Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Amser Order of the Dragon 5 2023-05-30 Amser Recommending myself for dragons ^_^ I’ve organized 3 bardics now for kingdom events. Involving picking set lists, recruiting people, advertising the bardic, and of course leading songs.
Amser Order of the Garber 7 2024-01-01 Alexander Blackwood Alans paragon Wizard sash that denim
Amser Order of the Garber 8 2024-01-01 Alexander Blackwood Lothar's paragon Druid sash as well as leana's Walker in the middle sash
Amser Order of the Lion 7 2024-10-30 Kyuzo Playing an integral role in the execution of Quest for an interkingom event. Amser played the most key role in on boarding and explaining the rules while also giving out multiple side quests. They had a lot on their plate, but they thought in the moment and work things out like a pro.
Amser Order of the Lion 7 2023-06-24 Count Stitch for beautiful work managing the kingdom discord, and then stepping up to manage the social media for the kingdom as a whole (not only stepping up to run for the position, but also being chosen unanimously)
Amser Order of the Mask 8 2024-10-30 Kyuzo Excellent portayal of The Tavern Keeper in the Quest at Seige 2024
Amser Order of the Owl 5 2023-09-26 Count Stitch Amser made a whole THRONE, that's got to be worth at least 3rd-5th Owl
Amser Order of the Rose 10 2024-10-30 Kyuzo Amser constantly and consistently is willing to help whenever they are called upon. They have worn many hats and done lots of great work for the kingdom as a whole and the full body of her work is definitely deserving of a 10th Rose
Calla of the Desert, Esq. Order of the Dragon 6 2025-01-04 Torak the Lich Creation of the title scrolls for the Reign of the Undying!
Calla of the Desert, Esq. Order of the Dragon 6 2024-11-25 Alexander Blackwood bardic entries with cerography entered into dragon master 73!
Calla of the Desert, Esq. Order of the Mask 1 2025-01-19 Calla of the Desert, Esq. Writing character bio
Calla of the Desert, Esq. Order of the Mask 2 2025-01-19 Calla of the Desert, Esq. Writing in character journal entry
Cerrick Cinderwood Custom Award 1 2022-08-22 Shroudstar Hellrider - got into an accident on the way to Relic Quest, but showed up anyway and kicked some butt as an NPC
Cerrick Cinderwood Order of the Dragon 4 2023-11-11 Revna Bloodaxe for their daily entries of orginal art for the month of october amtgard ink,
Cooper of Noxterra Order of Battle 9 2024-12-29 Pickle For being a badass on the field consistently, instilling fear in all those who fight him.
Cooper of Noxterra Order of the Mask 8 2024-12-30 James Blackwater This guy is literally always in character and benefits the overall atmosphere of the kingdom.
Cooper of Noxterra Order of the Rose 8 2024-12-30 James Blackwater Doesn't hesitate to help wherever needed at kingdom. Usually in full plate armor.
Dawn Pazitor Custom Award 1 2023-06-13 Zaza Witherspyke Phoenix Fire: going to event as a crat (even if for a short time) despite hospital trip before event
Dawn Pazitor Custom Award 1 2023-06-13 Count Rorek Silverlight Hellrider for ER 70/Coronation 71. Came to the event despite being admitted to the emergency room the night before the event.
Dawn Pazitor Marquess 2024-06-12 Sir Drakel Pazitor Dawn has held the position of Monarch, Regent and Chancellor of the Razorhills multiple times showing leadership and care befitting this title for the park and it members.
Dawn Pazitor Marquess 1 2024-07-01 Shrooms Mycelia For as long as I have played in the game, Dawn has held some office and helped keep our park together. A cornerstone of the Razorhills
Dawn Pazitor Order of the Owl 5 2024-01-01 Alexander Blackwood mabtik paragon paladin garber sash.
Dawn Pazitor Order of the Rose 9 2024-01-18 Tobias Thalonius III While this might not get them their 9th Rose, it should be included in the body of work towards their 9th, Dawn did an excellent job as the co-crat for endriegn 71.
Dawn Pazitor Order of the Smith 2 2025-01-19 Dominae Lily FaceWrecker Dawn should get her first and second smith for a very well planned and thought out chainmaille making class at ER 73 that included materials and little instructional guides
Dawn Pazitor Order of the Smith 3 2025-01-21 Einar Blackwood For teaching an excellent class for Endreign 73 on chainmail. Not only well prepared with instruction papers and bundles of rings, but had enough to accommodate a rather large class.
