Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Badgerbird Wren Order of the Dragon 8 2024-07-30 Countess Lily FaceWrecker I have commissioned 3 scrolls from Wren and they put in SO MUCH EFFORT to make each one so detailed and personalized it was insane. A Master Owl, Paragon Monk & Flame Knight scroll, with a likeness of the recipient and tons of personality and detail and none of these were any of the items included in their 7th dragon. Wren is a phenomenal digital artist.
Badgerbird Wren Order of the Dragon 9 2024-01-08 Toleliron Multiple! Fantastic and extremely detailed scrollwork awards for players
Badgerbird Wren Order of the Dragon 9 2024-07-30 Countess Lily FaceWrecker Back again because my brain has no wrinkles and I forgot the ones I didn't order. They also made an amazing rendering of Rhadamanthys for his Paragon Scout Scroll and a freaking GORGEOUS Master Rose scroll for Greystorm . These absolutely need to be heavy consideration towards their 9th Dragon
Badgerbird Wren Paragon Color 2023-09-05 Kyuzo They do every single thing that is color and they do it well and memorably. They are always the first to volunteer, are always working on their garb, are always around to RP and onboard new players. They personify the very spirit of everything that is amtgard that is not fighting. They ARE what color is.
Kyuzo Master Smith 2023-09-07 Tobias Thalonius III Kyuzo was a co-warcrat for the first full weekend relic quest. This involved organizing NPCs, funds, kingdom assets, transportation, crats, and building a 6 hour quest
Kyuzo Order of the Rose 7 2023-03-23 Tethro Kyuzo has helped with so many different things across so many events that I am not sure how they do not have more roses
Kyuzo Order of the Rose 7 2023-09-26 Lorde Stitch adding to the call for 7th Rose, he assisted with the RP Quest at MR71 in addition to running his entire battlegame tournament that day
Kyuzo Order of the Rose 7 2022-12-14 Enodus Solus They was a trumendus help on Sunday the helped organize folks for cleaning and stayed tell the very end to make sure everything got finished
Kyuzo Order of the Rose 7 2023-06-15 Leana Raylolynn Helping tear down RP things when you still had to pack up things from the battlegames.
Kyuzo Order of the Rose 7 2023-08-27 Shroudstar Kyuzo not only helped run the first ever weekend Relic Quest, but he also provided many of his own items, coordinated volunteers, and made sure the kingdom pavilions got to the site. This also involved him driving to the neighboring town and helping unload everything into the storage unit in 100+ degree weather.
Kyuzo Order of the Smith 10 2023-08-28 Shroudstar Kyuzo was both a co-autocrat and co-warcrat for the first full weekend relic quest. This involved organizing NPCs, funds, kingdom assets, transportation, crats, AND building a quest that could last from 11am to 5pm. The event also involved planning three battlegames and a night quest (even though only one battlegame could be played due to heat). Overall, the organization done to make this event ge
Kyuzo Order of the Smith 10 2023-07-23 Baron Rook Hightower They have ran multiple events worth of games, and each time they have only gotten better. The EH WM was ran very smooth.
Rat Order of the Crown 1 2023-12-31 Rotz the Ogre Rat went hard during this reign. he went forth with more park days, a hardcore can do attitude, and pushed through a lot of stuff to ensure excellence in park.
Rat Order of the Lion 5 2023-12-31 Rotz the Ogre Rat has constantly went above and beyond in and out of office. he is instrumental in park success.