Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Aetos Kilgore Order of the Rose 5 2024-08-25 LeahPie Silvermane For volunteering for the Fighter Pit at the Blueberry Fundraiser and for helping to make weapons to sell
Aetos Kilgore Order of the Smith 2 2024-04-01 Gannon Silvermane For creating the Rot Gut Chugging competition and the Battle of Culloden, and helped in every other part of the Highland Games
Aldrich Order of Battle 1 2023-02-13 Gannon Silvermane Being the Last Assassin Standing.
Alexander Kilgore Order of the Crown 4 2025-01-22 LeahPie Silvermane For service as Iron Sky's Guildmaster of Reeves
Alexander Kilgore Paragon Barbarian 2024-02-26 Gannon Silvermane Alexander stepped onto an Amtgard field the first time as a natural Barbarian. He has learned every aspect of the Class, teaches everyone about them in order to either make better Barbarians or better opponents to Barbarians, always promoting and encouraging everyone to try the White Sash, and exemplifies all things Barbarian in attitude, court, tournament, and battle.
Aranias Stormbrow Order of Battle 2 2024-10-13 Tzair Decent use of class abilities as a Scout, and running with superb kit and using it effectively: armor, trinkets, and short sword with dagger.
Aranias Stormbrow Order of the Jovius 1 2024-10-13 Tzair Decent fellow and shows comradere on the field as well as off field.
Argon Kilgore Order of the Garber 2 2024-05-06 LeahPie Silvermane For his formal court garb set, artfully assembled.
Argon Kilgore Order of the Mask 1 2024-02-26 Gannon Silvermane For creating and maintaining a believable, fun-loving, clanky tanky, and cheeky persona who proved he *can* count higher than five.
Artimis Order of the Rose 1 2023-08-30 LeahPie Silvermane For cheerfully helping the Champion set up and tear down battlegame cones/,arkers/game objects
Asegr Order of the Facade 1 2024-10-13 Tzair Portrayal of himself as a Troll during battle games.
Asegr Order of the Griffin 1 2024-10-13 Tzair Much honor on the field, taking and bestowing hits.
Aurelius Kilgore Order of Battle 5 2024-08-25 Alexander Kilgore Aurelius has used mobility, tactical knowledge and bardic ability to be a key asset on any team. His spell choices and implementation can turn a tide.
Aurelius Kilgore Order of Battle 5 2024-08-25 LeahPie Silvermane For exemplary bard performance during the Circle of steel tournament by using stun effectivelly and overall good tactics, and also for being the highest scorer on his team in the circle of steel by scoring 3 of 4 points.
Aurelius Kilgore Order of the Warrior 3 2024-08-11 Thome Ricter For exemplary bard performance during the Circle of steel tournament by using stun effectivelly and overall good tactics, and also for being the highest scorer on his team in the circle of steel by scoring 3 of 4 points.
Beadle Courneyea Order of the Crown 2 2025-01-22 LeahPie Silvermane For serving an excellent term as Regent of Iron Sky (2nd term)
Beau Blackfire Order of the Facade 1 2024-07-31 Tzair The portrayal of his mentor character during Renaissance Fair 2024, his voice still echoes in my mind and was one of the highlights of the even for me. "Think about your life... how it is about to end..." As contestants would enter our demonstration ring.
Beau Blackfire Order of the Griffin 6 2024-07-31 Tzair Persistent multi Month commitment to Fairness and abiding by Rules. And encouraging others to follow his example. When he was caught in an engagement too soon to declare his enchantments, he went without for it would be unfair to his opponents to announce enchantments after the hits were landed.
Bones Korg Order of the Facade 2 2024-07-21 Tzair Decent Role play during Questing event, was willing to entertain deal by the Cheese Gang
Brienne Order of Battle 1 2024-07-08 LeahPie Silvermane For their clear understanding of Amtgard battlegame play and tactics. Also for using their bardic abilities to help their team win!
Brienne Order of the Jovius 1 2024-07-08 LeahPie Silvermane Recommended for their kindness and welcoming attitude toward the visitors from another park. They helped make everyone feel welcome and part of the group.
Brodvic X Order of Battle 3 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For his excellent use of battle skills on the field with his arrows of death, and his ability to Assassinate even in court at Solstice 2024. We will miss Lady Leahpie...
