Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Adricyn Order of the Warrior 5 2023-10-05 Pork Xop Overall performance across multiple tourneys at Shifting Tides Fall ’23 Coronation, including 3rd place in Duchy 4 and Under tourney.
Adricyn Warlord 4 2023-10-05 Pork Xop 4th Order of the Warrior for Battlefield Prowess: a consistent contender for placement across many Shifting Tides Duchy level fighting tourneys from 2021-2023.
Anosina Master Garber 2022-05-23 Xion Snow Has won multiple Kingdom competitions and a Dragonmaster with her work. Probably most notable is her garb work including dozens of individual pieces of fabric (the rainbow dress was ~80, I think)
Anosina Paragon Wizard 2022-03-21 Xion Snow A very capable Wizard who continues to prove it at every event
Avin D\'Averec Master Crown 2022-05-23 Xion Snow In his 20 years in game, Avin has been King of Neverwinter twice, Kingdom Prime Minister, and has held several local offices. He is a longstanding member who has not only served in the highest offices that the Kingdom offers, but has and continues to teach others
Avin D\'Averec Master Dragon 2022-05-23 Xion Snow Avin is a professional artist and jeweler who creates and enters items at Kingdom and inter-Kingdom events, as well as helps out others in his craft.
Ayra Wolfy Mad Auntie Moondancer Master Crown 1 2022-03-14 Lord Page Frykt FATE Valkyrie's Chosen Protector of Yensidoma Protector of the Book Dragon-Born For her competitions, workshops & online efforts to keep the Park alive.
Balin Ironhand Blackwolf Order of the Garber 10 2021-10-19 Angelique Dreaven For all the garb He has made over the years that has been overlooked.
Battlemaster Higure Tetrisson, Esq. the Darkness Knight of Battle 1 2022-04-07 Pork Xop This machine of war has every class, but one, at 6th level. The stories about his battle field prowess legend across Shifting Tides, A peer to none, he has truly mastered the beautiful game, javelin. His tower shield is towered only by his towering presence on the field of battle. Behold this Paragon among warriors, turn not away, lest you desire to meet the end of javelin!
Beaf Order of the Warrior 1 2023-07-31 Valkyrie Nekochan Frostdottir Sucy Arcana For running a new battle game on his very first day
Campeador Escudero Cidolfus Orlandeau the Darkness Paragon Bard 10 2022-02-27 Chair Force Exceptional display of Bard class at park and kingdom level events, Expert on all Bard spells and abilities.
Dark Raven Paragon Color 2021-09-22 Lord Paragon Squire Krussk Blackwolf DaPpendix Kneeslasher, Villainous Deetch, Hero of Power Is constantly and consistently making sure everyone hydrates, is always assisting with people with projects if they need help, helps tend to the children
Dimerior Xodis/Skippy the Squirel Baron 1 2024-02-21 Dimerior Xodis/Skippy the Squirel Was Duke of Turks Lunae in 1995.
Drustan Twotrees Knight of the Flame 2022-04-21 Battlemaster Higure Tetrisson, Esq. the Darkness Elevation to the rank of knight has been earned countless times over by Drustan. He has organized events such as Amtpride, Food Fight, and NFC tags for the kingdom. He has worked as Medicrat, he has taught multiple different classes ranging from Wizard, healer, and personal heraldry classes. Everything Drustan does he does for the his love of the game of Amtgard. There are few as worthy as him.
Drustan Twotrees Knight of the Flame 10 2022-07-27 Pork Xop I mean I think this award really goes without saying, but if I must. For his continued service to the game of Amtgard, the Kingdom of Neverwinter and his home park of Shifting Tides. Drustan Twotrees is a model of service is always ready to lend his knowledge and wisdom to new and old players alike. He is a valuable resource to our community and our community would be stronger by the award!
Drustan Twotrees Order of the Rose 10 2023-03-06 Asael Running 4 different krats during his own coronation
Drustan Twotrees Paragon Wizard 2022-03-21 Creslin His videos and posts as Guildmaster
Duke Sir Stinkfoot Order of the Jovius 3 2021-10-13 Vidalia Hilarious commentary at Winter’s Edge Midnight Ironman, positive attitude all weekend, remembered my name and then when I was too excited made up new ones for me. My face hurt from laughing all weekend! Great guy, that ol Stinky
Duke Squire Sieto Niketa du Chevalier DuzuWhoGod Esquire Master Rose 10 2021-08-31 Lord Paragon Squire Krussk Blackwolf DaPpendix Kneeslasher, Villainous Deetch, Hero of Power This man has selflessly volunteered for the kingdom nearly every event. He has served both with and without being a crat and has continued this service since his return to Amtgard 13 years ago.
