Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Achilles Custom Award 4 2023-01-19 Fancy 1st Order of the Chair: for dodging a 1v1 with Fancy for 3 months
Acrid the Scarecrow Order of the Roach 2 2024-11-17 Galvin the Mad Scientist Sancturary conga line at Crossroads.
Acrid the Scarecrow Battlemaster 2023-08-09 Hangman Having recently had the privilege of witnessing and engaging an established battlemaster in full class games, I feel that Acrid displays a similar level of skill and should be considered for recognition accordingly.
Acrid the Scarecrow Battlemaster 2024-11-18 Squire Baronette Gemini Consistently showing skill and knowledge of all classes. Every time Acrid is on the battlefield whether at local park or kingdom events he significantly changes the outcome. When facing amtgarders who already holds the battlemaster title, he often counters them. Acrid's knowledge of the rules is extremely impressive, and he uses this knowledge to help teach others.
Acrid the Scarecrow Battlemaster 10 2022-01-06 Ser Finley Fortess Highly skilled no matter what class he plays. Knows every in and out of the rules and of all the classes. Regularly discusses how various classes work together.
Acrid the Scarecrow Battlemaster 10 2024-04-27 Zioet Vici Acrid regularly plays exceptionally well, supports his team, and always thoroughly knows his classes. He embodies the spirit of the battle with his good attitude on and off the field
Acrid the Scarecrow Order of Battle 10 2024-11-29 Vita Consistently able to suddenly turn losing situations into winning ones. Great grasp on tactics and directing strategy.
Acrid the Scarecrow Order of Battle 10 2024-11-18 Lady Maple Performamce at Crossroads 9, overwhelming prowess and knowledge of class abilities. Incredible field awareness and the ability to strategically change play style to fill roles his team needs. A key player in any battle game!!
Acrid the Scarecrow Order of Battle 10 2022-01-09 Lady Mythic the Historian His knowledge of not only the classes but the rules allows him to give advice and lead his team into victory on the battlefield. Regularly teaches and discusses how various classes work together and new ideas to make other classes work even better. I have observed over the last few years his battle prowess and team play every park day and online chats. This award was made to celebrate his skills
Acrid the Scarecrow Order of Battle 10 2023-11-27 Galvin the Mad Scientist One of the best battle game players in the Kingdom. Maximizes the use of any class he plays and supports other players as needed.
Acrid the Scarecrow Paragon Paladin 1 2023-09-23 Lady Aurora exceptional understanding of the paladin class
Acrid the Scarecrow Paragon Paladin 10 2022-11-13 Galaxy Fighty Whacks and knowledge of the class
Adand Grene Order of the Crown 1 2021-09-07 Bronzeboar 2016 Fall PM - Duchy of Sun's Haven
Admiral Edward Blood the many titled Paragon Healer 2022-04-02 Squire Severin Bloodbeard knows the abilities and has prowess on the field as healer even if he doesn't play "meta"
Aes Order of the Griffin 3 2024-11-19 Hangman Super clean whacks in tournaments and battle games at Crossroads 2024
Aes Order of the Warrior 7 2024-11-17 Ser Finley Fortess Winning first place at crossroads Ironman tournament
Aes Order of the Warrior 7 2024-11-18 Lord Squire Farland The Moist 2nd in 11th Warrior tournament at Crossroads 2024
Aes Order of the Warrior 8 2024-11-18 Lord Squire Farland The Moist Winning the Ironman tournament at Crossroads 2024
Aibek Order of the Lion 2 2023-06-14 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Donating the funds to allow for a new Champion bag to be procured.
Aibek Order of the Rose 4 2024-07-06 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Dedicated service at Gate during SW UwU.
Albus Jameson Bitterbrew Order of the Dragon 7 2021-09-01 Bronzeboar The battle lute, both V1 and V2, absolutely serve to improve the sight value of the game. Would love to see more!
Alisa W Order of Battle 1 2021-09-03 Bronzeboar For team contributions in class battlegames.
Amalgam Order of the Mantis 1 2023-04-16 Ser Finley Fortess Playing a good bog witch
Amathys Kasia Lord 2023-07-30 Onyx Overdose Recruiting raising DragonSpyre from the dead
Amathys Kasia Order of Battle 2 2023-11-14 Hangman Performance in Crossroads 2023 battle master tournament
Amathys Kasia Order of the Dragon 3 2024-02-03 Talon the Discerning Roleplay as Lost Boi at WM O.U.T.
Amathys Kasia Order of the Griffin 3 2024-02-03 Talon the Discerning Honor and cheer while fighting at WM O.U.T.
Amathys Kasia Order of the Mask 2 2024-02-03 Talon the Discerning Roleplay as Lost Boi at WM O.U.T
Amathys Kasia Order of the Rose 2 2024-02-03 Talon the Discerning Service as NPC at WM O.U.T.
Amathys Kasia Order of the Rose 3 2023-07-30 Onyx Overdose Recruiting raising DragonSpyre from the dead
Anvil Lightstone Order of the Owl 3 2025-01-02 The Butcher Anvil made a greatsword that is able to be sheathed to the back via magnets, it looks very cool, works smoothly, and functional while still be legal.
Anvil Lightstone Order of the Owl 3 2024-12-24 Hammer Lightstone Made a new greatsword that is able to sheathed magnetically. It looks really cool and is very functional while still being legal
Anya Meraki Custom Award 5 2022-05-30 Garbage Juror for judging best of the best
Anya Meraki Master Garber 10 2022-06-29 D Jarvish Steamgriffin The tunics are a quality as good as anyone out there, and she is always make someone something
Anya Meraki Master Rose 10 2024-11-25 D Jarvish Steamgriffin For cooking at many events, both kingdom and local parks
Archangel Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Archangel Order of the Rose 3 2023-11-14 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel NPC at Crossroads
Aries Silvertree Order of the Griffin 3 2023-11-13 Hangman Great honor during battle games
Arland De Guy Order of the Flame 2 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Atreus Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Atrox (TDV) Paragon Warrior 1 2024-11-20 Oran pre-recing paragon warrior. Atrox knows his own abilities, knows what others are casting at him and how to react. Can't wait to see what he does as a marauder archetype, but it's only going to continue to improve his current abilites
Atticus Order of the Roach 1 2023-01-15 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Inspiring the Imperial March when Farkas approached court
Atticus Order of the Rose 2 2024-07-06 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Dedicated service at Gate during SW UwU.
