Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Alexi Order of the Rose 9 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Helping kitchen, green and gate crews as well as helping set up for court at Summer Midreign 2024.
Alexi Order of the Rose 9 2024-06-21 Angelline Aurora Helping out with kitchen, green team, gate shifts, court set up, brining board games for people to use at summer midreign 24
Allanon Titanson Order of Battle 10 2024-09-29 Balor Fomori Allanon has proven to be a leader on the battlefield regardless of what class he plays. He can assess a battlefield and adjust his team in order to obtain the objective.
Allanon Titanson Order of the Rose 9 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Sitting gate shifts at Summer Midreign 2024
Allanon Titanson Order of the Walker in the Middle 2024-02-23 Momiji Kino Knowledgeable on all rules. and Hs stepped off the field to reeve so that others can play on numerous occasions
Archduke Morgun Bloodblade Darkjester Baron 2021-11-02 Kanphuzian Duskwalker He has served the Duchy of Shrouding Mist as Monarch multiple times in the past and is the current Monarch of the land. He has earned this title multiple times over by always going above and beyond what is required of the office.
Archduke Morgun Bloodblade Darkjester Knight of the Crown 2021-11-17 Kanphuzian Duskwalker He has served at the land level and the kingdom level in many different ofices. He constantly steps up to run for office or be pro-tem. He performs the duties of every office he is in as well as going above and beyond what the office requires. He puts the populace first, teaches & helps others in leadership whether in a monarchy position or not, & has the qualities that make him knightly.
Archduke Morgun Bloodblade Darkjester Order of the Dragon 8 2024-12-07 Persolus I was given exceptional soup
Archduke Morgun Bloodblade Darkjester Order of the Dragon 8 2024-12-10 Mithius Silverbow Creation and serving of food at Winter Midreign '24 such as their homemade maple bacon jam
Arnameena Dragonsbane Order of the Rose 7 2024-06-21 Wicker Basket For constantly loaning and giving sashes and gear to new players
Arnameena Dragonsbane Paragon Assassin 2023-09-23 Wicker Basket Plays Assassin class in a very unique way
BadWolf Order of the Crown 9 2024-06-07 Gilernil Ly'vain Winter/Spring Reign as land GMR
BadWolf Order of the Flame 4 2024-06-21 Angelline Aurora Helping with the archery tourney at summer midreign 24 as well as doing archery practice beforehand
BadWolf Paragon Druid 2024-03-17 Ursa Runa Leicaster Knows the ins and outs of the class, supports players in quests, battlegames and other aspects of the game as a druid. Can and does play a multitude of aspects of the class
BadWolf Paragon Druid 1 2024-04-01 Allanon Titanson Superior skills as a druid both with and without a bow.
Balor Fomori Lord 1 2023-08-08 Klause the Combustible Phenomonal first term in office, particularly in the thankless position of PM, and at the duchy level, while also continuing to contribute and help out as necessary through the term; and running for eand being elected to the office a second consecutive time.
Balor Fomori Order of the Flame 1 2023-03-31 Crow Overall commitment to the organization and Shrouding mist operations and leadership
Bee Order of the Griffin 2 2024-06-30 Heron Lamana Showing extreme gumption by playing Druid effectively with a broken thumb!
Bel Order of the Mask 1 2024-09-16 Karu For adding roleplay elements to a battlegame: breaking the non-aggression pact of the monasteries (no monk-on-monk crime) to engage in single combat to settle the score between opposing forces (single short duel on the bridge to break a tie in a battlegame).
Bel Order of the Rose 5 2024-09-09 Weega Underhell Helping to run and teach Blood on the Clocktower with me for the last 3 campouts.
Bel Paragon Wizard 10 2024-06-27 SAMantha Nemoralis Using knowledge and cunning, controlling the field always
Bjorn Greyheart Paragon Warrior 2022-09-25 Baron Hated Holydragon Excellent use of skills and abilities with great armor kit
Bjorn Greyheart Paragon Warrior 2022-10-09 Terran Krakenslayer Made amazing armor, and is a major threat on any field
BlackLink Fancypants Order of Battle 1 2023-11-09 Lord Kieran Mischief Fancypants (1) For showing significant improvement in battlefield effectiveness. (2) For demonstrating ability to read/comprehend rulebook.