Duke Squire Sieto Niketa du Chevalier DuzuWhoGod Esquire Order of the Rose 9 2021-10-19 Angelique Dreaven 25 yrs of selfless service.
Emrys Bloodstar Order of Battle 9 2024-03-22 Sir Garrick Kershaw Amazing battlegaming skill at Spring War
Emrys Bloodstar Order of the Lion 2 2024-08-19 Pork Xop SuperCon '24 Volunteer Combat Trainer for 1.5 days
Julian Order of the Warrior 4 2023-03-06 Asael willing to run into the face of danger and fully commit while in full plate to win victory for his team
Julian Paragon Healer 2022-04-18 Battlemaster Higure Tetrisson, Esq. the Darkness Exceptional display of Healer class at park and kingdom level events, Expert on all Healer spells and abilities and the uniqueness of many interactions. In his pursuit of mastery of the class he has also helped create interest in and teach so many of our parks fledgling healers how to be a better and more efficient healer that he has earned the approval of our resident paragon healer Cookie.
Julian Paragon Healer 10 2022-02-27 Chair Force Exceptional d0isplay of Healer class at park and kingdom level events, Expert on all Healer spells and abilities.
Julian Paragon Healer 10 2022-04-04 Pork Xop Exceptional display of Healer class at park and kingdom level events, Expert on all Healer spells and abilities.
Krewl\'Sol the Messorem Defender 1 2023-11-29 Krewl\'Sol the Messorem Champion of FallingFire
Lord Page Frykt FATE Valkyrie's Chosen Protector of Yensidoma Protector of the Book Dragon-Born Order of the Dragon 6 2024-06-11 Lord Page Frykt FATE Valkyrie's Chosen Protector of Yensidoma Protector of the Book Dragon-Born Emerald Cove's A&S Dragonmaster 05/26/2024 Scores: 9.) Mongolian Recurve Bows Art 8.7/6.3/8.7=7.9 10.) Emerald Cove’s Heraldry Stand Owl 8.3/9.3/7.3=8.3 Out of 5 entries submitted. Recommendation for Order of the Dragon Lvl. 6 for entry #9 for Art in Dragonmaster Tournament in which entry #9 won 2nd Place.
Lord Paragon Squire Krussk Blackwolf DaPpendix Kneeslasher, Villainous Deetch, Hero of Power Custom Award 10 2024-03-16 Tatum Memelord!
Lord Thomas Doubting Paragon Wizard 2024-08-26 Ezuron Al-Shadi Rachir At the last 3 events in Neverwinter he has consistently been a threat with his wizard builds. His spell balls are something to always pay attention to.
Mythron Nightraven Order of the Rose 8 2024-11-04 Talon the Discerning Did a huge service for Amtgard by creating an online spellbook for Sappy Two.
Nii Nii The Green Order of the Warrior 2 2023-03-06 Asael Great work in the company battle games as archer while bringing his team to victory
Nox Kage-Ashi Order of the Griffin 3 2024-08-26 Tommy Two Tap Consistent and constant consideration of other fighters, assistance in understanding the myriad of classes/monsters they sample, consistent hit-taking even in the face of doubt.
Pork Xop Knight of the Sword 1 2022-07-20 Rook Withakay Porkchop helps run the weekly fighter's practice at Shifting Tides. On the battlefield he is a force to be reckoned with, regularly wiping out entire enemy teams on his own. Always open to teaching the rest of the park-goers as well as running the games for those same players. His wealth of knowledge should be appreciated and awarded appropriately.
Qilamil DuChevalier Master Garber 2021-08-31 Lord Paragon Squire Krussk Blackwolf DaPpendix Kneeslasher, Villainous Deetch, Hero of Power Has created many outfits with impeccable stitching and work. He refuses to enter the items he makes but we can provide pictures for evidence as needed.
Queen_Mother_Reyna_Arafael Master Rose 10 2021-11-25 Orcfather Yawp Khan the Banished Constantly donating scrolls, time, and money to the game.
Rinzler Bloodstar Order of the Griffin 7 2024-02-26 Pork Xop Awarded 7th Griffin by Shifting Tides during Day Battle 02/24
Rohir Wolfgar Paragon Monk 2022-03-10 Angelique Dreaven Has maxed out the class by 120 credits
Shinai Order of the Rose 4 2024-08-19 Pork Xop Volunteer Reeving during ST Summer Coro 3v3 games for 3 straight hours.