Aubrii Cinder Order of the Crown 3 2022-01-10 Alexander Lane resolving backlog of attendance for Helheim and entering the entire population there of.
Aubrii Cinder Order of the Lion 1 2022-01-10 Alexander Lane Attempting to resolve the impas between SP & SH
Aubrii Cinder Order of the Lion 1 2021-10-01 Stradivarius Greywolf Entering the entire population and back logging attendances of Helheim.
Aubrii Cinder Order of the Lion 1 2021-10-21 Bronzeboar Mending bridges with SP new players
Aubrii Cinder Order of the Lion 2 2022-01-10 Alexander Lane Continuous training and instructing provided to Helheim freehold to maintain ORC & awards.
Aubrii Cinder Order of the Lion 2 2021-10-21 Bronzeboar Leading a prop making workshop for making feast decorations.
Aubrii Cinder Order of the Lion 3 2021-10-21 Bronzeboar Feast Decorations Mark 2!!
Aubrii Cinder Order of the Lion 4 2021-10-21 Bronzeboar For teaching an entire freehold how to do awards, how to backlog awards, and how to support each other in Amtgard
Aurelia the Destroyer of Arrows Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Bam Bam the Barbarian Order of the Griffin 1 2025-01-03 Hammer Lightstone Good at taking hits and honor on the field
Bam Bam the Barbarian Order of the Owl 1 2024-11-18 Master Marquis Kohaku Umezawa makeing kunai throwies
Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Order of the Roach 1 2023-06-27 Necromancer Supreme Astria Dalinar Ransomer of Death Golem Triple stack at Salt war 2023
Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Order of the Roach 1 2023-03-29 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Dedication to the Unseelie Court
Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Order of the Griffin 4 2024-12-15 Gunder Evermore Always expressing kindness on the battlefield
Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Order of the Griffin 4 2024-08-18 Lady Jerenda Honorable conduct in Scrunglebonk 2024
Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Order of the Hydra 1 2023-03-29 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Qualifying for Duke during March 2023 CQ
Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Order of the Owl 5 2024-06-21 Gunder Evermore Crafting multiple flails
Baron Toa Zhen Order of the Lion 2 2025-01-29 D Jarvish Steamgriffin For running a fighting tournament at Mimics park
Baroness Saffron Rhea the Flaming Cheeto Order of Battle 3 2024-11-17 Ser Finley Fortess Good battle gaming at Crossroads
Baroness Saffron Rhea the Flaming Cheeto Order of the Rose 9 2025-01-14 Onyx Overdose Has been a valuable asset to Amtgard. Be it in crat roles or on a committee she always delivers
Baronet Krod Featherbritches, Healer of the Wight Light Master Owl 5 2024-09-11 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Bridgette's Knighting Belt
Baronet Krod Featherbritches, Healer of the Wight Light Order of the Crown 6 2024-07-14 Oran Running a Monarch of the Dutchy
Baronet Krod Featherbritches, Healer of the Wight Light Order of the Crown 6 2024-11-20 Amalgam Monarch of Sun's Haven
Baronet Krod Featherbritches, Healer of the Wight Light Order of the Rose 8 2024-11-17 Wilhelm Continuing to be an unstoppable force of volunteer efforts at any event attended. Especially Crossroads 9!
Baronet Krod Featherbritches, Healer of the Wight Light Order of the Walker in the Middle 1 2023-05-28 Ser Finley Fortess Fantastic reeving at Southwestern War and Salt Wars
Baronet Krod Featherbritches, Healer of the Wight Light Order of the Warrior 7 2024-11-18 Lord Squire Farland The Moist Winning the 11th Warrior at Crossroads 2024
Baronet Krod Featherbritches, Healer of the Wight Light Order of the Warrior 7 2024-11-20 Amalgam 3rd place in kingdom level ironman tournament at Crossroads
Baronet Krod Featherbritches, Healer of the Wight Light Order of the Warrior 8 2024-11-20 Amalgam 1st place in the Crossroads 2024 11th warrior tournament for the 2nd year in a row
Baronet Pariah Order of the Crown 2 2024-12-24 Hammer Lightstone I am still quite new, but excellent fulfillment of Regent duties to my knowledge
Beluga Order of the Griffin 1 2023-01-15 Mewy Cutie Kamien Honor on the battlefield at the Shire of the Crimson Plains
Beluga Order of the Jovius 1 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf Outstanting service and performance
Beowulf Order of the Owl 1 2024-08-01 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Attending sword build
Blight Witherfang Order of the Crown 3 2022-06-02 Angus Running bifrost crossing constantly
Bodil Sor Loken Order of the Griffin 3 2022-12-05 Lord Captain Allistairius Excellent teamwork at Kingdom end reign and honor on the battlefield
Boss Kaptin Miiky The Voice of Gruumpsh Order of the Roach 2 2023-12-29 Strawberry Because he wants another one
Boss Kaptin Miiky The Voice of Gruumpsh Order of the Crown 2 2023-08-31 Hobbz For runing amazing battle games during there reign as champion for rivers end
Boss Kaptin Miiky The Voice of Gruumpsh Order of the Lion 3 2023-05-28 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych For leading the reeves at Salt Wars
Boss Kaptin Miiky The Voice of Gruumpsh Order of the Rose 1 2023-06-03 Strawberry For stepping up and reeving at park
Boss Kaptin Miiky The Voice of Gruumpsh Order of the Rose 2 2023-11-15 Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor For helping reeve kingdom champion's tournament
Boss Kaptin Miiky The Voice of Gruumpsh Order of the Rose 3 2023-05-28 Garbage Reeve service during salt wars 2023
Brennus Brynjar Order of the Rose 1 2024-12-15 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Helping at 12th night
Briar Fitheach Custom Award 1 2022-01-04 Aldur Troubadour, a title I would like to give for their singing performances at several A&S
Bruff Lingel Order of the Smith 5 2023-07-08 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Teaching a Bardic class at Collegium 2023.
Cayleigh Blackheart Custom Award 2 2022-10-24 Chris Shadowfeather I know I can't really suggest awards to experienced players, but in gratitude: Cayleigh made a point of appreciating some of the work I had done in garbing and constructing, which was very encouraging.
Cayleigh Blackheart Order of the Crown 6 2023-06-25 Garbage Successful reign as duchy monarch spring 2023. Above and beyond corpora
Cayleigh Blackheart Order of the Hydra 2 2023-07-14 Baroness Saffron Rhea the Flaming Cheeto qualification for monarch last reign completed in Phoenix Rise
Cayleigh Blackheart Order of the Jovius 1 2023-02-25 Grand Duchess Whiskey Sama the Remembrancer For their positive attitude in the game.