BlackLink Fancypants Order of Battle 1 2023-03-18 Ltl Sister Improvement on the field
BlackLink Fancypants Order of Battle 1 2024-02-24 BadWolf battlefield improvement/prowess
Bun (Just Bun) Order of the Griffin 5 2024-07-01 Heron Lamana Excellent honor during the GWK Pride Tournament 6/23/24
Cale Order of the Rose 1 2024-06-16 Kithiandra Darkjester Underhell Helped sweep and mopped the hall, and assisted cleaning up the court hall for midreign 2024
Cale Order of the Rose 1 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Serving on green team at Summer Midreign 2024
Cordavernus Ursue Order of the Owl 1 2024-12-30 Morkere Cordavernus started his construction path with a well-made round shield. Domed surface, secure strapping, reinforced padded edge...a great first product.
Cordavernus Ursue Order of the Owl 2 2025-01-03 Morkere Sword creation. Cordavernus made a pair of omni swords (long and short) that utilized a golf club core with wrapped spacers to match the inner diameter of the strike padding foam tube. Sturdy without being to stiff.
D'Gar Order of the Hunter 5 2022-06-26 Skeeter Everhard Battlefield prowess
D'Gar Battlemaster 10 2021-08-31 Rafael Has been heavily influencing the outcome of battlegames at all levels including IK events for many years
D'Gar Battlemaster 10 2021-08-31 Hawk Ravenwynd Dominating and influencing battlegames for many years
D'Gar Paragon Anti-Paladin 1 2024-07-01 Heron Lamana D'gar has been playing the hell out of this class recently, and pushes it to its limits. He revels in using his flail, or madu, or other wacky combinations, and he is able to use its abilities to force more ideal engagements. He also cast Terror on the king of the enemy castle and giggled while chasing him around for a while, and that was fun!
Dagger Order of the Owl 3 2025-01-05 Morkere Dagger's rabbit-skin quiver was both aesthetically pleasing and well constructed. The thin skin was adhered well to the support structure, and the pelt alignment allowed for maximum coverage across the body of the quiver.
Dakaran Obsidyn Order of Battle 9 2024-06-16 Griffon Darkangel He continues to dominates on any field he fights on
Dakaran Obsidyn Order of the Griffin 7 2024-07-01 Heron Lamana Excellent communication at all times in battlegames.Dakaran rolls with the wackiness that arises in big games with a great attitude. It's always a good day to play when Dakaran's out!
Dakaran Obsidyn Paragon Assassin 1 2024-07-01 Heron Lamana You know, this guy's just really good at Assassin.
Danny Flamevale Order of the Owl 6 2024-02-23 Momiji Kino won the crown laurette
Dartz Arrowfox Order of the Dragon 9 2024-09-24 Luminary Galuria Arrowfox Her amazing chain squires belt she won the climb the ladder with at 2024 Fall Classic
Defender Warlord Sir Kalten Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-08 Skeeter Everhard for volunteer work during RQ summer 2023
Defender Warlord Sir Kalten Order of the Mask 1 2022-11-12 Lord Mason Stone Excellent Role Play and Player Interaction of the Corn Wizard "COB"at the 2022 Amtgard Cornmaze
Defender Warlord Sir Kalten Order of the Mask 1 2023-05-08 Skeeter Everhard for outstanding roleplay during RQ summer 2023
Devry Battlemaster 1 2022-10-17 Talius Greyson He is a peer to the current battle masters of NL
Devry Master Smith 1 2022-10-17 Talius Greyson He has run countless events including skbc teach classes on the regular and help newer player run events
Devry Paragon Barbarian 2024-02-24 BadWolf his outstanding effort on the field in this class his use of abilitys and his resounding ability to if he gains momentum while playing this class he cannot be stoped.... the juggernaught*
Devry Paragon Barbarian 1 2024-03-16 Ursa Runa Leicaster Devry is a sixth level in this class. He is as effective if not more so than any other paragon barbarian and uses his skills effectively within his abilities not just his stick skills. He utilizes non traditional weaponsets to destructive force on the field of battle. He is the meaning of a berserker and among the top of the barbarian class tier
Drusk Order of the Crown 8 2024-08-24 Gilernil Ly'vain Champion of GWK Summer 2024
Drusk Order of the Smith 5 2024-07-01 Heron Lamana Putting together weekly game schedules for 3 months (so far) as GWK Champion and doing a pretty darn good job making sure that games are balanced and fun.