Brodvic X Order of the Jovius 3 2024-07-08 LeahPie Silvermane For an overall excellent attitude and dedication to finding solutions for challenges that anyone may be facing on the field. Brodvic is a shining light in DLC and everytime I have come to the Lodge, he has always made me feel very welcome.
Brodvic X Order of the Jovius 3 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For sharing many good stories and providing excellent converations around the fire during Solstice 2024
Brodvic X Order of the Rose 3 2024-10-07 LeahPie Silvermane For their tireless efforts as Park Rep for Food Fight 2024
Brodvic X Order of the Rose 3 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For cooking and providing a lot of good meat and greens at Solstice 2024.
Brodvic X Order of the Rose 4 2024-09-22 Tedronious Blugthorp For the fantastic job as autocrat for the first annual founder's day celebration
Brodvic X Order of the Smith 2 2024-07-08 LeahPie Silvermane For not only co-cratting Solstice Campout, but for cooking a couple meals for the whole group AND running a merchant/quest table during the event. A great event!
Brodvic X Order of the Smith 2 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For running his merchant table and being a quest giver at Solstice 2024
Catriona Order of Battle 1 2023-02-13 Gannon Silvermane For being part of the winning team for the Team Javelin Battlegame.
Catriona Order of Battle 2 2023-03-06 Alexander Kilgore For demonstration of swordsmanship - getting a fine kill with her dagger during a major quest battle and dispatching two of three opponents in the Iron Gauntlet.
Catriona Order of the Dragon 1 2023-01-25 Conrad Ricter For performance of original Poem and Short story at two different events. Short story at Yule A&S 2022.
Chiggy Order of the Dragon 1 2023-07-17 Gannon Silvermane brewing and providing several fine meads and other frosty beverages
Chiggy Order of the Dragon 2 2023-07-17 Gannon Silvermane Roasting the pig and earning the moniker of Meatsmith of Iron Sky
Chiggy Order of the Dragon 2 2024-05-28 Vex Hellton Silvermane For cooking the pig at AmtCamp 2024
Chiggy Order of the Dragon 3 2024-05-29 Alexander Kilgore For creating and providing various flavors of mead, different types of pickles eggs and sausages, and venison bites to AmtCamp 2024
Chiggy Order of the Dragon 3 2024-05-28 Vex Hellton Silvermane For creating and providing various flavors of mead, different types of pickles eggs and sausages, and venison bites to AmtCamp 2024
Chiggy Order of the Jovius 1 2024-05-28 Vex Hellton Silvermane For excellent attitude while serving his food at AmtCamp 2024, always bringing joy and a quick joke.
Chiggy Order of the Rose 1 2023-07-17 Gannon Silvermane providing a brand new rotisserie and peripheral equipment for the feast for AmtCamp 2023
Chiggy Order of the Rose 2 2023-07-17 Gannon Silvermane providing the pig for the AmtCamp feast
Chiggy Order of the Rose 3 2024-05-29 Alexander Kilgore For donating, prepping and cooking a 65 lbs pig for AmtCamp 2024.
Chiggy Order of the Rose 3 2024-05-28 Vex Hellton Silvermane For bringing an even bigger pig to AmtCamp 2024
Chiggy Order of the Smith 1 2023-07-17 Gannon Silvermane Providing a demonstration of rotisserie cooking over the campfire
Crimson Tairias Paragon Anti-Paladin 1 2024-10-15 Saibon due to unfortunate cirmcumstance I cannot legally provide a reason for this recommendation.
DeCota Silvermane Order of the Rose 6 2024-08-04 LeahPie Silvermane For her indispensable help for the Blueberry Festival 2024 fundraiser. Making weapons, helped in the booth almost all day long, and making sure things were running smoothly.
Defender Sir Pyro Flamespitter Order of the Flame 5 2023-05-08 Skeeter Everhard for volunteer work during RQ summer 2023
Delphine Courneyea Order of the Owl 2 2024-06-15 Beadle Courneyea Drawing a great portrait during June's A&S Night
Den Mother Lady Sora Frostgrave Mother Of Frozen Coast Order of the Rose 7 2024-10-07 LeahPie Silvermane For her tireless efforts as Park Rep for Food Fight 2024. She went above and beyond by also donating several large auction items/projects that will take her hundreds of hours to complete!