Cayleigh Blackheart Order of the Jovius 1 2023-06-25 Garbage Such a great and uplifting attitude
Cayleigh Blackheart Order of the Rose 7 2023-06-25 Garbage Continued and consistent service to park and the kingdom
Chainmaille Order of the Owl 2 2024-02-21 Ser Finley Fortess mask made for Kingdom Dragonmaster
Chaos Lord Farkas Firebeard, The Crimson Kahn Paragon Bard 2022-04-02 Squire Severin Bloodbeard knows his abilities as a bard and how to cause havoc on the field
Chaos Lord Farkas Firebeard, The Crimson Kahn Paragon Bard 2022-03-31 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled knows his stuff and helps others learn the class always a force on the field
Cherybdis Cheoswirl Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Cinder of Fae Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Corvidae Order of the Dragon 2 2022-01-15 Shadow Silverblade 2D art entered in Kingdom Crown Quals
Countess Saint Rachel Hollyrose Custom Award 5 2022-05-30 Garbage Juror for judging best of the best
Countess Volespa WaA Order of the Jovius 1 2021-12-06 Shadow Silverblade Excellent attitude!
Crescent Master Garber 4 2024-11-18 Ser Finley Fortess 2-4 Sarah Masqurade Dress componets for Crossroads.
Cyprus Order of the Dragon 1 2024-08-18 Lady Jerenda THAT HAT
Cyprus Order of the Griffin 1 2024-08-18 Lady Jerenda Honorable conduct in Scrunglebonk 2024
Cyprus Order of the Warrior 1 2024-08-18 Lady Jerenda 2 wins in Scrunglebonk 2024
Cyrus Stone Order of Battle 4 2024-09-14 Gunder Evermore Continuous growth in learning various monsters
Cyrus Stone Order of the Lion 2 2024-10-25 Liara Mourningtide Dedicated service to Wymzee Dayle Pride 2024
D Jarvish Steamgriffin Custom Award 2 2022-10-24 Chris Shadowfeather Not sure where this fits: D Jarvish has been incredibly welcoming to new people, is playful with NPCs and monster characters, has been very encouraging
D Jarvish Steamgriffin Order of the Dragon 9 2024-03-08 Cayleigh Blackheart He has been making beautiful scrolls for people throughout the kingdom
D Jarvish Steamgriffin Order of the Dragon 9 2024-03-05 Sage Siege Lucretius Sage Siegs Knightning Scroll
D Jarvish Steamgriffin Order of the Flame 2 2023-06-01 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Was a huge help to the gate team during Salt Wars: The Witcher 2023
D Jarvish Steamgriffin Order of the Warrior 5 2023-08-14 Baroness Lady Hen Placing 3rd in duchy level fighting tournament+battlefield prowess
D Jarvish Steamgriffin Paragon Monster 2024-03-05 Sage Siege Lucretius Varying degrees of monsterness!
Dahlia Delphine Order of the Garber 7 2025-01-14 Onyx Overdose Kingdom event sashes
Dahlia Delphine Order of the Rose 10 2025-01-14 Onyx Overdose Constantly volunteering for kingdom & local crafts outta pocket
Dallas Peregrinus, Marquis of House Gigglesticks Order of the Flame 4 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Danni Order of the Jovius 1 2023-03-29 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Every time they are on the field they are smiling and having a good time. Their energy is infectious.
Darri Order of the Warrior 6 2024-11-18 The Butcher Darri won 13+ consecutive matches back to back, as well as placed 1st in all 3 categories sword, sword and board, and Flo
Darri Order of the Warrior 6 2024-11-17 Hammer Lightstone Winning 13+ consecutive matches and placing 1st during the Rusty Gauntlet November War Skill tournament
Defender Man-at-Arms Dragon Redthorn Order of Battle 8 2024-10-01 Vulcan, Defender of the Iron Mountains Exceptional Play as a Monk on the battle field. Consistent ability to use abilities as needed, run objectives, and hold down positions alone. An exceptional Battle gamer.
Defender Man-at-Arms Dragon Redthorn Order of the Mask 1 2024-10-01 Vulcan, Defender of the Iron Mountains Fun role playing as the only monk in the Quest at rakis.
Defender Man-at-Arms Dragon Redthorn Order of the Smith 2 2024-09-21 Grand Duchess Whiskey Sama the Remembrancer For teaching at the collegium 2024
Defender Man-at-Arms Dragon Redthorn Paragon Monk 1 2024-10-01 Vulcan, Defender of the Iron Mountains Exceptional Monk play. Dragon solo kept our team alive during the quest at Rakis using heal and charge. He always uses sanctuary at the right times and is happy to use banish whenever it comes up. He also has great field awarness and knows the right targets when fighting.
Deja Order of the Juror 2022-03-30 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Judging dragonmaster on 3/2022
Demitri Barberoi Order of the Juror 1 2023-06-12 Yennifer Stepping in and helping judge the A&S. He even went home to bring some forks and pick up someone’s item to be judged.
Devils Order of the Garber 1 2023-11-18 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Making a cover for polearm
Devon Stark Marquis 1 2024-12-07 Sir Nidalap Holding the title of Sheirff for Myth Vael for the past 4 years during and after the Covid shut down. Holding together the leadership of MV until such a time as new members can learn to lead.
Devon Stark Order of Battle 10 2024-05-10 Zioet Vici Devon has repeatedly shown, not only as a master warrior, but through his actions on the field that he has honor in the game, tactical thinking on the field, and a willingness to engage with others and shepherd newbies even at Kingdom games.
Dib Belgerik Raeonwyn Order of the Walker in the Middle 2024-09-02 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled always knows the rules and everyone has fun!
Dib Belgerik Raeonwyn Order of the Jovius 1 2024-11-18 Stradivarius Greywolf He helped complete strangers at camp setup with the kindest and nicest attitute I've met. He brought joy to every conversation, I don't know how he doesn't have this!
Dib Belgerik Raeonwyn Order of the Rose 10 2025-01-14 Onyx Overdose Continues to improve software designed to facilitate the game long after he leaves
Dib Belgerik Raeonwyn Paragon Reeve 2024-09-02 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled always knows the rules and everyone has fun!