Elfsplitter Orc Order of the Mask 2 2022-10-21 Lord Kieran Mischief Fancypants Consistently representing their "Orc" persona, and roleplaying their monster well. Costume, garb, fake teeth, the whole shebang. Well deserved.
Elfsplitter Orc Order of the Mask 2 2023-03-30 Weega Underhell Constantly RPing an Orc. CONSTANTLY! The Order of the Mask is built for this guy! If you meet him you've met an Orc. Simple as that.
Emi rose Paragon Scout 1 2022-06-12 Griffon Darkangel Utilities they're class effectively well
Emi rose Paragon Scout 1 2022-06-21 CelestDawn His understanding of the class, ability and willingness t9 teach others about the class, and his abilities with playing this class on a field.
Emi rose Paragon Scout 1 2022-08-01 Lady Sarka Volsung Squire Envy Darkjester proves his intimate understanding of the class and consistently dominates the battlefield as changes to the class occur with the playtesting of V9
Gallienus Trueheart Order of Battle 7 2021-09-28 Sir Zike McNasty, The Wanker Banker extremely challenging to play against at keep on the borderlands
Gen Jopari Order of the Flame 2 2023-05-08 Skeeter Everhard for volunteer work during RQ summer 2023
Gilernil Ly'vain Baroness 2024-09-30 Mithius Silverbow Serving with excellence as Monarch of duchy(GWK)Mar-Sep 2024
Gilernil Ly'vain Order of the Crown 5 2024-11-24 Thorfin Hillbreaker For countless months of dedication to the land and it populous.
Gilernil Ly'vain Order of the Crown 5 2024-09-28 SAMantha Nemoralis GWK Duchess Mar-Sep 2024
Gilernil Ly'vain Order of the Griffin 2 2024-02-24 BadWolf honor on the battlefield politly declaring shots when asked if they landed and honor druing the GWK 5 and under tourney in fall 23
Gilernil Ly'vain Order of the Rose 7 2024-06-21 Angelline Aurora Stepped in last minute as Green Crat for Summer Midreign 24, put together a great team, had everyone off site with glowing review by 1108 AM! (5-7)
Gilernil Ly'vain Order of the Rose 7 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Stepped in as Green Crat less than 6 weeks before the event, worked tirelessly to ensure site cleanliness, and led her team and other volunteers to a perfect site check out.
Ginevra Lady 2024-06-28 Gilernil Ly'vain Continuous help with each event at the park since showing up. Planning events, allowing her house for use; she's always offering her services to the people of GWK and NL.
Ginevra Order of the Garber 6 2024-06-23 Dartz Arrowfox Beautiful set of Pride Skirts made for GWK's Pride Parade!
Gregory Order of the Rose 3 2024-06-20 Mithius Silverbow Creating and maintaining the College of Arms Archives for NL
Griffon Darkangel Order of Battle 9 2024-11-10 Xelagos Feralheart They are a constant force on the battlefield no matter the class and know how to fight in a large group.As well they should obtain such due to his paragon antipaladin
Griffon Darkangel Order of the Griffin 9 2024-07-01 Heron Lamana Excellent honor during the GWK Pride Tournament 6/23/24
Griffon Darkangel Order of the Griffin 9 2024-11-10 SAMantha Nemoralis Honor on the Battlefield at Warskills
Griffon Darkangel Order of the Warrior 7 2024-06-12 Dakaran Obsidyn Placing 2nd in the Morrigan tournament at Thousand stars 2024
Griffon Darkangel Paragon Anti-Paladin 1 2024-07-01 Heron Lamana Darkangel is playing this class well, thoroughly, and often on every field in our kingdom. He uses every ability to its fullest, makes his presence felt on fields of all sizes, and teaches others how it works. Well-deserved! Also, he dived into lava to escape during a game at NL Summer Midreign 2024 and that is straight up hilarious. 10/10 put some gold on this guy!
Gundam Order of the Flame 1 2024-06-01 Nilous Putting on a fantastic show as part of the Roller Derby Demo Team on Jan 18th.