Erica_Dickey Order of the Garber 1 2024-05-28 LeahPie Silvermane For coming to her first (and subsequent) park days in great garb, especially the hat! Well done for a brand new LARPer!
Erica_Dickey Order of the Jovius 1 2024-05-28 LeahPie Silvermane For having an absolutely stellar attitude every time she comes to park. Ready to dive in with full enthusiasm, she doesn't hold back and encourages everyone around her.
Erica_Dickey Order of the Rose 1 2024-05-28 LeahPie Silvermane For her service during AmtCamp 2024 by running the Tavern for longer than she was scheduled to! Very thankful for her help and service to the Park.
Eustache Order of the Dragon 1 2022-08-02 Alexander Kilgore For playing his lute and singings songs between battle games at the July park day.
Gannon Silvermane Order of the Owl 6 2024-05-06 LeahPie Silvermane For the creation of leather armor from 100% scratch. Using the things learned in a leatherworking/armor making class, he cut, dyed, shaped, embossed, and sewn all pieces and parts for the first piece in a full set of armor. This is the chest piece and is stunning, stout, and well crafted.
Gannon Silvermane Order of the Owl 6 2024-08-05 Alexander Kilgore For the creation of leather armor from 100% scratch. Using the things learned in a leatherworking/armor making class, he cut, dyed, shaped, embossed, and sewn all pieces and parts for the first piece in a full set of armor. This is the chest piece and is stunning, stout, and well crafted.
Gannon Silvermane Order of the Owl 6 2024-06-15 Beadle Courneyea For drawing a great self-portrait it the short time we had during June's A&S Night
Gannon Silvermane Order of the Rose 6 2024-08-04 LeahPie Silvermane FOr his indispensable help for Blueberry Festival 2024 fundraiser. He opened Silvermane Guildworks several evenings prior to the festival as a place for us to make weapons. Furthermore, he helped with the fighter ring and clean up
Gannon Silvermane Order of the Rose 6 2024-08-05 Alexander Kilgore FOr his indispensable help for Blueberry Festival 2024 fundraiser. He opened Silvermane Guildworks several evenings prior to the festival as a place for us to make weapons. Furthermore, he helped with the fighter ring and clean up
Grizelda Order of the Owl 3 2025-01-10 Beadle Courneyea For the crafting of a beautiful flower crown during the A&S Night of January 2025
Hars Blackwater Order of the Rose 9 2024-10-07 LeahPie Silvermane Food Fight 2024 Park Rep
Hildr Order of Battle 1 2024-05-06 LeahPie Silvermane For hitting the battlefield running, with an excellent attitude and basic understanding of Amtgard combat rules and showing a solid understanding of battlefield tactics.
Hildr Order of the Garber 1 2024-04-06 LeahPie Silvermane For making her own dress (to wear under her awesome chainmail!) by hand and sewing machine. It was her first attempt, is functional and stylish!
Hildr Order of the Rose 1 2024-04-06 Beadle Courneyea For being helpful and picking up cones between battle games.
Holo Gothicc Order of the Garber 10 2024-02-26 Alexander Kilgore For her masterful craft of the Iron Sky circlet, without being asked, which now serves as a point of pride for the Shire.
Holo Gothicc Order of the Jovius 2 2024-07-21 Tzair Has a great playful attitude and a willingness to be giddy and goofy without affronting their own dignity
Inkeigh Kelpstone Order of the Dragon 1 2025-01-19 Jorgen Kelpstone-Silvermane For creating a stalf that has her characters lore and charms that play towards her name and her alliances
Ivanhoe Order of Battle 5 2024-12-08 Alexander Kilgore For making massive impacts in battlegames as a combat healer. His skill in fending off attacks while healing/resurrecting allies has made the difference in wins and losses.
Ivar Wyverncrown Order of the Garber 2 2024-06-26 LeahPie Silvermane For putting together a proper and immersive warrior kit that clearly shows what he plays as
Ivar Wyverncrown Order of the Garber 2 2024-07-08 Brodvic X For completing his hooded cloak.