Dingus Order of Battle 4 2024-09-14 Gunder Evermore Growth in learning the Monk class
Dingus Order of the Lion 1 2024-10-25 Liara Mourningtide Dedicated service to Wymzee Dayle Pride 2024
Dove Master Dragon 2024-11-18 Stradivarius Greywolf For her multiple duchy and kingdom wins. Her awards do not match her prowess or her wins in competition. I firmly believe her body of work and skills as a teacher are more than worthy of the title. Please message me directly for more details.
Dove Master Dragon 9 2024-11-20 Amalgam 2nd and 3rd place at the kingdom level People’s choice at Crossroads
Dove Order of the Dragon 9 2024-11-19 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Chimchar plush
Dove Order of the Dragon 9 2024-11-18 Lord Squire Farland The Moist Making and patterning Chimchar plush
Dove Order of the Dragon 9 2024-11-20 Oran Custom patterning of chimchar plush and sailor moon cat outfit entered at people's choice. Also for professional quality of products on sale at crossroads.
Dove Order of the Garber 5 2023-11-14 Ser Finley Fortess Phoenix Shawl presented to Finley for her knighting and taking 2nd place in the People's Choice A&S at Crossroads the witcher
Dragon Order of the Warrior 8 2023-05-29 Lord Lunch, the Menu Marquis For being on the winning team in the Salt Wars 2023 3v3 tournament.
Dreoilin LightSeeker Custom Award 1 2023-01-19 Fancy Order of the Chair: for keeping the bench that faces the fighting field warm all winter
Drex Order of the Rose 1 2023-04-22 Noira Rush Helping Out another player during a medical emergency
Duncan Deepwell Order of the Griffin 1 2024-07-20 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Honor during RE tournament
Durzo Bearcrab Order of the Griffin 4 2024-11-20 Amalgam Honor in 11th Warrior Tournament at Crossroads
Ecclesiastros Order of the Griffin 1 2022-12-13 Mewy Cutie Kamien This dude loves to fight and you can just tell. Teleported into battle and stabbed a bunch of folks in the back!!!
Echo Order of the Rose 1 2023-08-05 Garbage Picking up broken water balloons at midreign August 2023
Entris crescent Order of the Warrior 4 2022-04-07 Valora WilloWood battlefield prowess
Entris crescent Paragon Assassin 2024-05-29 Lady Jerenda Spent literally 100% of the time at the enemy base being a nuisance. Made me regret it every time I turned my back on them.
Evan Traginoire del Khahli Eru Iluvatar von Darkjester Order of the Walker in the Middle 1 2023-04-16 Ser Finley Fortess Incredible reeve work at the SWW8 tournaments
Fancy Order of Battle 8 2023-05-28 Master Baronette Jeriah Nimo For clowning around during the Witcher Salt Wars battlegame and still being a dominate presence capable of single-handedly controlling their battlespace against the best DW has to offer. Seriously y'all, why doesn't she have at least her 8th already?
Fancy Order of the Griffin 5 2024-10-01 Vulcan, Defender of the Iron Mountains Exeptional Honor and shot taking during the Morigiane (non mens) tournement at Rakis
Fancy Order of the Griffin 6 2022-12-05 Lord Captain Allistairius Excellent patience when working with newer players and good teamwork.
Fancy Order of the Rose 6 2024-10-01 Vulcan, Defender of the Iron Mountains Reeving at rakis as well as acting as the Security Crat
Fancy Paragon Wizard 2024-05-29 Lady Jerenda Always a formidible threat on the battlefield.
Fancy Paragon Wizard 2023-04-13 Ilithyia Strayle For being a heckin game-changer every time she puts on a yellow sash
Fancy Paragon Wizard 2023-05-28 Master Baronette Jeriah Nimo For repeatedly demonstrating excellence at all aspects of the Wizard class.
Fancy Paragon Wizard 2023-02-21 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Blasting through the 3v3.
Fauna Shadowdance Order of the Dragon 4 2024-11-20 Amalgam Lovely impromptu swing dancing by the firelight at Crossroads with Gideon Feralheart
Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Order of the Juror 1 2024-07-23 Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor For judging IH Summer 2024 Hydra Tournament.
Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Baronetess 2023-04-09 Shadow Silverblade Service during the 2022/2023 Kingdom Reign
Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Custom Award 2023-04-13 Ilithyia Strayle Custom title: Denmother
Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Order of the Dragon 6 2023-07-17 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Blondies that have been so well loved at feasts that Corbeaux would riot if I didn't bring them.
Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Order of the Lion 6 2023-10-21 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne For taking care of Prime Minister duties in Aibek’s absence.
Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Order of the Rose 9 2023-05-27 Shadow Silverblade Gate - o - Crat help for Salt Wars 2023
Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Paragon Color 2023-06-06 Necromancer Supreme Astria Dalinar Ransomer of Death It's Frostleaf...You know the reasoning
Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Paragon Color 10 2023-06-06 Ilithyia Strayle For creating an irreplicable environment off the battlefield that welcomes new and old, fighter and color alike.
Figment (TDV) Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Flameskull Order of Battle 1 2024-12-29 Darri Effective play of battle games
Flameskull Order of the Rose 1 2024-11-17 Hammer Lightstone Bringing and offering water to the park
Fossa Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Frith Paragon Peasant 10 2021-12-06 Shadow Silverblade Excellent Single Sword fighting Ability in Battlegames
Galaxy Custom Award 5 2024-11-18 Squire Baronette Gemini 5th acolyte for multiple volunteer shifts and cooking a delicious meal with 3 variations to accommodate for dietary needs
Galaxy Order of the Warrior 6 2023-08-20 Acrid the Scarecrow She does the fights good yall
Galaxy Paragon Peasant 1 2024-11-20 Oran With just a single sword, she still threatens the battle field and deftly deals with those she fights. This peasant has surpassed the other farmers. Give them a proper silver pitchfork
Galaxy Paragon Peasant 1 2024-11-20 Dallas Peregrinus, Marquis of House Gigglesticks For being just a lil guy and being an awesome peasant
Galvin the Mad Scientist Battlemaster 1 2024-11-05 Ser Finley Fortess Galvin has one of the most strategic minds on the battlefield. He can counter some of our best stick fighters with his knowledge of the game, and his ability to have the answer for everyone on the opposing side as well as how to achieve the goal of the game.
