Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Destroyer Drake Custom Award 2 2024-04-01 Kenji Flowerfoot, Lord Raider for visiting Falcon Tor
Juno Order of the Rose 4 2025-01-25 Freya Flowerfoot, Lady For suppling multiple drinks for Black Cat's Luck's Endreign on 1/25/25
Killdak Custom Award 1 2024-04-01 Kenji Flowerfoot, Lord Raider for visiting Falcon Tor
Rosycroix Order of the Dragon 2 2025-01-25 Freya Flowerfoot, Lady For making feast by hand for Black Cat's Luck Endreign on 1/25/25
Rosycroix Order of the Lion 1 2025-01-25 Freya Flowerfoot, Lady For stepping up last minute to provide feast and make sure everyone was fed for Black Cat's Luck Endreign on 1/25/25