Ivar Wyverncrown Order of the Jovius 1 2024-06-26 LeahPie Silvermane For his helpful and playful attitude. He helps people who are new to the park feel welcome and encourages them to jump in!
Ivar Wyverncrown Order of the Rose 1 2024-06-26 LeahPie Silvermane For his willingness to help bring people to park with rides. Also for him picking up a visitor from another park and giving them a lift both to and back from Park day.
Ivar Wyverncrown Order of the Warrior 2 2024-09-22 Tedronious Blugthorp Winning the melee tournament in two categories at Summer solstice campout
Ivar Wyverncrown Order of the Warrior 3 2024-09-22 Tedronious Blugthorp Winning the Founder's Day warmaster Tournament
Jorgen Kelpstone-Silvermane Order of Battle 4 2024-12-21 LeahPie Silvermane For showing consistent use of his class abilities to great affect on the battlefield. For working strategically with the team he's on to claim victory!
Kaju Dawn Paragon Monk 2024-09-01 Jorgen Kelpstone-Silvermane I think that Kaju has shown not only love for his class but has helped others love and learn it. He has made it really easy to learn from, from tactics on the field to just refining the basics. I think that Kaju has embodied the way of the monk and is no longer the apprentice but the master and uses his knowledge to train and teach his upcoming students.
Kestrel Silvermane Order of the Facade 4 2025-01-10 Beadle Courneyea For enriching battle games by playing a deadly frost giant.
Kestrel Silvermane Order of the Griffin 3 2024-08-25 Alexander Kilgore For demonstrating honor during battlegames and tournaments.
Kitsune Order of the Warrior 2 2023-07-24 Alexander Kilgore For demonstrating improved and considerable skill in the Iron Gauntlet and BearPit tournaments. Achieving multiple kills.
Kyrin Pendragon-Silvermane Order of the Garber 3 2025-01-22 LeahPie Silvermane For having full sets of garb for warrior, druid, assassin, and Court Garb. He has greatly upped his garb game!
LeahPie Silvermane Order of Battle 5 2024-08-10 Conrad Ricter For consistant and effective use of her Druid skills, able to switch between enchanting, spell support, and melee seamlessly.
LeahPie Silvermane Order of the Crown 3 2024-08-08 Beadle Courneyea As Monarch, Lady Leahpie spearheaded the Bluberry booth and setup at 6am. Her efforts brought in enough funds to cover our playing spaces for the entirety of her reign.
LeahPie Silvermane Order of the Dragon 4 2024-09-17 Beadle Courneyea For the creation of the Iron Sky website. The site provides schedule of events and links to source materials.
LeahPie Silvermane Order of the Griffin 2 2024-08-25 Alexander Kilgore For demonstrating honor during battlegames and tournaments.
LeahPie Silvermane Order of the Jovius 1 2024-05-28 Vex Hellton Silvermane For bringing light and joy to the people of Iron Sky
LeahPie Silvermane Order of the Rose 5 2024-03-19 Alexander Kilgore For donating prime rib and roast turkey for the Highland Games feast, working the tavern, and running the sign-in area all weekend.
Lochlann Lonain Order of Battle 9 2023-10-09 Freya Flowerfoot, Lady For being an AMAZING bard during the NightQuest at Keep on the Borderlands 2023, Lochlann kept my mends restocked and made it faster for me to recharge to help keep our team up and going
Lorekeeper Vaellyn Hammerfrost Order of the Dragon 6 2022-01-31 Defender Sir Pyro Flamespitter For remaking the shire map of Murky Waters from the Celestial Kingdom. He made it not once but twice with updates as the role play progressed. His service showed his skill and quality are of the highest caliber. He truly has a gift with making maps and dedicates his skill to helping another park from outside the kingdom. Without questing his creativity will better any park he works with.
Lorekeeper Vaellyn Hammerfrost Order of the Mask 6 2024-07-31 Tzair Committment to Role Play, throughout the entire event Vaellyn was stalwart in his actions and even when the final horn sounded and the fields dispersed for the day, he refused his swords, as he had been tricked by Madness and did not desire to see himself bring further harm to his realm. So deep are the roots of Vaellyn's Character that he continued to be even after battle's end.