Galvin the Mad Scientist Master Smith 1 2025-01-14 Wisteria, Karmic Hammer Galvin is one of the great game makers of our time. He has for the last 2 years created some of the most fun battlegames at Crossroads, as well as even when he isn't champion, run games randomly at our home park. He's always got a new idea and spent hours setting up all the games for Crossroads for the last 2 years. He also ends the games with amazing balance. One of the greats to be sure
Galvin the Mad Scientist Master Smith 10 2024-11-17 Ser Finley Fortess Phenomenal Crossroads battle games. Interesting and fun to play monsters. Games on theme, fun for all players including the NPcs.
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of Battle 10 2024-11-29 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Being a force on the field. A caster who can turn the tides of a game. Knowing classes inside and out, having multiple apprentices.
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of Battle 10 2024-11-20 Oran knows the game inside and out, effective in combat, classes, objectives, and team organization. You know he's a threat when he does step onto the field.
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of Battle 10 2024-10-28 Squire Baronette Gemini Galvin always changes the outcome of the field, knows all of his abilities well, and is a great mentor to others who are aspiring to do well on the battlefield.
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of Battle 10 2024-10-28 Wisteria, Karmic Hammer Galvin has rapidly become one of the more impressive members of our park. 2 paragons in and well versed in the rulebook. Galvin can be a force when he wants to and is always explaining rules in a way that makes sense to all levels of player. Id be honored to have him as a fellow battlemaster.
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of the Dragon 7 2024-11-17 Ser Finley Fortess 5th, 6th and a 7th dragon for 4 unique labyrinth themed cocktails and cocktails, that were all delicious, and interesting. Hoggles peach that had a gummy worm and mango foam, bog of eternal stench that had a smoke bubble on top. He kittes out a full alchemist tent to serve out of. The whole thing deserves several dragons
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of the Rose 6 2024-11-29 Vita Willing to help answer a lot of questions about the game. Various and notable event contributions.
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of the Rose 6 2024-11-17 Galaxy War-o-crat xroads 2024
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of the Rose 6 2023-11-11 Lord Zen Running the field at crossroads
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of the Smith 9 2024-11-29 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Fun games at Crossroads, including FAIRYBALL!
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of the Smith 9 2024-11-17 Atrox (TDV) Amazing and fun games throughout Crossroads, using terrain and interesting rules to keep games fun and fresh
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of the Smith 9 2024-11-19 Saben Halfmoon Extremely fun battlegames at Crossroads 2024
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of the Smith 9 2024-11-18 Lady Maple Crossroads 9 battlegame designs, specifically Fairy Ball was incredibly unique, complex but also easy to understand! Cannot emphasize enough people come to Crossroads just to play his games!!
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of the Smith 9 2024-11-17 Galaxy Xroads 2024 games
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of the Smith 9 2024-11-17 Wilhelm fantastic games designed for crossroads 9. Each and every game was a delight to play and had fantastic design
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of the Smith 9 2024-11-17 Squire Baronette Gemini Multiple creative and fun battle games at Crossroads
Galvin the Mad Scientist Order of the Smith 9 2024-11-20 Oran Designed many games for crossroads that were fun, thematic, and fair! All around extremely enjoyable
Gambit O Maille Order of the Flame 3 2023-05-30 Garbage serving on the trash team for salt wars 2023
Garbage Order of the Roach 5 2022-05-30 Garbage Assassinating the king and regent at salt wars 2022, getting a small child to assassinate the king at salt wars 2022, and recommending himself for awards
Garbage Marquis 10 2022-06-22 Lord Captain Allistairius
Garbage Order of the Crown 4 2022-01-04 Aldur Has been in office for longer than he should be. Served well and has hone above and beyond for the park in these pandemic times
Garbage Order of the Crown 5 2022-01-04 Aldur For the same reason as his fourth. Is an amazing contribution to events as well as a huge help to anyone seeking it.
Garbage Order of the Griffin 1 2022-11-12 Sesasha the Siren, the Technomancer Honor during champions tourney
Garbage Order of the Jovius 1 2023-05-30 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Being an absolute ray of sunshine wherever he goes and bringing TDV so much joy
Garbage Order of the Jovius 1 2023-05-29 Lady Mythic the Historian Jewbacca always brings fun and join while promoting positive vibes all through the Kingdom but especially through online. Is a big supporting and Terra De Votum appreciates him being so active and positive on our page. We just appreciate him for staying positive and being a general uplifting person.
Garbage Order of the Rose 7 2022-06-04 Sesasha the Siren, the Technomancer Event committee service
Garbage Order of the Rose 8 2022-03-28 Lady Mythic the Historian Donations to the kingdom and running of auctions to get people to Salt Wars. Has been giving things for auction to the kingdom.
Garbage Order of the Rose 8 2022-03-28 Ser Finley Fortess Running a kingdom fundraiser to get people to Salt Wars, Consistantly donating items and thousands of dollars to fund auctions,
Garbage Order of the Rose 9 2022-12-12 Lord Captain Allistairius Consistent continued service to Kingdom and Park in organizing events, stepping in to help when help is needed, always being supportive in different positions, and actively working to make Amtgard a better place
Garbage Order of the Rose 9 2022-12-10 Strawberry For his many years of service in river's end, or in short terms being the heart of river's end
Garbage Order of the Rose 10 2023-04-05 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Running the help get them to saltwars auction
Garbage Order of the Rose 10 2023-05-31 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel On top of everything else, consistently and continuously recommending awards both within and outside of his own park, ensuring people get the recognition they deserve
Garbage Order of the Smith 4 2021-09-29 Zioet Vici Helping run dbw online
Garbage Order of the Smith 5 2021-09-29 Zioet Vici Service in event committee
Garbage Order of the Smith 6 2023-07-08 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Serving at the Collegium 2023
Garbage Order of the Warrior 3 2022-12-12 Lord Captain Allistairius Good skill at fighting, particularly at blocking with shields and weapons
Garbage Paragon Monk 1 2022-01-04 Aldur Battlefield prowess playing monk, not only at the local park but at many saltwar battles. Knows more than sanctuary
Grand Duchess Ser Snow Bryna Vixen Order of the Rose 8 2024-04-28 Squire Lorelei Archmage of Attire For running the Gnome Works at Salt Wars 2023
Grand Duke Sir Rocky Grand Duke 1 2024-11-19 Ser Finley Fortess Excellent service as King
Granifar Order of the Owl 1 2024-07-14 Oran Teaching Lance how to repair swords (and making some in the process)
Granifar Order of the Owl 2 2024-07-14 Oran Reverse engineering the Lancerous Speedpole and making one for himself
Gregor Sunflowerseed Custom Award 1 2023-06-26 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne "Order of the Dislocated"
Grek Order of the Lion 2 2024-11-30 Vita Helped to train me. Often willing to spar during breaks. Maintains lively and welcoming attitude.