Sir Cookie Monster the Darkness Knight of the Crown 1 2022-04-07 Pork Xop People! This man, this servant of the Kingdom and of Amtgard, has served not one, not two, but THREE terms of KGMR, One term as Kingdom monarch, and has been the Shifting Tides park monarch for over TEN terms! Selflessly leading and supporting a park that, under his watchful and caring eyes, became the single LARGEST park in the kingdom! This my friends are the deeds of a Knight!
Sir Cookie Monster the Darkness Master Crown 2022-05-23 Xion Snow His many terms in office at Barony, Duchy, and Kingdom level.
Sir Cookie Monster the Darkness Master Crown 9 2022-02-27 Chair Force Three terms of KGMR, One term as Kingdom monarch, Order of the lion and park monarck for over 10 terms.
Sir Cookie Monster the Darkness Master Crown 10 2022-04-06 Battlemaster Higure Tetrisson, Esq. the Darkness Three terms of KGMR, One term as Kingdom monarch, Order of the lion and park monarck for over 10 terms.
Sir Cookie Monster the Darkness Order of the Lion 8 2022-07-11 Pork Xop Volunteered 6+ hours a day/3 days of Shifting Tides SuperCon 22 Exhibition. He made 40+ short swords for use at the exhibition, without these we would have much less successful. Was a speaker for the Amtgard Panel, recruited attendees on the interactive floor by talking with them and working the crowd. Provided the space that the exhibition organizers needed to get the event done.
Sir Cookie Monster the Darkness Paragon Barbarian 1 2023-03-06 Asael This is not an individual you want barreling after you on the field, this is the true barbarian right here, someone who shows what it means to use their most feared ability correctly and to such a degree that it turns the tide of battle. Cookie Monster is not a barbarian, he is The Barbarian.
Sir Darian Staruk Order of the Dragon 9 2022-07-17 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Warlord sir goose knighting chain
Sir Darian Staruk Order of the Dragon 10 2022-07-17 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Sir fiddles roundmaille knighting chain
Sir Duke Cubli Kong DuChevalier Duzuwhogod Master Rose 2022-03-21 Xion Snow I don't even know how long he's been serving. Back when he had hair, at least. But it has been over 8 years since he got a rose for his continuous service to Amtgard. Amazing guy who wants to help others
Syr Baron Rhoane Aetien DuChevalier Order of the Owl 8 2021-10-19 Angelique Dreaven Arrow construction
Vandrith Ahnwyer Order of the Warrior 7 2023-07-18 Baron Kulos Rubus Won 15 / 15 consecutive matches at The Hollow's Sword and Board 5 and Under
Viscount Daemon DuChevalier Tree Samael Darksteel Knight of Battle 2024-04-21 Akina Darksteel Shadowdancer For being one of the first to openly attempt to assist each and every one of our players grow their skills not only in that of fighting but even their classes. He goes above and beyond to ensure everyone is enjoying the game learning to fight and use their classes. He will try to put you in a difficalt position to provide differing levels of difficulty for those apposing him so they can grow.
Viscount Daemon DuChevalier Tree Samael Darksteel Paragon Archer 2024-04-21 Akina Darksteel Shadowdancer Skills shown with a bow even on his first day ever playing archers was mistaken for a paragon to the point people were giving props to a paragon archer because they thought it was them. The paragon archer didnt even have their bow that event.
Wulfric Hrothgar Knight of the Flame 1 2022-04-07 Pork Xop Ok, gather around. This guy, this immovable object is the image of service, and humble to boot. He has been a stable figure in Shifting Tides, sustaining its competitiveness and helping to usher in a golden age for the park. His terms in office helped to make Shifting Tides what it is today, the single LARGEST park in the kingdom! Hear that crackle? That is the sound of the Flames of knighthood!
Wulfric Hrothgar Order of the Flame 10 2022-04-07 Pork Xop Ok, gather around. This guy, this immovable object is the image of service, and humble to boot. He has been a stable figure in Shifting Tides, sustaining its competitiveness and helping to usher in a golden age for the park. His terms in office helped to make Shifting Tides what it is today, the single LARGEST park in the kingdom! Hear that crackle? That is the sound of the Flames of knighthood!
Wulfric Hrothgar Paragon Warrior 10 2022-04-20 Battlemaster Higure Tetrisson, Esq. the Darkness There are few things that are more awesome to behold than to have Wulfric playing warrior on your team. Armed with a trusty spear his ability to decimate enemy lines with ease is virtually unparalleled. He is fluent in holding the line with his team with shield and sword and his knowledge of the class' ability to stay alive makes fighting him like fighting a wall. I only hope he in on my team