Man at Arms Thor S Ducal Guildmaster of Reeves 4 2021-09-09 Man at Arms Thor S Was gmr first half of 2021
Man at Arms Thor S Lord 1 2021-09-09 Man at Arms Thor S Set a record number of reeves for astral winds for one of his terms and also helps out his community with what ever he can or answers any rule questions or find out. Over all he is looked up to
Man at Arms Thor S Order of the Warrior 2 2021-09-09 Man at Arms Thor S A great force on the battle field
Man at Arms Thor S Order of the Warrior 3 2021-09-09 Man at Arms Thor S Great on the field can turn the tide of a battle
Man at Arms Thor S Order of the Warrior 4 2021-09-09 Man at Arms Thor S Great at protecting or getting a game objective or locking down a team so his can capture the goal
Man at Arms Thor S Paragon Wizard 1 2021-09-09 Man at Arms Thor S Outstanding in his class and a joy on the battle field and know as the almighty squizard plus he is all ways happy to teach about the class and get people set up plus he is all ways learning and refining himself . also a force to be reckoned with and hard targeted on the field because if left alone he does quite a bit of damage or locks the opposing team down
Mossy Order of the Dragon 1 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For creating several magical trinkets and sundries for her shop, making her shop a wonderful experience.
Mossy Order of the Jovius 3 2024-07-08 LeahPie Silvermane For her warm and welcoming nature not only within her own park, but to visitors as well! Mossy's fun and uplifting attitude made Solstice Campout 2024 especially magical for those visiting. She is a real gem of a person and top notch LARPer!
Mossy Order of the Jovius 3 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For her high spirit on and off the field.
Mossy Order of the Lion 2 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For showing leadership within Dark Lodge Crossing by volunteering the Trolley Roger Battle Wagon and her car for getting members of Iron Sky and their gear to Solstice 2024
Mossy Order of the Mask 2 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For presenting her persona with style, accessories and accents while running her shop, and being immersed in roleplay during the entire event of Solstice 2024
Mossy Order of the Rose 4 2024-07-08 LeahPie Silvermane For volunteering and donating her time, energy, effort, vehicle and gas money to make sure the visitors from Iron Sky were well taken care of when they came to visit for Solstice Campout 2024.
Mossy Order of the Rose 4 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For donating time, gas, goods, and trolley space, and providing services to make Solstice 2024 great.
Mossy Order of the Rose 5 2024-09-22 Tedronious Blugthorp For your work in helping decorate and coordinate the 1st annual Foiunder's Day cel;ebration
Mossy Order of the Smith 1 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For opening Mossy's Shop at Solstice 2024 and running it as part of the Quests of the event.
Mossy Order of the Smith 2 2024-07-08 LeahPie Silvermane For Autocratting Solistice Campout 2024, handling the influx of visitors from other parks beautifully! Very well run event!
Oz Bright Soul the Dirty Trickster, leader of the Shadow Wizard Money Gang Order of the Mask 2 2024-02-12 Gannon Silvermane For exemplary roleplay as Oz the Bard
Ozrick Order of the Rose 3 2024-08-25 Conrad Ricter For jumping in and helping set up and clear the field on our quest day on 8/24/24. He jumped in to help set up the field without being asked, played an NPC all day, and was helping until everything was put away and cleaned up.
Percival Order of the Rose 1 2024-07-08 LeahPie Silvermane For their help to visiting Iron Sky members during the 2024 Solstice Campout. They helped with gear and general assistance during the event that increased enjoyment!
Percival Order of the Rose 3 2024-09-22 Tedronious Blugthorp Donating stash of loaner garb to DLC
Pie the Altruistic Order of the Rose 7 2024-07-31 Tzair Consistent Multi Month approach to handling lost gear and finding the proper owners. Additionally multi day volunteering at 2023 State Fair and assisting in Newbie Barbeque 2024.
Ragnar.DLC Order of Battle 2 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For playing to his Barbarian Class well enough to face down a Harpy alone.
Ragnar.DLC Order of the Griffin 2 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane Showing good honor and judgement during tournaments.
Ragnar.DLC Order of the Jovius 3 2024-07-08 LeahPie Silvermane For his playful, fun, and positive attitude! Even when he comes dwn to Iron Sky and plays in their park days, he has the BEST attitude and is a lot of fun to battle with. Really great person!