Gundam Order of the Rose 10 2024-11-18 Aust Runefang Commissioned a fully kitted shield for me for me and did not charge me
Gundam Paragon Monster 1 2024-08-21 Thorfin Hillbreaker For their superb dedication to playing monster. Always helping play any monster needed for quests and battle games. Knowing the in and out of each monster and what is needed to sway the tide of a battle. They are always willing to teach and encourage new and old players the way of the monster. She has shown dedication, heart and resilience in any monster they have ever played
Heron Lamana Custom Award 1 2024-01-15 Zhu Li Ice Valkyrie: Enthusiastic participating in Morrigan during 20° weather
Heron Lamana Custom Award 1 2024-01-15 Zhu Li Most Likelihood: Most Likely to win a tournament in rain boots
Heron Lamana Knight of Battle 1 2024-06-07 Lord Kieran Mischief Fancypants Heron is one of the best people to have on your team in battlegames. No matter what she plays, she leaves such an impact, that the meta can warp around her. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of the rules. Her leadership skills are excellent. She conducts herself with dignity and honor and kindness. The Northern Lights would benefit from having this esteemed individual join it's peerage of Knights.
Heron Lamana Knight of the Flame 3 2024-06-07 Lord Kieran Mischief Fancypants Heron's contributions are renown not just in her home kingdom, but across the whole of Amtgardia. She has served with excellence and distinction at every level of the organization, from park, to kingdom, to A.I.! She is welcoming and kind to strangers; genuine and approachable; and a contagious enthusiasm! I can think of no one more deserving of a knighthood of the Flame than Heron.
Heron Lamana Master Lion 10 2024-08-28 Gorovan Dramsson Being an outstanding representation of NL on the interkingdom Amtgard stage.
Heron Lamana Master Rose 2024-07-20 Dagger As Rules Rep, Heron has gone so far above and beyond for the benefit of all of Amtgard. At the IKCoM meeting, Heron was on-hand creating documents and ballots, allowing the votes to happen swiftly and with full awareness. This is amongst many other services, such as creating, tabulating, and providing easy to read references of nearly all Rules Rep votes.
Heron Lamana Order of the Flame 3 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Last minute helped digitze writeups for battlegames, reeved and ran battlegames
Heron Lamana Order of the Lion 10 2024-08-28 Gorovan Dramsson Serving as interim Unofficial RRO during Q3 of 2024.
Kaine Order of the Dragon 1 2025-01-03 Morkere Powder coated armor plate. The black + red swirled pattern was absolutely stunning, and the finish of the coating was perfectly uniform. The topcoat accentuated the pattern, and gave it a sense of depth. Brilliantly executed!
Kaine Order of the Owl 1 2025-01-03 Morkere Construction of a plated bracer. The leather was shaped with edges burnished, and the metal plate had a uniform curve and matched the leather backing. Lacing grommets were evenly spaced and secure.
Kizmit Knight of the Crown 10 2022-03-19 Heron Lamana She is qualified many times over. She's held office for more terms than I've played the game, and each one at a level far above her peers.
Kizmit Knight of the Flame 10 2022-03-19 Heron Lamana She has near-singlehandedly revolutionized our kingdom's bookkeeping and ensured our nonprofit status for years to come, all on the back of hours and hours of volunteered time, beyond even what she does at park days and events.
Kizmit Master Dragon 10 2024-12-07 SAMantha Nemoralis Award creations
Kizmit Master Smith 2024-11-10 D'Gar As a Master Smith, I have watched her organize and run so many things. While much of it may not be what people think of as traditional Smith work, it is Smith work. It is organizing, running, leading, outside of office and within. Her work on the Kingdom website (that few even knows about, she just does it), updating Corpora, running Fall Classic. I would give her Smiths up to her Master.
Kizmit Master Smith 10 2024-11-10 Kizmit Successfully ran Fall Classic 2024, the first of its kind (combination of NLCC and Pac War). Autocrat, who stepped in far beyond what is expected of an autocrat (due to issues with our partnering Kingdom). When we thought we wouldn't have water at site, created a plan for success, successfully navigated a Dept of Health inspection, completed event despite personal loss (notified on Sat of event).
Kizmit Master Smith 10 2024-11-10 SAMantha Nemoralis Kizmit is everywhere, all the time. She is responsible for coordinating the silent auction for Food Fight, in addition to her role as Autocrat of Fall Class. She has proven time and time again that she can (and is willing) to use her strengths as a Master Smith to continue to advance, encourage, and set new examples for future generations of Amtgarders to aspire.
