Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Asha'man Keonee Black Paragon Warrior 10 2024-06-24 Vali Gnosis This dudes a menace in plate. I've single handedly watched him defend against multitudes of enchanted up players and still come out on top. Has held the line/objectives as one should in plate. He knows his class, and has even taught me things about warrior I missed. In 6pts or in 2pt magical, he holds. From a Paragon Warrior, he deserves the same title.
Cannon Tul Knight of the Flame 1 2022-09-21 Razorback cannon regularly goes above and beyond with her service and is always working hard to keep the show running i can think of no one else more deserving of peerage than cannon
Cannon Tul Knight of the Flame 10 2022-02-11 Linden Tul Subcrat at IK events, for many years.
Cannon Tul Master Garber 10 2023-01-24 Dame Trista Tulnata the Fancy Appliquéd knighting surcoat & consistently amazing quality
Cannon Tul Master Rose 1 2022-02-20 Archiduque Sir Samael McNikle, Defender of Polaris Cannon has a large body of rose work, that merits a masterhood.
Cannon Tul Master Rose 10 2022-09-19 Nadir Isole For exemplary performance as program director for Keep on the Borderlands 2022
Cannon Tul Master Rose 10 2022-09-22 Baron Rieux Latham Auto'd Keep 2022. Great success!
Cannon Tul Master Rose 10 2022-09-23 Sir Zike McNasty, The Wanker Banker Fantastic work running keep
Cannon Tul Master Rose 10 2021-10-04 Nadir Isole Their cumulative volume of service is well deserving of an 10th and master hood. Specifically their work supporting Keep three out of four consecutive years in lead roles far beyond their award level. As president of TKN I have always been impressed by their sound work ethic, organizational skills, and team building excellence.
Cannon Tul Order of the Lion 5 2023-06-17 Madeleine Fey Volunteer work and leadership during KWW 2023 - volunteering to reeve and assist the Crat Team in multiple areas. (KWW AutoCrat recommendation).
Cannon Tul Order of the Warrior 7 2023-05-15 Sir Corwyn Lindenson Placing 2nd in the non men's kingdom level tournament at kww 2023
Naivin Naval Master Smith 2022-10-04 Castellan Reinhart What my squire Kylus said
Naivin Naval Master Smith 9 2022-10-03 Kylus Wulfang Naivin's contributions to the war team were instrumental in how smoothly the games went. Their good calls, positive energy, and adaptability really shone through and helped make this event the success that it was.
Naivin Naval Order of the Smith 9 2022-10-03 Castellan Reinhart Exceptional Battlegame designs at Curse 2022
Sir Maxem Blacklion Baronette Order of Battle 10 2021-09-19 Aurelius Years of dominating battlefields. Any time Maxem fields, he forces major strategy shifts on opposing teams to deal with whatever he's doing. Even on the losing team at KotB 2021, Maxem forced the opposing team to dedicate major resources to dealing with his efforts. When thinking of Tal Dagore battlemasters, Maxem Blacklion is one of the first names to come to mind.
Staryu Lady 1 2023-02-26 Syr Xantos the Adamant Staryu has 7 orders of the rose and helps out at every event I see them at. They should at least have this noble title.
Staryu Order of the Lion 5 2023-06-10 Sir Blight Stygia the Hollow Organizing hydration at KWW 2023. Everything ran super smooth and she made sure all the plans were in place well before the event started