Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Ackard Paragon Healer 2021-09-19 Aurelius Outstanding performance as a healer consistently since before the pandemic, and again at his return to active play during KotB. Ackard was the most reliable healer on the Polaris team, and significantly impacted the Polaris victory.
Ackard Paragon Healer 2021-09-21 Dante Osiris Exceptional and consistent showcasing of his skill in the healer class, has been recognized as an incredible asset to whichever team he ends up with. His skill isnt limited to the class itself but also how his class can complement his teammates and adjusts according to whatever situation he finds himself in.
Ackard Paragon Healer 1 2021-09-19 Sypha incredible usage of abilities to support his team and changes the tide of a battle by doing so. mutliple paragon healers have made note of his skill, and i have seen him use the full extent of a healers abilities effectively and in unique and unusual ways that work. he's also very helpful in teaching the class to new players and explaining the spells in a way that is easy to understand and use
Arthera Rosethorn Order of the Smith 4 2023-11-01 Fly Nycto Teaching court decor class at MR2
BarrBarr Blacksheep Order of the Jovius 1 2022-10-03 Vali Gnosis MemeLord BarrBarr
Gaul Boarshead Order of the Rose 8 2023-03-01 Madeleine Fey During Rivermoor Winter Midreign Gaul cleaned up the entire gym removing marking tape, throwies, debris, and other items. He did this both days of the event. Volunteer service and helping our fellow players makes such a difference in venues at and events.
Kylus Wulfang Master Smith 10 2023-05-16 Codicier Rowan Corvus Magnus Birdmanus For running Warcrat at kww 2023, he and his team have pulled off a nearly perfect battle game experience for the event. All the games ran on time or within a few minutes of knightings finishing. Kylus is beyond an asset to the kingdom of tal dagore but to amtgard itself and should be recognized for his love and commitment to the game and it’s community
Kylus Wulfang Paragon Druid 1 2022-04-18 Squire Aishling Earthwalker Excellence on the field. Knew the class he played and was proficient. A fantastic distraction so the support classes weren’t overwhelmed in the field.
Kylus Wulfang Paragon Druid 8 2022-05-16 Immortal Gafiltafish Tserrall Continued Battlefield Prowess as druid at both Curse and Kww2022
Lord Tym O\'Theos Order of the Zodiac 1 2023-04-08 Gaul Boarshead for continued contributions of time, money, his home, and camping supplies!
Pluck Cloudseeker Order of Battle 7 2023-05-18 Castellan Reinhart Being exceptional at KWW 2023
Pluck Cloudseeker Order of the Griffin 2 2022-10-03 Vali Gnosis For assisting armored park members in donning their gear.
Pluck Cloudseeker Order of the Jovius 1 2022-10-03 Vali Gnosis If anyone at park deserves this, its not pluck... its CLUCK.
Pluck Cloudseeker Paragon Druid 1 2023-10-03 Vali Gnosis Having multiple druid lists for every situation. Is able to know how to buff other classes to give them the most potential on the field. Introducing a new meta of GIANT ice balls. (dodge this nerd). Is able to make a difference on a large field.
Vali Gnosis Order of Battle 9 2023-08-08 Godspeed Vali, a true warrior and fighter on the battlefield. Everytime he steps onto the field, his team has a much better chance of victory. Watching him is like observing a commander at work. The way he directs the team and calls for support shows that he's resourceful and acknowledges his team. He knows when to push objectives and when to back off for a minute.
Vali Gnosis Order of the Lion 3 2023-05-07 Pfhish Consistent honor on field no matter who or where.
Vali Gnosis Paragon Warrior 1 2022-04-07 Kenji Flowerfoot, Lord For being a keystone on the front line during battle games of TD mid rain games, spring 2022.
Vali Gnosis Paragon Warrior 1 2022-09-18 Kenival Rocfeather Running warrior with full 6 points using his ability correctly on the field while being super honorable he’s also a big threat on the field with his shield and spear
Zen Chan Order of Battle 3 2024-04-20 Gurrax DeadTail, Novellis For being taught a move by reeve mid tournament and perfectly using it next round