Kizmit Order of the Dragon 10 2024-12-07 SAMantha Nemoralis Truly creative 'awards' for Skibidi Weega and Bounty Hunter Raf. Ingenious, genuine thoughtfulness went into each award. Something that would touch the hearts of their recipients, and introduction of another art-form
Kizmit Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-08 Skeeter Everhard for volunteer work during RQ summer 2023
Kizmit Order of the Smith 9 2024-11-10 Kizmit Solely responsible for the organization and running of the Silent Auction to benefit Food Fight at Fall Classic 2024. Raised $3500, with over 30 donations from 3 Kingdoms. Ensured a variety of items, including demonstrations, hands on instruction, custom made items, etc. Went above and beyond to run this auction.
Kolbjorn Order of the Dragon 10 2024-03-10 Allanon Titanson Amazing pendants for nlcc spring 24 team tournaments
Kolbjorn Paragon Color 2024-10-14 Heron Lamana Kolbjorn has been a cornerstone of Greenwood Keep for seven years, now. He is always willing to help teach his skills, offer his tools, give a lift, or talk shop. After COVID, GWK had shire-size attendance, and he encouraged crossgaming between us and the local steel fighters to keep practices fun for everyone, and make sure both groups survived. He welcomes newbies, and is always a friendly face.
Kolbjorn Paragon Color 2024-10-14 Dartz Arrowfox Consistently amazing crafts, consistently willing to teach and encourage new crafters, constantly giving service to the kingdom by donating his beautiful crafts. (Crowns, sign in books, belt favors for competitions, etc) He puts a lot of love and effort into this game.
Kuparuk Order of Battle 8 2024-03-28 Defender Sir Pyro Flamespitter Past actions included. Catching up. Personally witnessed skills as an archer in the past worthy of this level. Fully earned this when he almost single handedly defeated another team in a battle game as just a paragon archer 20v20.
Kuparuk Order of the Rose 8 2024-03-28 Defender Sir Pyro Flamespitter All orders of the rose recommendations stated. Heart is filled with service and does not know the meaning of the word quit. Helped campers set up there tents and always looked for thing to help with even if not asked for.
Lefty Lady 2022-10-03 Skeeter Everhard Years of positive dedication to the game, keeping a considerable number us garbed in the finest fashion
Lefty Order of the Rose 5 2024-09-09 SAMantha Nemoralis Running Fall Classic Climb The Ladder and Tournament Brackets at same event
Lefty Order of the Rose 5 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Judging Dragon Master at Summer Midreign 2024
Lefty Order of the Rose 5 2024-09-22 Lenalin Running Climb the ladder A&S comp at Fall Classic nd kill counting for Fall classic Open Melee Tournament
Little Girl Eyaha Chatelathawa Order of the Mask 2 2024-12-26 Morkere In multiple quests, Eyaha has portrayed main NPCs to perfection. She always looked the part, and played the NPC in a way that enhanced the enjoyment for others. She used a great mix of in-character interaction with out-of-character hints, and switched between modes in a way that did not reduce the immersion of questers. When I see Little Girl on the field, I know I'm in for some fun!
Lucifex Order of Battle 5 2024-09-15 Morkere Solo prevented opposing team from scoring four consecutive times, and consistently used appropriate abilities with excellent timing and to great effect. Easily the focal point of battlegame momentum multiple times, and inspired her team to change the flow of battle.
Momiji Kino Order of the Garber 10 2024-02-23 Allanon Titanson Master Owl hood made for Lharche that won best in owl and best in show at crown laurette
Momiji Kino Order of the Jovius 1 2024-06-17 Kithiandra Darkjester Underhell She always has a great attitude! Very welcoming to new players, educating them in all things amtgard. At campouts you can find her helping anyone with getting dressed for court at campouts, i.e doing their hair, makeup, corsets (enough said), and generally just has a wonderful demeanor.
Morkere Order of the Flame 2 2024-12-01 Vee Morkere has been a generous and kind individual on and off the field. His honor on the field extends to the populace of the park and is always open to teach and to learn in all aspects of Amtgard. He is seen almost always with a smile and continues to share that joy to others on and off the battlefield.
Morkere Order of the Griffin 1 2024-12-01 Theos Idanikos, the Blind Great personality and being very cordial and open to communication during any confusion there may be
Naia Order of the Rose 3 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Helping clean up at Summer Midreign 2024
Raskka Order of the Rose 8 2024-03-31 Dame Kiafia Or'zuke Helped prepare chicken for Nlcc spring feast 2024 and lunch on friday
Raskka Order of the Rose 8 2024-04-01 Allanon Titanson Saving lunch on friday and helping with nlcc feast prep
Rowyn Knutesdottir Order of Battle 2 2023-09-28 Defender Sir Pyro Flamespitter For outstanding fire support on the battlefield and in the woods as an archer.