Don Order of the Mask 1 2023-06-29 Cooper of Noxterra Filled out the in-character survey
Dyth Nightblade Order of Battle 6 2023-01-09 Seph Jethaniel Excellent assassin--ing!!
Dyth Nightblade Order of the Rose 8 2023-03-26 Sir Drakel Pazitor Helped plan and made in advance the awesome meatballs for Midreign 70 feast.
Dyth Nightblade Order of the Rose 8 2023-06-15 Seph Jethaniel I heard that Dyth's food made it to Event while Dyth couldn't. It still tasted great.
Ellys Bywater Order of the Owl 2 2024-10-10 Karisz Owlten Making a badass quiver
Emira Order of the Griffin 1 2023-10-24 Torak the Lich Honor on the battlefield
Emira Order of the Warrior 1 2023-10-24 Torak the Lich Brand new and can fight like hell!
Hek-tor Order of the Mask 1 2023-06-29 Cooper of Noxterra Filled out the in-character survey
Jacyn of Ritterbruck Order of the Mask 1 2022-10-26 Cooper of Noxterra Successfully being able to dissuade several bandits in an RP on the discord server. (Writing Desks and Ravens)
James Blackwater Order of Battle 7 2025-01-19 Alan De Nimes I think Blackwater is rapidly approaching paragon status. He easily deserves 7th battle for his consistently excellent micro play as a healer.
James Blackwater Order of Battle 7 2025-01-19 Torak the Lich GIVE THIS MAN MORE BATTLE!
James Blackwater Order of the Rose 5 2025-01-23 Alexander Blackwood helping load everything into the trailer for end reign 73 as well as assisting with the event.
James Blackwater Paragon Healer 2025-01-19 Torak the Lich A paragon healer through and through. Constant improvement and knowledge of the healer class. Able to adapt his role on the fly and is frequently balanced against current paragons as equals!
Jams Order of the Mask 1 2023-08-28 Shroudstar Jams assisted Shrooms in the apothecary, which was fantastic ambiance!
Jent Paragon Barbarian 2023-09-25 Zobah the Seeker Jent plays Barbarian perfectly. He agresses, holds points, uses the entier equipment package and often supplies rocks and javelins to under-prepared barbarians on the field. He does all this without over agressing or physically bullying people beyond what our game allows. For his portrayal and skill in the class Jen deserves Paragon.
Jent Paragon Barbarian 2024-01-07 Sir Drakel Pazitor For Portrayl, skill and knowledge of the Barbarian class. He is intimidating, knows when to use his abilities and overall is just a presence on the field as a Barbarian that cannot be ignored.
Jent Paragon Barbarian 10 2023-10-26 Dawn Pazitor What Zobah said. I 100% agree. She just beat me to it. Jent fight good as barbar! Do the thing!
Karisz Owlten Order of the Emerald 1 2023-06-12 Rovno Garb? check! Weapons? check! Scout scout! Check!
Karisz Owlten Order of Battle 6 2024-12-30 James Blackwater This guy is basically Robin hood
Karisz Owlten Order of the Warrior 3 2024-12-30 James Blackwater Mainly an archer but has no problem pulling out his short to fight when people close in.
Karisz Owlten Paragon Archer 10 2025-01-13 Pickle The only person I know to ever consistently play Archer. He's amazing at it. HEAT SEEKING MISSILES. Almost always hits his target. Won the Robinhood Tournament of the Razor Hills.
Kid Order of Battle 3 2024-12-07 James Blackwater Excellent use of class abilities.
Kid Order of Battle 4 2024-12-30 James Blackwater They are really tactical about their positioning. Very promising fighter.
Kid Order of the Warrior 3 2024-12-30 James Blackwater Great at stick already.
Liddell Order of the Emerald 1 2023-10-24 Torak the Lich Gots his own stuff
Liddell Master Mask 2 2024-04-04 Cooper of Noxterra They've also done this consistently.
Liddell Order of the Griffin 2 2024-05-19 Torak the Lich A truly fun opponent on the field. Never loses his temper and treats others fairly
Lothar of the Hillpeople Order of Battle 10 2024-12-29 Pickle Always a huge boon to whatever team he is on, while also ALWAYS making sure players understand whats happening, especially newish players like myself.
Lothar of the Hillpeople Order of Battle 10 2024-12-30 James Blackwater Has trained up a fighting company, the Dreadguard, to be a competent force on the Battlefield. He has trained, and continues to train, the next generation of Emerald Hills fighters. He's also a badass combatant in his own right.