Ragnar.DLC Order of the Mask 2 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For portraying the persona of a Barbarian Berserker, with bear garb.
Ragnar.DLC Order of the Rose 1 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For helping haul gear up and down the trail at Solstice 2024.
Rex Order of Battle 1 2024-10-22 LeahPie Silvermane For learning the game rules quite quickly and demonstrating a base understanding on battlefield rules and tactics.
Rex Order of Battle 2 2024-12-21 LeahPie Silvermane For his quick grasp of the game, tactics, the Barbarian class, and using his abilities effectively on the field.
Rex Order of the Garber 1 2024-10-22 LeahPie Silvermane For putting together a simple, yet period appropriate Barbarian garb kit
Rex Order of the Jovius 1 2024-10-22 LeahPie Silvermane For his excellent and positive attitude every park day.
Rex Order of the Owl 1 2024-10-22 LeahPie Silvermane For crafting his first Amtgard legal weapon
Rex Order of the Rose 1 2024-12-21 LeahPie Silvermane For always offering to help people move their gear to and from vehicles and helping to clear the field after battlegames.
Richter Sterling Master Rose 2022-06-05 Fog Years of providing hosting services for free to the ORK and other Amtgard related web services. Making the necessary server updates and changes as needed which is ongoing. Offsetting thousands of dollars in costs that to Amtgard as a whole, reducing the AI technology budget requirements that get passed to all kingdoms yearly.
Ruby Order of the Jovius 2 2024-07-08 LeahPie Silvermane For her excellent attitude both on and off the field. For being accepting and kind to all she meets. She helped make visitors from Iron Sky feel very welcome at the campout!
Ruby Order of the Mask 1 2024-07-08 LeahPie Silvermane For her portrayal of a powerful druidess, complete with garb and the perfect attitude. Really great persona play!
Shepherd Order of Battle 1 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For showing a solid understanding of Scout Class abilities and usefulness to his team on the battlefield.
Shepherd Order of the Garber 1 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For assembling a worthy Scout garb kit.
Shepherd Order of the Griffin 1 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For honor and courage on the battlefield. Even when he tried to assassinate my Lord Gannon.
Shepherd Order of the Mask 1 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For his persona of Shephard with a friendly demeanor towards other players, finding and helping a wounded raven, offering tea and bumblebees to new friends and making a good impression.
Shepherd Order of the Owl 1 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For the making of a quiver to go with his Scout garb.
Shepherd Order of the Rose 1 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For willingness to volunteer at the drop of a hat.
Sir Troll Lord, Captain, Zerial Trollhorn, the Unrelenting, G.O.A.T Battlemaster 1 2021-11-07 Carver Black Too many to list, in summation, genreal batlefield prowess, ability to turn the tide of battle, experience on the field, tactical thinking and leadership qualities.
Sir Troll Lord, Captain, Zerial Trollhorn, the Unrelenting, G.O.A.T Knight of Battle 1 2021-11-07 Carver Black Too many to list, in summation, genreal batlefield prowess, ability to turn the tide of battle, experience on the field, tactical thinking and leadership qualities.
Skuggar Silvermane Order of the Facade 2 2025-01-22 LeahPie Silvermane For his continued portrayal as a Barbarian, following in the footsteps of his father. His roleplay while on the field is great!
Syndony Order of Battle 2 2023-08-03 LeahPie Silvermane For her prowess on the battlefield at WC. She was an integral part of the barbarian class' success during Guildwars
Syndony Order of the Griffin 1 2023-10-06 LeahPie Silvermane For showing honor and excellent sportsmanship on the field
Syndony Order of the Warrior 1 2023-08-01 Alexander Kilgore For placing 4th in the Valkerie tournament at Wolf's Cry.
Taoqi Stonefist Order of the Garber 2 2024-07-31 Alexander Kilgore For crafting a pristine leather circlet with Celtic etching and unique qualities.
Tathlyn Order of the Warrior 1 2023-07-17 Gannon Silvermane placing well in the Iron Gauntlet challenge
Tedronious Blugthorp Order of the Jovius 5 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For being a gracious host and representative of his park during Iron Sky's visit, always a warm smile and a welcoming attitude.
