2022. × Strip
Order of Battle 1 2021-10-09 Sir Lucas OL IV Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Battlegame prowess × Strip
Order of Battle 2 2021-10-09 Sir Lucas OL IV Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Battlegame prowess × Strip
Order of Battle 3 2021-10-09 Sir Lucas OL IV Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Battlegame prowess × Strip
Order of Battle 4 2022-05-07 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Bard play × Strip
Order of Battle 5 2023-04-29 Angus Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds leading her team at kingdom endreign 2022 × Strip
Order of Battle 6 2023-07-22 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds For mentoring other players in bard as well as their bard play × Strip
Order of the Crown 1 2021-01-16 Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds time as Champion at Wymzee Dayle × Strip
Order of the Crown 2 2021-10-09 Sir Lucas OL IV Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds PM for WD Reign 10 × Strip
Order of the Crown 3 2021-10-09 Sir Lucas OL IV Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds PM for WD Reign 10 × Strip
Order of the Crown 4 2022-05-07 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Excellence as PM × Strip
Order of the Crown 5 2022-10-29 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Guiding the new PM through their duties × Strip
Order of the Dragon 1 2018-10-06 Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Memorizing a poem to recite for her first Craft night × Strip
Order of the Dragon 2 2018-10-06 Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Memorized and recited an even longer poem for her second Craft night × Strip
Order of the Dragon 3 2018-12-08 Jedi Phoenix Silverclaw Iron Hold, Kingdom of the Desert Winds White chocolate dried cherry bread scoring 3.726 in Kingdom CQs November 2018 × Strip
Order of the Dragon 4 2020-05-30 Sir Lucas OL IV Kingdom of the Desert Winds For her performances at DW Mid-reign × Strip
Order of the Dragon 5 2020-12-05 Hearthseer Leo Lightbringer Kingdom of the Desert Winds Poetry 3.9 Crown Quals × Strip
Order of the Dragon 6 2022-12-03 Sir Lucas OL IV Razorhills, The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Winning Valentine Bardic Event × Strip
Order of the Dragon 7 2022-12-03 Sir Lucas OL IV Razorhills, The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills For her performances at the 2022 Salt War × Strip
Order of the Flame 2018-12-15 Jedi Phoenix Silverclaw Kingdom of the Desert Winds Park-wide efforts to put on a Summer Collegium × Strip
Order of the Griffin 1 2018-10-06 Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds awesome dramatic deaths during battle games × Strip
Order of the Griffin 2 2020-05-30 Sir Lucas OL IV Kingdom of the Desert Winds Honor during winter mid-reign weaponmaster tournament × Strip
Order of the Griffin 3 2021-12-05 Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna Vixen Kingdom of the Desert Winds (catchup from 12/2021 end reign) × Strip
Order of the Griffin 4 2022-05-07 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Honor, integrity, and a spectacular attitude × Strip
Order of the Jovius 1 2019-06-29 Mourningwood Glen, The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills #All About that park life! × Strip
Order of the Jovius 1 2022-05-29 Sir Rocky KLE - Salt War × Strip
Order of the Jovius 3 2022-07-23 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Unwavering dedication and consistently a pleasure to be around. Uplifts other players and encourages others to enjoy Amtgard to its fullest × Strip
Order of the Lion 1 2019-11-02 Raven the Swift Mourningwood Glen, The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Her pursuits of leadership × Strip
Order of the Lion 1 2021-01-16 Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds time as Champion at Mourningwood Glen × Strip
Order of the Lion 2 2021-10-09 Sir Lucas OL IV Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Getting Angus to run for WD Reign 11 office × Strip
Order of the Lion 3 2021-10-09 Sir Lucas OL IV Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Helping guide 4 new officers to join Reign 11 leadership × Strip
Order of the Mask 1 2019-11-02 Raven the Swift Mourningwood Glen, The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Adding awesome Role play. × Strip
Order of the Owl 1 2021-01-16 Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Helping Make Swords × Strip
Order of the Rose 1 2019-11-02 Raven the Swift Mourningwood Glen, The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Her seemingly endless devotion to the game. × Strip
Order of the Rose 2 2019-11-02 Raven the Swift Mourningwood Glen, The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Her seemingly endless devotion to the game × Strip
Order of the Rose 3 2019-11-02 Raven the Swift Mourningwood Glen, The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Her seemingly endless devotion to the game × Strip
Order of the Rose 4 2021-10-09 Sir Lucas OL IV Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Service to WD during Reign 10 & helping new players feel welcomed × Strip
Order of the Rose 5 2022-02-19 Sir Rocky Kingdom of the Desert Winds Dedication and Service × Strip
Order of the Rose 6 2023-02-18 Sage Siege Lucretius Kingdom of the Desert Winds × Strip
Order of the Smith 1 2019-06-29 Mourningwood Glen, The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Battlefield creation. × Strip
Order of the Smith 1 2019-11-02 Raven the Swift Mourningwood Glen, The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Her contributions and Running Quests × Strip
Order of the Smith 2 2019-11-02 Raven the Swift Mourningwood Glen, The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Her contributions and Running Quests × Strip
Order of the Smith 3 2020-04-04 Hearthseer Leo Lightbringer Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds WD CQ 3/14/2020 Shelobs Lair quest 3.7 × Strip
Order of the Smith 4 2023-10-28 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Tutoring others in the way of the Bard class × Strip
Order of the Smith 6 2024-07-27 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Helping run sword crafting demonstration × Strip
Order of the Warrior 1 2019-01-05 Sir Lucas OL IV Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Battlefield Prowess × Strip
Order of the Warrior 2 2019-06-29 Mourningwood Glen, The Kingdom of the Emerald Hills Battlefield Prowess. × Strip
Order of the Warrior 3 2022-07-23 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Battlefield growth × Strip


Strip all Awards & Titles or choose from below. Details will be recorded for posterity.
Strip Awards Reason
Award Rank Date Given By Given At Note × Strip
Lady 2022-10-29 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Wymzee Dayle, Kingdom of the Desert Winds Fateful service as Prime Minister at Wymzee Dayle × Strip