Lothar of the Hillpeople Order of the Garber 2 2025-01-19 Calla of the Desert, Esq. Hand made metal skull belt favor
Lothar of the Hillpeople Order of the Griffin 7 2024-12-30 James Blackwater Supreme honor in every aspect.
Maegwyn Order of the Emerald 1 2024-12-30 James Blackwater Full kit.
Maegwyn Order of the Dragon 6 2024-11-25 Alexander Blackwood this would be a huge jump. but also she got 2nd place in dragom master with an awesome peace finding other items that she has made over the years for 1-5 would be ideal. 4.53 score for the dragon entry
Maegwyn Order of the Garber 3 2024-12-30 James Blackwater Embroidered weapon cover for a spear.
Mama Steelbear Order of the Rose 1 2023-09-26 Count Stitch for helping with setup at MR71
Minion Order of the Emerald 1 2024-07-01 Shrooms Mycelia Far as I can tell, they have everyhing they n
Moose Knight of the Flame 2023-10-31 Alexander Blackwood Moose has been a pillar of this community for what looks to be coming up on 2 decades. I saw her a the shining example of what amtgard could offer from over in dagorhir. Her service to this kingdom is in my opinion what sets the standard for others to aspire to. If you disagree I would love to talk about it with you.
Moose Master Owl 8 2023-01-08 Rockshaw Take the time to teach new people. Make Sure they have the things they need to succeed.
Moose Master Owl 9 2023-03-21 Alexander Blackwood Falcons moon Park monarch crown is the coolest things in oklahoma. end of story. I love it and her crowns are legendary
Moose Master Rose 1 2022-12-11 Ancient (sir) Nimriel Nimgwue Saeavain Moose. Service, sacrifice, all in effort, selflessness and true desire to serve her kingdom. It has been witness in anything she touches. A true EH bloodd runs through her. She serves conserve with no expectation to receive. She helps others serve and teaches along the way. It's time.
Moose Order of the Lion 9 2023-09-26 Count Stitch Moose is always seeking ways to jump in and be part of a team, and an easy leader. Even with a last minute plan to go to MR71, she immediately sought out a way to join the team and was quick to help with issues as they arose during the event. An asset to our kingdom and a shining example of good leadership.
Nathaniel Evergarden Order of the Rose 1 2024-07-01 Torak the Lich Helping at Pride 2024
Nord Order of Battle 1 2023-06-12 Torak the Lich A promising fighter! Blood will be shed
Norrrr Order of Battle 6 2024-10-09 Torak the Lich Improved combat effectiveness through solid strategy and in the moment decisions
Odie Reefwalker Order of the Emerald 1 2024-12-30 James Blackwater Full kit.
Okami Order of the Jovius 1 2022-09-20 Narcini Demaris I’m not a razorbills native but every time I come up there/see Okami at events he is just so frikken cool and awesome.
Pickle Order of the Jovius 1 2024-07-01 James Blackwater Consistently positive
Ragnar Custom Award 1 2025-01-02 Sir Drakel Pazitor I recommend Ragnar for the Title of Protector for his service and dedication to the position of Champion. He established a great overarching storyline with his games and kept everything fresh and new.
Reygar Everbloom Order of Battle 3 2022-03-27 Seven of Ravencroft Acquitting himself well in the course of a kingdom battlegame
Rockshaw Order of the Owl 2 2023-03-05 Amser Creating an entire park shop by himself.
Rockshaw Order of the Owl 3 2023-03-05 Yura For the many many many items made for the use of the RP quests. Fantastic creativity.
Rockshaw Order of the Warrior 2 2023-03-22 Chuckles Bow skills
Rovno Woman-at-Arms 1 2024-10-09 Torak the Lich For Drakel Pazitor
Rovno Order of the Jovius 1 2024-07-01 Torak the Lich For being a constant friend to everyone, for always being the first to uplift others, and for giving her time to help with any task or event that needs.
Rovno Order of the Lion 6 2024-12-30 James Blackwater Excellent service to the Razorhills.
Rovno Order of the Rose 7 2025-01-02 Torak the Lich Creating Hoods for Kingdom!
Rovno Page 2024-10-20 Torak the Lich For Shrooms Mycelia
Rowan in the Deep Order of the Rose 8 2023-09-26 Dawn Pazitor My first ever running of hydro could NOT have been possible without her. Even when I had a medical issue, she took care of everything until I was able to return. She also assisted in bringing water to fighters on the other side of the field when they were unable to come and get it themselves.
Rowan in the Deep Order of the Rose 8 2023-09-27 Luna Mya Hun MR 71, Setting up water in the kitchen area for the feast team to keep us hydrated as it was a sauna in there, in addition to maintaining the hydro station. It was very much appreciated.