Tedronious Blugthorp Order of the Rose 3 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For clearly showing a willingness to roll up his sleeves and get his hands dirty in support of his fellow park members.
Tedronious Blugthorp Order of the Rose 4 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For the hard work of clearing brush and preparing campsites, donating goods and grub to make Solstice 2024 a great success.
The Dark Lord Battlemaster 10 2021-11-07 Carver Black Too many to list, in summation, genreal batlefield prowess, ability to turn the tide of battle, experience on the field, tactical thinking and leadership qualities.
The Dark Lord Knight of Battle 1 2021-11-07 Carver Black Too many to list, in summation, genreal batlefield prowess, ability to turn the tide of battle, experience on the field, tactical thinking and leadership qualities.
The Dark Lord Order of Battle 10 2021-11-07 Carver Black Too many to list, in summation, genreal batlefield prowess, ability to turn the tide of battle, experience on the field, tactical thinking and leadership qualities.
The Dark Lord Order of the Lion 4 2022-03-20 Stix Martigan leadership outside of office.
Thel Vadam Custom Award 1 2021-10-21 Carver Black Title, (Van Dam) so that he is called Thel Kai Vadam Van Dam, just to bother him.
Theodric Quackenbush Order of the Facade 1 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For his excellent roleplay as a monster bear during Solstice 2024 with great harassment against Dark Lodge Crossing during Solstice 2024
Theodric Quackenbush Order of the Facade 2 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For playing the boss monster with excellent taunting of the players.
Theodric Quackenbush Order of the Garber 4 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For excellent garb of his monsters used during Solstice 2024 to include bear, harpy, and the evil mysterious boss.
Theodric Quackenbush Order of the Griffin 4 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For taking hits well, quickly and decisively calling shots to keep the flow of fighting going, working well with others when questions of combat would come up in and out of tournaments at Solstice 2024.
Theodric Quackenbush Order of the Lion 3 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For his coordination with Iron Sky during Solstice 2024, his leadership in his park while not in office, and recruitment and mentoring of others.
Theodric Quackenbush Order of the Rose 6 2024-07-01 Vex Hellton Silvermane For outstanding service and coordination between several members to make Solstice 2024 a great success, clearing camp spots, donating firewood and food, and filling many roles without being asked.
Tomm Order of the Owl 1 2022-08-28 Gannon Silvermane Creating an exemplary basic dagger correctly the first time, and he did it before stepping onto the battlefield
Tzair Order of the Dragon 3 2024-10-13 Tzair Consistent digital character icons added to the discord for DnD use, so far over 20 made and posted.
Tzair Order of the Dragon 4 2024-10-13 Tzair Having four qualifying peices between the Novice and Masters level DragonMaster Tournament at Wolf's Cry 2024, and taking 2nd place overall with a line drawing.
Tzair Order of the Garber 2 2024-10-13 Tzair Painting his bird mask, and adding a hood for easier wear.
Tzair Order of the Garber 3 2024-10-13 Tzair Making boot covers (Talons) and a functional set of tail feathers for his 'Birdsona'
Tzair Order of the Garber 4 2024-10-13 Tzair (Those aforementioned Tail Feathers are of a high quality and survived a 3 day event complete with dancing and walking 20 miles)
Viktor Order of the Crown 1 2025-01-22 LeahPie Silvermane For successful service as Champion for Iron Sky
Viktor Order of the Griffin 4 2024-05-21 Gannon Silvermane For having courage to stand against a well armored Paladin, and not hesitating to stabby kill him when he dropped his sword and to say "You trusted an Assassin?" Thereby showing Assassin's Honor by killing to teach. And for having that knowledge while Gannon isn't going to forget it... (wink)
Von Vog Order of the Jovius 1 2024-10-13 Tzair Great attitude, willing to share stories, Deadlifts for the Emperor!
Xerthos Order of the Owl 3 2025-01-10 Beadle Courneyea For crafting multiple flower crowns for any occassion during the A&S Night of January 2025
Zute Order of the Dragon 2 2024-09-17 Beadle Courneyea For placing 3rd in the Unyielding Storm A&S Tournament with her delicious cake. The cake was perfectly balanced. It was an outstanding effort for someone so young to bake a cake most adult wouldn't be able to successfully bake.