Rowyn Knutesdottir Order of Battle 2 2022-12-19 Ursa Runa Leicaster Skills as an archery to aid their team during battle games on 12/18 at GWK
Rowyn Knutesdottir Order of the Rose 8 2024-09-09 Hasting VendorCrat for interkingdom Fall Classic campout Fall 2024
Ruby (Piddles) Order of the Rose 4 2024-03-29 Dame Kiafia Or'zuke helped with dishes throughout NLCC spring 2024
SAMantha Nemoralis Order of the Rose 10 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Being support crat for Summer Midreign 2024
Saphira Order of the Owl 2 2024-09-12 Morkere Average score 3.92 on Dragon Coasters
SCAR Order of the Rose 1 2024-07-07 Runesilver Dragon For helping out at the centralia fantasy festival Demo
Scyph Kordaghn Order of the Hunter 9 2024-07-01 Heron Lamana Winning the NL Summer Midreign 2024 Archery Tournament
Scyph Kordaghn Master Rose 4 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Helping with every thing archery at Summer Midreign 2024.
Scyph Kordaghn Paragon Assassin 2024-03-17 Ursa Runa Leicaster Plays an excellent bowsassin and uses his abilities effectively
Silverblood Order of the Hunter 1 2023-08-02 tansy the mildly noxious At K stars, Silverblood's archery was so impressive that Kimjim suggested he be recommended for paragon archer before learning he was only level 1
Silverblood Order of the Hunter 2 2023-09-24 Aidan Great accuracy at the quest during Fall 2023 NLCC. Successfully holding off a paragon archer.
Silverblood Order of Battle 3 2024-03-25 Bun (Just Bun) Battlefield precense, plays warrior with the heart of a warrior. He is always making his presence known and holding lines together
Silverblood Order of the Griffin 1 2022-09-04 Lord Kieran Mischief Fancypants For honorable conduct at the KLE tourney at Mithril Hills on 28-aug-22 (I was a reeve). He consistently lost fights, but never lost faith. With a smile on his face and a keen curiosity, he faces foes WAY more skilled than himself, all the while asking questions and learning eagerly. Never once a complaint. Never a hint of bad sportsmanship. Silverblood is a promising fighter with a bright horizon.
Silverblood Order of the Griffin 2 2023-04-03 Skeeter Everhard Honor in the latest SM tournament
Silverblood Order of the Warrior 3 2023-03-27 Skeeter Everhard Battlefield prowess
Sir Lharche Or'zuke Order of the Garber 1 2023-09-21 Kimjin Actually at 0 garbers which is crazy. Incredibly made church of Apocalypse tunic
Skunk Paragon Healer 2022-10-10 Ursa Runa Leicaster She is a massively effective player as a healer who puts a lot of thought into how she plays and builds lists. She is always a great support on her team but when pressed proves she is above the bar on being able to play the front line as well as hold her own when alone.
Skunk Paragon Healer 1 2022-11-11 Plays healer ruthlessly and fearsomely. Manages to bring a balance of expertise in spells and fighting, making her a fearsome foe on the field. They've also provided guidance on healer tactics and coaching to other players on how to more effectively play healer. Always a source of information on clarifying rules.
Spritely Tallfellow Order of the Warrior 5 2022-08-02 Skeeter Everhard Battlefield prowess
Thacker the Tracker Order of the Hunter 5 2024-10-15 Scyph Kordaghn Phenomenal progress with his effectiveness and speed with the bow. He has learned and has been efficient with multiple draw styles, such as the thumb draw and the slavic draw.
Thacker the Tracker Order of the Hunter 5 2024-09-21 Morkere 1st place at DFV Midreign Archery tournament.
Thrin Darkstone Arrowfox Master Rose 7 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Helping judge Dragon Master at Summer midreign 2024
Thrin Darkstone Arrowfox Order of the Mask 1 2022-11-09 Lord Mason Stone Excellent portrayal of a monster at the 2022 Amtgard Cornmaze
Thrin Darkstone Arrowfox Order of the Rose 7 2024-06-21 Angelline Aurora Helping judge Dragonmaster
Thrin Darkstone Arrowfox Order of the Rose 8 2024-07-07 Runesilver Dragon For helping out at the centralia fantasy festival Demo
Thrin Darkstone Arrowfox Order of the Smith 2 2024-06-21 Angelline Aurora Teaching kingdom level puppet classes
Thrin Darkstone Arrowfox Order of the Smith 2 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Teaching a puppet making class at Summer Midreign 2024
Tortoise Order of Battle 1 2022-09-12 Lord Kieran Mischief Fancypants Competency with Barbarian
Tortoise Order of Battle 2 2022-09-12 Lord Kieran Mischief Fancypants Proficiency with the Barbarian class
Unnar Kolbjornson Custom Award 7 2022-03-27 Ursa Runa Leicaster order of the hunter. This kid stomps many experienced archers on the field.
