Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Ayra Wolfy Mad Auntie Moondancer Master Crown 1 2022-03-14 Lord Page Frykt FATE Valkyrie's Chosen Protector of Yensidoma Protector of the Book Dragon-Born For her competitions, workshops & online efforts to keep the Park alive.
Beaf Order of the Warrior 1 2023-07-31 Valkyrie Nekochan Frostdottir Sucy Arcana For running a new battle game on his very first day
Lord Page Frykt FATE Valkyrie's Chosen Protector of Yensidoma Protector of the Book Dragon-Born Order of the Dragon 6 2024-06-11 Lord Page Frykt FATE Valkyrie's Chosen Protector of Yensidoma Protector of the Book Dragon-Born Emerald Cove's A&S Dragonmaster 05/26/2024 Scores: 9.) Mongolian Recurve Bows Art 8.7/6.3/8.7=7.9 10.) Emerald Cove’s Heraldry Stand Owl 8.3/9.3/7.3=8.3 Out of 5 entries submitted. Recommendation for Order of the Dragon Lvl. 6 for entry #9 for Art in Dragonmaster Tournament in which entry #9 won 2nd Place.
Lord Thomas Doubting Paragon Wizard 2024-08-26 Ezuron Al-Shadi Rachir At the last 3 events in Neverwinter he has consistently been a threat with his wizard builds. His spell balls are something to always pay attention to.
Nox Kage-Ashi Order of the Griffin 3 2024-08-26 Tommy Two Tap Consistent and constant consideration of other fighters, assistance in understanding the myriad of classes/monsters they sample, consistent hit-taking even in the face of doubt.