Gremlin Order of Battle 1 2022-10-24 Chris Shadowfeather For playing with gusto!
Gunder Evermore Custom Award 2023-10-07 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne “Order of the Monkey” for climbing onto the bathroom to claim a frisbee.
Gunder Evermore Marquis 2024-03-18 Sir Lucas OL IV Went above and beyond expectations of Ducal Regent. Well Deserved.
Gunder Evermore Order of the Crown 3 2024-08-18 Lady Jerenda Above and beyond expectations as Regent, PM, and sort-of-everything for a bit there. Wymzee Dayle 2024
Gunder Evermore Order of the Hydra 1 2023-10-09 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Qualifying for Regent in September 2023.
Gunder Evermore Order of the Lion 3 2024-10-25 Liara Mourningtide Dedicated service to Wymzee Dayle Pride 2024
Gunder Evermore Order of the Rose 3 2024-08-18 Lady Jerenda Reeved during Scrunglebonk 2024 despite also participating. In general, always ready to help.
Gwenkitty Custom Award 3 2023-10-09 Lady Talisyn Recommend: Vogue, for excellent use of poses with weaponry that inspires their teammates during battle
Hakan Order of the Rose 2022-03-30 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Dontating to baca event
Hakan Order of the Warrior 7 2023-08-14 Baroness Lady Hen Placing first in our duchy fighters tournament!
Hakan Order of the Warrior 7 2024-04-20 Hakan Placing first in Duchy level Weapon Master
Hammer Lightstone Order of the Dragon 2 2025-01-02 The Butcher Winning his second A&S tournament in a row
Hammer Lightstone Order of the Dragon 2 2025-01-02 Serpent of the Vangaurd Winning his second A&S tournament, and winning two in a row.
Hammer Lightstone Order of the Zodiac 1 2024-10-25 Master Marquis Kohaku Umezawa for donation of water in the summer at mimics and RG
Hangman Custom Award 2 2024-11-18 Squire Baronette Gemini acolyte- for crossroads volunteering
Hangman Order of the Rose 7 2024-11-20 Amalgam Hella award recs following Crossroads 2024
Hangman Order of the Rose 7 2023-11-13 Lady Aurora For always be there to help anyone and everyone everyone no matter what it is he will help
Hangman Paragon Bard 2023-06-01 Lord Lunch, the Menu Marquis Exceptional understanding of the Bard class and how it interacts in a support role on the battlefield.
Hangman Paragon Bard 1 2024-11-17 Zioet Vici Versatile and consistently well performed bard
Hangman Paragon Bard 1 2023-09-28 Lady Aurora For great understanding of how the bard works
Hazel Fenrir Wildstrike Order of Battle 4 2024-03-18 Baroness Saffron Rhea the Flaming Cheeto Strong druid class strategy in battlegames;
Hearthseer Leo Lightbringer Master Smith 2021-12-06 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled running workshops and duke leo's library
Hearthseer Leo Lightbringer Master Smith 1 2021-12-06 Grand Duke Sir Rocky For being a consistent designer for battle games, questing, and game runner. Also for his online library that gives online advise and tutorials for new players and tenured players alike.
Hearthseer Leo Lightbringer Order of the Flame 2 2024-08-18 Lady Jerenda Behind the scenes assistance in running Scrunglebonk 2024
Hearthseer Leo Lightbringer Order of the Lion 8 2022-07-09 Shadow Silverblade Excellent fundraising for WD raffle with prizes donated from many sources
Hearthseer Leo Lightbringer Order of the Rose 8 2023-05-29 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled helping make sure the monsters had garb for saltwars 2023
Hearthseer Leo Lightbringer Order of the Rose 8 2023-05-29 Shadow Silverblade Providing Monster Garb for Salt War 2023 quests
Hearthseer Leo Lightbringer Order of the Rose 8 2022-07-22 Lady Jerenda Always having costumes and garb available for everyone at park, making it possible for people to try out monsters and be in character
Hearthseer Leo Lightbringer Order of the Smith 10 2021-12-06 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled creating a space to help others learn and running workshops
Himawari Order of the Rose 1 2023-08-05 Garbage Picking up broken water balloons at midreign August 2023
Himawari Order of the Rose 2 2023-06-24 Garbage Efforts in the moving fundraiser June 2023
Hobbz Order of the Rose 2 2024-08-18 Lady Jerenda Primary reeve for Scrunglebonk 2024.
Hodr Rimefrost Order of the Crown 1 2021-09-07 Bronzeboar 2015 Winter Regent - Duchy of Sun's Haven
Hodr Rimefrost Order of the Crown 2 2021-09-07 Bronzeboar 2016 Summer Regent - Duchy of Sun's Haven
Hodr Rimefrost Order of the Crown 3 2021-09-07 Bronzeboar 2016 Winter Monarch - Duchy of Sun's Haven
Hoon Rithux Custom Award 1 2022-10-24 Chris Shadowfeather Not sure where this fits: Hoon has been very welcoming of newcomers, and always plays with effectiveness and levity. His dedication to his persona is inspiring.
Hunter B Order of Battle 3 2021-09-01 Bronzeboar For solid group fighting on the field.
Ilithyia Strayle Order of Battle 8 2023-01-15 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Earned Paragon Druid twice
Ilithyia Strayle Order of Battle 9 2023-05-27 Shadow Silverblade Lots of Paragons
Ilithyia Strayle Order of the Griffin 7 2024-08-10 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Honor displayed during 5+ tournament, 8/10/24
Ilithyia Strayle Order of the Hydra 4 2023-07-17 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Qualifying for Champion during April 2023 WD CQ.
Ilithyia Strayle Order of the Jovius 1 2023-07-12 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Peter Griffin sings the wii song.
Ilithyia Strayle Order of the Owl 7 2023-08-26 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne For crafting axe throwies so nice that a professional axe thrower loves them!
Ilithyia Strayle Order of the Smith 7 2023-10-09 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne During their term as Champion they really stepped up in not only their battlegame concepts but the time they took to work with our players and hear them.
Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Knight of Battle 2024-11-18 Lady Maple Lord Gideon shows time and time again that no matter which class he gets his hands on he will become a game tilting threat. Exemplifies the qualities of knighthood in his ability to perform of the battlefield and in tournaments as well as being a patient teacher and engaged community member. An honorable fighter and a brilliant strategic mind.
Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Knight of Battle 2024-10-27 Stradivarius Greywolf A dominant force in every game he plays. Multiple top kingdom placements in battle game tournaments and above all else is an outstanding teacher and battle gamer.
Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Order of the Griffin 7 2024-11-20 Amalgam Good Honor on the Battlefield as well as in the 11th Warrior Tournament at Crossroads
Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Paragon Druid 2024-11-18 Squire Baronette Gemini The way that Gideon plays Druid is unlike anything that I have seen from other druids and he absolutely wrecks the field. I appreciate the way that Gideon crafts his spell lists to roleplay his character. The dedication to the class and his amtgard persona does not go unnoticed.
Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Paragon Druid 2024-10-28 Galvin the Mad Scientist Very skillful as druid. Become a key factor in his team winning the game.
Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Paragon Druid 2024-11-19 Hangman If you’re not concerned to see Gideon put on a brown sash, it’s only because he’s on your team. Get him some silver trim so maybe he can move on to another class and stop kicking our butts so bad XD
Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Paragon Druid 2024-07-14 Oran Very successful use of the class on the field, regularly dominating it. Taught at least 2 others how to play Druid, create lists and strategies with them when they had questions. Discussed (but not submitted) rules changes to help with the balancing of Druid.
Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Paragon Druid 1 2023-08-19 Zoe Zoe Being impossible to balance when he plays Druid. Helping other druids correct their spell lists and make better ones.
Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Paragon Druid 1 2025-01-06 Wisteria, Karmic Hammer This guy right here officer. Gideon has been consistently performing at the highest level of druid. When I have the opportunity to play with him he's a force on our team, controlling the field and smashing back the enemy. When I play against him he rises to meet and exceed opposing Paragon druids. He is absolutely deserving of the silver stripes. His knowledge on this class has been exceptional.
Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Paragon Druid 1 2024-02-03 Sir Raunik Amazing use of full kit at large event once upon a time
Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Paragon Druid 1 2024-04-28 Stradivarius Greywolf Devastating play, can teach, run and dominate with the class. the standard of a paragon.
Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Paragon Druid 10 2024-11-18 Galaxy Excellent understanding and application of the class.
Jade Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
James Savant Order of the Crown 1 2023-05-27 Dreoilin LightSeeker Running the park of Iron Hold while the majority of members were at Salt Wars.
Joad Retjick Paragon Monk 1 2021-09-01 Bronzeboar Fantastic garb, class knowledge, kit, and application across a celebrated monk career 224 credits and counting.
Jynx Dayne Order of the Garber 4 2024-05-18 Ritter Burgermeister Bridgette von Giggigen Soulscars capelet for his knighting
Karnage Kasady Order of the Walker in the Middle 1 2024-02-24 Dib Belgerik Raeonwyn He is a very good and enthusiastic reeve.
Karnage Kasady Order of the Garber 6 2025-01-14 Onyx Overdose His peasent wrap pants
Karnage Kasady Order of the Owl 6 2025-01-14 Onyx Overdose Alien Madu
Kava Goldmane Order of the Owl 6 2023-02-21 Grand Duchess Whiskey Sama the Remembrancer For the Unicorn Hobby Horses constructed and entered in Kingdom DM
Kava Goldmane Order of the Smith 3 2023-01-19 Fancy For the outstanding presentation of her active construction project "A baby" during KGD as well as her 9 month+ commitment said project
Kazick Order of Battle 9 2024-11-17 Ser Finley Fortess Field command at Crossroads
Kebab Order of the Rose 1 2023-08-05 Garbage Picking up broken water balloons at midreign August 2023
Kesric Order of the Rose 1 2024-08-04 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Helping with gear at park
Kittara Order of the Dragon 7 2023-08-22 Lord Alaric drakaasi A&S entry
Kittara Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Kittara Order of the Warrior 4 2023-08-22 Lord Alaric drakaasi Fighting with honor in dm tournament
Kora Lockheart Order of the Griffin 1 2024-11-17 Wilhelm Honor at her first tournament
Kora Lockheart Order of the Griffin 1 2024-11-20 Amalgam Honor in 11th Warrior Tournament at Crossroads
Kora Lockheart Order of the Warrior 1 2024-11-18 Lady Maple Crossroads 9, immediately jumped into the tournament and battle field with much enthusiasm!
Kora Lockheart Order of the Warrior 1 2024-11-20 Amalgam Wins in first tournament (11th Warrior Tournament at Crossroads)
Kora Lockheart Order of the Warrior 1 2024-11-17 Wilhelm Participation in the 11th warrior tournament at Crossroads 9
Kora Suishou Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Kuretur Order of Battle 1 2025-01-30 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Excellent fighting on the field
Lady Anouk Nallrina Order of the Dragon 5 2023-01-14 Radiant Jarl Tyerva Rockhammer Construction of Radiant Gwens’ knighting pillow in Dec 2022 - Heraldry was created by hand embroidery. (Blue Pillow, with Gwen’s Heraldry) Photos available by Whiskey, Video footage available on IH Youtube channel (DW Endreign at 58:11)
Lady Draeva Corvidae, Esquire Master Dragon 1 2022-06-12 Sesasha the Siren, the Technomancer Lukus' knighting scroll
Lady Jerenda Order of the Juror 2 2023-07-17 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Served as judge during 7/15/23 Dragonmaster
Lady Jerenda Baronetess 1 2022-10-05 Arch Duchess Dame Sindari Elfstone Prime Minister duties to the crown x2reigns for Whymsee Dsle and other leadership roles.
Lady Jerenda Order of the Rose 7 2024-07-06 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Dedicated service to Gate at SW Witcher and SW UwU
Lady Jerenda Paragon Bard 2023-11-15 Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor All around amazing bard. Numerous battle games I've seen them at the center of their team, using a wide range of their abilities to support and push the game objectives. They show excellent understanding in the class.
Lady Jerenda Paragon Bard 2023-04-19 Necromancer Supreme Astria Dalinar Ransomer of Death Being A Grand Bard
Lady Jerenda Paragon Bard 2024-09-23 Song Heart Jerenda is a fantastic Bard
Lady Jerenda Paragon Bard 2024-07-06 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne She embodies what it means to be a Bard.
Lady Jerenda Paragon Bard 1 2023-07-12 Sam Leig Jerenda is an awesome bard who has been mentoring me in bardism since i joined.
