General Imperial Event



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Edit Past General Imperial Event

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0 2020-10-08, 6 PM
2020-10-11, 6 PM
[ Link ] No Tournaments Attendance ×
Hello Empire! I'm excited to see both Champion candidates actively making their case to the populace, and I'm happy to say that both are wonderful options for the role.
This post will remain open for comments until Sunday evening, and anyone who engages with this post will receive a credit in the class of their choice. This post is also your first opportunity to join a faction.
The final Factions List is as follows:
Faeries- Pixie wings to Redcap hats, and anything in between. (No real blood for the Redcaps, please!)
Greenskins- Orcs, Goblins, Gremlins, and Trolls. All the brutal cunning (and cunning brutality) your little green heart desires.
Letterkenny- Maple syrup, alliteration, and button down plaid tunics. I expect strike-legal hockey sticks.
Lizards/Kaiju- Scales, teeth, ectothermy, and an excuse to build MechaGodzilla when you team up with the Robot faction!
Mad Science- Bubbling chemicals, Jekyll and Hyde, Lightning Guns, and a disturbing lack of laboratory safety standards.
Muppets- Kermit the Barbarian, cookie obsessions, and tiny green Jedi. Are you the Muppeteer, or the Muppet?
Ninjas- You can only see this faction because they decided to let you see it. Bring the Naruto headband you wore to your first park day back from the depths of your closet!
Pirates- Yarr. Someone needs to fight the Ninjas, don't they?
Robots- 01001101 01110010 00101110 00100000 01010010 01101111 01100010 01101111 01110100 01101111
Undead- Anything that used to breathe, but doesn't really need to bother with that anymore. Vampires, Ghosts, Zombies and, most assuredly, undead Elvis impersonator.
If any of these factions appeal to you, include your choice of faction alongside your persona name, park, and what class you'd like your credit in. Don't worry if your friends wind up in different groups; you'll still get plenty of opportunities to work with them. The first challenge will be posted some time this weekend, and further opportunities to score points for your faction (and get closer to fancy-but-not-yet-specified prizes!) will show up frequently.
Welcome to SmashUp!
0 2022-01-23, 11 AM
2022-01-23, 1 PM
[ Link ] Yes Tournaments Attendance ×
0 2022-01-23, 11 AM
2022-01-23, 1 PM
[ Link ] Yes Tournaments Attendance ×
Open meeting with Imperial officers held on Discord.