Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Aranias Stormbrow Order of Battle 2 2024-10-13 Tzair Decent use of class abilities as a Scout, and running with superb kit and using it effectively: armor, trinkets, and short sword with dagger.
Aranias Stormbrow Order of the Jovius 1 2024-10-13 Tzair Decent fellow and shows comradere on the field as well as off field.
Asegr Order of the Facade 1 2024-10-13 Tzair Portrayal of himself as a Troll during battle games.
Asegr Order of the Griffin 1 2024-10-13 Tzair Much honor on the field, taking and bestowing hits.
Beau Blackfire Order of the Facade 1 2024-07-31 Tzair The portrayal of his mentor character during Renaissance Fair 2024, his voice still echoes in my mind and was one of the highlights of the even for me. "Think about your life... how it is about to end..." As contestants would enter our demonstration ring.
Beau Blackfire Order of the Griffin 6 2024-07-31 Tzair Persistent multi Month commitment to Fairness and abiding by Rules. And encouraging others to follow his example. When he was caught in an engagement too soon to declare his enchantments, he went without for it would be unfair to his opponents to announce enchantments after the hits were landed.
Defender Sir Pyro Flamespitter Order of the Flame 5 2023-05-08 Skeeter Everhard for volunteer work during RQ summer 2023
Hars Blackwater Order of the Rose 9 2024-10-07 LeahPie Silvermane Food Fight 2024 Park Rep
Holo Gothicc Order of the Garber 10 2024-02-26 Alexander Kilgore For her masterful craft of the Iron Sky circlet, without being asked, which now serves as a point of pride for the Shire.
Holo Gothicc Order of the Jovius 2 2024-07-21 Tzair Has a great playful attitude and a willingness to be giddy and goofy without affronting their own dignity
Lochlann Lonain Order of Battle 9 2023-10-09 Freya Flowerfoot, Lady For being an AMAZING bard during the NightQuest at Keep on the Borderlands 2023, Lochlann kept my mends restocked and made it faster for me to recharge to help keep our team up and going
Lorekeeper Vaellyn Hammerfrost Order of the Dragon 6 2022-01-31 Defender Sir Pyro Flamespitter For remaking the shire map of Murky Waters from the Celestial Kingdom. He made it not once but twice with updates as the role play progressed. His service showed his skill and quality are of the highest caliber. He truly has a gift with making maps and dedicates his skill to helping another park from outside the kingdom. Without questing his creativity will better any park he works with.
Lorekeeper Vaellyn Hammerfrost Order of the Mask 6 2024-07-31 Tzair Committment to Role Play, throughout the entire event Vaellyn was stalwart in his actions and even when the final horn sounded and the fields dispersed for the day, he refused his swords, as he had been tricked by Madness and did not desire to see himself bring further harm to his realm. So deep are the roots of Vaellyn's Character that he continued to be even after battle's end.
Pie the Altruistic Order of the Rose 7 2024-07-31 Tzair Consistent Multi Month approach to handling lost gear and finding the proper owners. Additionally multi day volunteering at 2023 State Fair and assisting in Newbie Barbeque 2024.
Richter Sterling Master Rose 2022-06-05 Fog Years of providing hosting services for free to the ORK and other Amtgard related web services. Making the necessary server updates and changes as needed which is ongoing. Offsetting thousands of dollars in costs that to Amtgard as a whole, reducing the AI technology budget requirements that get passed to all kingdoms yearly.
Taoqi Stonefist Order of the Garber 2 2024-07-31 Alexander Kilgore For crafting a pristine leather circlet with Celtic etching and unique qualities.
Tzair Order of the Dragon 3 2024-10-13 Tzair Consistent digital character icons added to the discord for DnD use, so far over 20 made and posted.
Tzair Order of the Dragon 4 2024-10-13 Tzair Having four qualifying peices between the Novice and Masters level DragonMaster Tournament at Wolf's Cry 2024, and taking 2nd place overall with a line drawing.
Tzair Order of the Garber 2 2024-10-13 Tzair Painting his bird mask, and adding a hood for easier wear.
Tzair Order of the Garber 3 2024-10-13 Tzair Making boot covers (Talons) and a functional set of tail feathers for his 'Birdsona'
Tzair Order of the Garber 4 2024-10-13 Tzair (Those aforementioned Tail Feathers are of a high quality and survived a 3 day event complete with dancing and walking 20 miles)
Von Vog Order of the Jovius 1 2024-10-13 Tzair Great attitude, willing to share stories, Deadlifts for the Emperor!