Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Ahuic, Mistress of Crafts Order of the Crown 8 2024-11-12 Battle Brother Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus, Sanctioned Psyker, Epistolary of The Wings Librarius for their 3rd term as kingdom regent
Jac\'Koo the Mad Order of the Walker in the Middle 10 2023-08-25 Ahuic, Mistress of Crafts He is hands down the best reeve in the kingdom. Time and time again, he is who people turn to and count on for tournaments and battle games.
Jael Nearknot Paragon Color 1 2021-09-23 Jac\'Koo the Mad Reason being that even if she's not physically able to make it to park, she is still always willing to answer any sort of craft question anyone has or has the capability of steering that person to the correct individuals.
Vorak Armenoc Utvara Order of the Warrior 1 2024-01-16 Lucky Battlefield prowess