Rowan in the Deep Order of the Walker in the Middle 1 2023-10-24 Torak the Lich Always ready to Reeve
Samirah (Sam) Order of the Jovius 1 2024-12-29 Pickle Always positive and laughing on the battle field with me!
Sesha Argyris Custom Award 1 2023-06-12 Rovno Poet Lauriet of Razorhills title - always has THE BEST poems i have ever heard.
Sheeves Order of the Jovius 1 2022-03-30 Dyth Nightblade Sheeves has an outstanding attitude overall. He's always modest when winning battles, always looking to improve his skills, ditching, learning from others at Park, Midreign and Endreign, always kind and courteous to others. Definitely a model attitude deserving for Jovius!
Shrooms Mycelia Custom Award 3 2023-06-13 Count Rorek Silverlight "Big Summer Blowout" : Assisted blowing up balloons to decorate for Feast at ER 70/Coronation 71. Everyone associated with this award blew enough balloons to fulfill what was needed without putting strain on themselves doing so.
Shrooms Mycelia Custom Award 9 2024-04-22 Alexander Blackwood Order of the rose 9th. Judging Dragon Master reign 72
Shrooms Mycelia Master Garber 2024-10-23 Alexander Blackwood I came to recommend 10. It said lol nah you have done that. Shrooms has a most impressive body of work. To the level that when anyone wants anything it is usually to him that people first turn. I am quite frankly in love with my massively detailed embroider combination master dragon and lion hood that has room to add future things if I earn them. If anyone deserves master garber. It is him.
Shrooms Mycelia Master Griffin 2 2022-09-22 Acha the Spicy Displayed Great honer at KEEP at the Borderlands
Shrooms Mycelia Order of the Dragon 7 2024-12-30 James Blackwater Woven roadkill.
Shrooms Mycelia Order of the Garber 10 2024-07-23 Alexander Blackwood Hand woven crown, flame, serpent belt that is the most impressive peace of work I have ever seen.
Shrooms Mycelia Order of the Lion 6 2024-07-30 Dominae Lily FaceWrecker to go towards his 6th rose; Shrooms frequently spends a lot of time helping and mentoring younger and new players. Helps them feel confident in their crafts and helps find things for them to do that are within their interests
Shrooms Mycelia Order of the Rose 9 2023-12-24 Alexander Blackwood Making Adian's master crown/rose hood
Shrooms Mycelia Order of the Rose 9 2024-07-30 Dominae Lily FaceWrecker this should go towards what eventually gets him a 9th rose - at ER 72 he was helping a lot in the feast hall and when it was time for an activity change he was one of the first people to start moving chairs and picking stuff up to get the next thing going.
Shrooms Mycelia Order of the Smith 7 2024-10-23 Alexander Blackwood Organizing all the classes at siege and supporting them as they went on. 10/10 made siege a Awsome learning experience anyone in arts and science or other areas
Shrooms Mycelia Paragon Druid 5 2022-09-22 Acha the Spicy For keeping her team enchanted constantly on the battle field as well as knowing where to position herself on the battlefield.
Sir Drakel Pazitor Custom Award 1 2023-06-13 Zaza Witherspyke Phoenix Fire: going to event as a crat (even if for a short time) despite hospital trip before event
Sir Drakel Pazitor Custom Award 1 2023-06-13 Count Rorek Silverlight Hellrider for ER 70/Coronation 71. Came to the event despite his spouse being admitted to the emergency room the night before the event (to which she told him they were going to the event).
Sir Drakel Pazitor Custom Award 1 2025-01-02 Cooper of Noxterra Protector: Drakel ran our games for like, four years straight when we didn't have an actual champion, as well as being champion.
Sir Drakel Pazitor Master Lion 2024-10-09 Torak the Lich Drakel Pazitor is the foundation of not only Razorhills, but is an exemplar of what it means to give back to Amtgard and the Emerald Hills
Sir Drakel Pazitor Master Lion 2023-09-25 Dominae Lily FaceWrecker I should have read the other reccs in here before making mine for the 9th Lion, given the amount of reccs Drakel has for a 9th lion and all the different things those are for I think it's pretty clear he already deserves his Master Lion.
Sir Drakel Pazitor Master Lion 2023-09-26 Sir Mabtik the Magnificent Drakel is a constant presence in the service side of Amtgard to the point that his ambitions in other areas has suffered so that he can help us have better events. He leads people to greater heights of accomplishment and service than the could achieve alone and should be granted his master lion in recognition of these skills and efforts on behalf of the Emerald Hills.
