Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Dreadlord Drake The Snake Order of the Smith 2 2024-07-18 Captain Dresdan For the creation and execution of his maze game that he ran throughout reign 2 and Solstice Wars
Viscountess Squire Erowin Order of the Crown 5 2024-07-16 Lord Leodan Leafborn for her reign as Sheriff of Everlyn from January 2024 to July 2024
Viscountess Squire Erowin Order of the Dragon 7 2024-07-18 Captain Dresdan for the 30 keychains and hand embroidered Kingdom Hearts inspired Olette's Munny pouches that she created and donated to the land for our Solstice Wars Coronation Event
Viscountess Squire Erowin Order of the Dragon 8 2024-07-17 Lord Leodan Leafborn for the 3 nobility scrolls created and given during Solstice Wars 2024
Viscountess Squire Erowin Order of the Hydra 6 2024-07-16 Lord Leodan Leafborn for qualifying for the office of Shire Regent for Reign 3