Unnar Kolbjornson Order of the Dragon 4 2024-06-16 Raskka Banana Bread Sold at NLCC 2023
Unnar Kolbjornson Order of the Mask 1 2024-03-17 Lord Mason Stone Roleplay during the St. Patrick's Day Quest at Three Lakes 3/17/2024
Ursa Runa Leicaster Master Rose 8 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Being med crat and running a hydration station at Summer midreign 2024
Ursa Runa Leicaster Order of the Rose 8 2024-06-21 Angelline Aurora Med crat at NL Summer Midreign 2024, as well as running the hydration station
Ursa Runa Leicaster Paragon Archer 2022-03-27 Rowyn Knutesdottir Ursa demonstrated absolute excellence on the field as an archer at NLCC Spring 2022. She was a threat to all enemy players, especially other archers. Her skill and abilities with a bow made her the target of other archers time and time again, showing herself to be dangerous and effective on the battlefield, and utterly deadly with a bow in hand.
Ursa Runa Leicaster Paragon Archer 2024-02-24 BadWolf her effectiveness and use of this class makes her a threat to other archers and pragon archers alike
Vee Order of the Dragon 4 2025-01-05 Morkere For a gift, Vee created a painting that incorporated multiple subtle facets that reflected the recipient, from both a physical representation and from a thematic standpoint. She was also able to articulate the design and execution process in a way that both made it seem an attainable skill, but at the same time a demonstration of high achievement. A great color palette emphasized key elements.
Wee Woo Order of Battle 9 2024-03-23 Bun (Just Bun) Continued and constant impact on battle games while playing warrior and wizard in a effective and game altering way to lead his team to victory
Weega Underhell Order of the Hunter 5 2023-04-02 Ursa Runa Leicaster Performance in the IO archery tournament 4/1
Weega Underhell Master 2024-02-24 BadWolf for his service in excellence in office as champion of a dutchy
Weega Underhell Order of the Garber 1 2022-09-04 Lord Kieran Mischief Fancypants Assembling his first garb ensemble.
Weega Underhell Order of the Smith 4 2024-06-27 Seren Idanikos Running the early bird tournament at Summer Midreign 2024
Wicker Basket Order of the Hunter 4 2024-11-17 Morkere Wicker displayed impeccable target selection during a very mobile battle game. He used his Pinning effects and leg shots against the armored targets that would otherwise disrupt his team's battle lines, and during capture missions he spread out enemy advances to allow his team to concentrate forces to overwhelm in detail. Accuracy was also great, hitting a high percentage against moving targets.
Wicker Basket Baron 2024-02-24 BadWolf for his excellence in service as DUKE of Gwk
Wicker Basket Baron 2024-08-19 Ginevra Service as monarch of GWK during a time of park growth, which showed sustained attendance to be elevated to a Duchy. Served as Duke while the GWK hosted their most-attended event outside of a KLE (115 people on 12/31/23) and maintained higher attendance to earn GWK a place in Amtgard top 10 parks.
Wicker Basket Lord 2024-06-23 Gilernil Ly'vain For outstanding contributions to Northern Lights as a whole, outside of office
Wicker Basket Paragon Assassin 2024-06-07 Gilernil Ly'vain For his amazing assassin and knowledge as an assassin; Helps out people who wishes to play and is a monster to fight against
Wicker Basket Paragon Assassin 2024-02-24 BadWolf successful murder of all monarchy members at NLCC fall... excelence in his class and portral of this class for as long as he has been in the game
Yessir Order of the Dragon 1 2023-07-30 Torra Silvatine Dress for pretty
Yessir Order of the Garber 5 2023-07-30 Torra Silvatine Court dress for construction
Yessir Order of the Garber 6 2024-03-25 tansy the mildly noxious Hardplace's epic knighting pimp-surcoat