Sir Drakel Pazitor Master Lion 2023-09-26 Count Stitch Drakel was instrumental in the running of MR71, from autocrat to hydro to facilities, which is a perfect example of why he deserves Master Lion (considering all the other recommendations that would cover 9th and 10th Lion)
Sir Drakel Pazitor Master Lion 1 2024-10-10 Cooper of Noxterra Not only has Drakel ran the Razorhills for six years, but he did the same thing while helping run the Emerald Hills. His example has also inspired others to help in doing our events.
Sir Drakel Pazitor Order of the Crown 6 2024-11-29 Alexander Blackwood Board treasure. A job no one wants but we all know needs done. By a competent trust worth man.
Sir Drakel Pazitor Order of the Owl 7 2024-07-23 Alexander Blackwood Chair at sevens battles knighting
Taika Order of the Warrior 2 2024-12-30 James Blackwater Battlefield prowess!
Torak the Lich Custom Award 1 2025-01-02 Rovno Gladius. For ANIME DEATH IN TOURNAMENT!
Torak the Lich Order of Battle 7 2024-12-29 James Blackwater An fantastic wizard that knows his class and uses it to benefit his team to the best of his ability. He also has led at both park and kingdom level, teams to victory.
Torak the Lich Order of Battle 7 2025-01-02 Torgon Always striving to lead teams to victory with smart strategic play. Leads well while play his role simultaneously
Torak the Lich Order of Battle 7 2025-01-02 Pickle Always a leader on whatever team he is on.
Torak the Lich Order of Battle 7 2025-01-02 Rovno A wizard and a strategist! Our park often looks to him for combat leadership
Torak the Lich Order of the Griffin 3 2025-01-02 Sir Drakel Pazitor For continuing to fost and be a good example of honor on the battlefield.
Torak the Lich Order of the Griffin 3 2025-01-02 Rovno For fighting with a good attitude and encouraging fairness and fun in others
Torak the Lich Order of the Griffin 4 2025-01-02 Rovno HONOR ON AND OFF THE FIELD
Torak the Lich Order of the Lion 3 2024-10-31 Alexander Blackwood going above and beyond in park office and doing great work with razor hills.
Torak the Lich Order of the Lion 4 2024-12-30 James Blackwater Excellent service to the Razorhills.
Torak the Lich Order of the Mask 4 2024-10-10 Cooper of Noxterra Consistent RP throughout the Reign of the Undying
Torak the Lich Order of the Mask 5 2025-01-02 Rovno Constant RP during the Reign of the Undying! Dedicated to character
Torak the Lich Order of the Owl 5 2024-12-29 Pickle FANTASTIC SPELL BALLS
Torak the Lich Order of the Owl 5 2024-11-22 James Blackwater Construction of a super lightweight pole.
Torak the Lich Order of the Owl 6 2024-11-22 James Blackwater Nice axes bruh
Torak the Lich Order of the Owl 7 2024-12-29 James Blackwater Brilliantly made spellbells. Embroidered. They fly really, really sell.
Torak the Lich Order of the Warrior 4 2025-01-02 Rovno Good fighter and Success at Warmaster 2024
Torak the Lich Order of the Warrior 4 2024-11-22 James Blackwater Blasted in weaponmaster.
Torak the Lich Paragon Wizard 2025-01-19 James Blackwater Manages to hold sides of kingdom field lines at bay consistently. Identifies key targets on a line/blackline and disables/kills effectively. Easily switches between wizard builds based on what is needed and can play said builds at a high level. Additionally, he was one of the best performing wizards at the previous kingdom event. Plus he looks like a cool lich dude.
Torgon Order of Battle 6 2024-10-09 Torak the Lich A broader understanding and application of wider tactics for team
Torgon Order of Battle 6 2024-10-10 Karisz Owlten Consistently trying to improve team tactics on the battlefield
Wulfgar Order of the Smith 1 2024-08-01 Cooper of Noxterra Battlegame writeups
Yura Order of the Dragon 6 2024-06-16 Rovno Supplying our NWA 2024 pride parade with beautiful and inclusive designs for stickers including two designs for Live, Love, Larp and the 7 sub flags of Pride represented as well.
Zobah the Seeker Order of the Owl 6 2024-10-09 Torak the Lich Creation of many weapons, from swords and spears, to designing arrow blunts for park!
Zobah the Seeker Paragon Assassin 10 2024-12-30 James Blackwater Professional paragon assassin material right there.