Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Clio Ninetails Baron 1 2021-09-01 Bronzeboar Baron. Clio held the PM position for 3.5 terms and helped fundraise in DW.
Dirt Suganuma Ironfist Master Rose 2 2022-05-03 Xucio Malgallus Helping out with gate for the overnight shift at SPRING WAR 2022 and also helping setup banners and places for shade.
Dirt Suganuma Ironfist Paragon Barbarian 2021-09-22 Count Rorek Silverlight He exemplifies the Barbarian class in spirit, play, character portrayal.
Geralt von Drach Order of Battle 2 2023-04-11 Med Excelent Play as Monster in Battle game
Kyren Elasia Paragon Healer 2021-09-02 Count Rorek Silverlight Outstanding performance of class on the field time and time again
Rathma Order of the Rose 2 2022-06-13 Ancient (sir) Nimriel Nimgwue Saeavain Hard physical work in the hottest of heat and staying with service all day long. Carrying tables, chairs, runni g water errands, checking on physical health in an event. Watching over tavern people to make sure those of us running it were physically well.