Lady Maple Order of Battle 5 2024-11-17 Hangman How is Maple still only at 1 battle?! At Crossroads 2024, I saw good pole work, good situational awareness, and good use of abilities!
Lady Maple Order of the Rose 6 2024-11-15 Wilhelm making and serving the best damn feast I've ever had at SWW9
Lady Maple Order of the Rose 6 2024-11-15 Squire Baronette Gemini creating amazing meal plans for SWW9 and Crossroads
Lady Mythic the Historian Baronet 1 2023-05-31 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Served with excellence as Ducal Prime Minister
Lady Mythic the Historian Order of the Dragon 8 2024-09-23 Lady Jerenda Consistent, incredible artwork made for gifts for everyone. Consistently goes above and beyond, always improving on her previous projects. Incredible artistry, patience, and skill overall.
Lady Sarka Volsung Order of the Dragon 9 2024-05-29 Lord Lunch, the Menu Marquis For her performance at Salt Wars 2024, winning the Best of the Best competition and taking second in the People's Choice Showcase competition.
Lady Sarka Volsung Order of the Dragon 9 2024-10-26 Rhogar Norixius For Winning Salt Wars 2024 Best of the Best
Lady Sarka Volsung Order of the Dragon 9 2024-05-28 Master Marquis Kohaku Umezawa She has shown outstanding craft skills with horses, stuffed animals, and an amazing arrow and archer loadout. She is an amazing example of what a master dragon could be. She always helps and puts out such fantastic items for tournaments, better than some knights I've seen
Lady Sarka Volsung Order of the Owl 8 2025-01-12 Lord Lunch, the Menu Marquis Her hand crafted leather armor set, including a Demi-Cuirass, Kidney Belt, Pauldrons, Bazuband Bracers, Greaves, and Handguards.
Lady Ticono DeNoir Order of the Lion 1 2021-09-02 Bronzeboar For being an awesomely proactive and responsive PM
Lance Ironsides Order of the Griffin 4 2024-11-20 Amalgam Always having excellent honor on the battlefield and in tournaments
Lance Ironsides Order of the Griffin 4 2024-10-05 Wilhelm Ecceptional grace in the face of misplays by others on the battlefield
Lance Ironsides Order of the Rose 3 2024-11-20 Amalgam Always being willing to reeve tournaments at Suns Haven
Leo Amadeus Order of the Facade 4 2023-05-31 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Being an absolute chaotic alchemy goblin at SWW8.
Leo Amadeus Order of Battle 4 2023-05-31 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Long overdue for battles. Chased down an armored warrior with a forcebolt, tore up so many battle games as a barrage wizard, inspired others to play Wizard after they witnessed battlegame prowess.
Leo Amadeus Order of Battle 5 2024-11-20 Oran Long over due for awareness of objectives and working with the team to win.
Leo Amadeus Order of Battle 5 2024-11-18 Lady Maple Situational awareness and ability to quickly evaluate threats. Specifically his performance at Crossroads 9 and reminding all wizards why they should cary phase bolts for Monks.
Leo Amadeus Order of Battle 5 2023-08-28 Zoe Zoe Being a very efficient player during battle games always especially at events
Leo Amadeus Paragon Wizard 1 2023-08-29 Finan the Traveler Amadeus is peak wizard. He dresses the part everytime, even at local park days. He casts his spells clearly and is always willing to explain rules to new comers and I have personally seen him encouraging new wizards at park.
Leo Amadeus Paragon Wizard 1 2024-11-20 Oran Give this goblin a long over due paragon wizard. Knows his list and effectively uses it in class games to barrage from the midline.
Leo Amadeus Paragon Wizard 1 2023-08-28 Zoe Zoe Always crushing battle games as a wizard and having top notch knowledge around the class
Leo Amadeus Paragon Wizard 1 2023-08-28 Prize Plays his class very well.
Leo Amadeus Paragon Wizard 1 2023-08-28 Sacree Phise Dedication to the class with years of experience and knowledge of spells
Leo Amadeus Paragon Wizard 1 2023-08-28 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Great knowledge of the class. Prowess. Wrecking battlegames and inspiring new wizards.
Lepish Order of Battle 5 2023-05-28 Fancy So much battlefield prowess it hurts
Lepish Order of the Garber 5 2023-05-28 Fancy For an amazing Kirin Cosplay that has held up to multiple battlegames.
Lepish Order of the Warrior 6 2023-05-28 Fancy Skill on the battlefield with multiple weapons as well as good placements in several recent tournaments on both a dutchy and Kingdom level
Liara Mourningtide Order of the Mantis 1 2023-03-29 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Dedication to the Seelie Court
Liara Mourningtide Baronet 2023-04-13 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne “Winter Baronet” for holding office as Regent twice, once at Barony level and once at Duchy level.
Liara Mourningtide Baronetess 1 2023-04-13 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Two terms as Regent, make her the Winter Baronetess
Liara Mourningtide Custom Award 1 2023-04-13 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Order of the Park Matron, consistently taking care of park members and reprimanding unruly park members (specifically Corbeaux)
Liara Mourningtide Lady 1 2023-12-03 Hrafn Mimirson For being a driving force in Wymzee Dayle
Liara Mourningtide Order of the Garber 3 2024-12-13 Gunder Evermore Various belt favors made events
Lilac Gardenia Order of the Rose 5 2024-11-12 Hammer Lightstone Immediately offering and loaning her own boot to Badger when he hurt his ankle even though she was still recovering
Lillywinks Custom Award 4 2022-10-24 Chris Shadowfeather Note sure where this fits: Lillywinks reached out early on to us newcomers with a checkin on how things were going, which was much appreciated. Also, his humor on the battlefield is unrivaled.
Lillywinks Order of the Rose 9 2023-04-02 D Jarvish Steamgriffin helping at tree city con
Lillywinks Order of the Rose 10 2024-07-01 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Making weapons, and donating the money to both Rusty Gauntlet and Treasure Valley mimics
Lily Stryker Order of the Crown 1 2023-05-27 Dreoilin LightSeeker Running the park of Iron Hold while the majority of members were at Salt Wars.
Lizbet Order of the Dragon 4 2024-12-09 Squire Baronette Gemini Picnic painted shield cover
Lizbet Order of the Owl 3 2024-12-09 Squire Baronette Gemini Building a punch shield
Lord Alaric drakaasi Lord 1 2023-09-25 Lady Aurora For faithful service to the park fir almost 10 years
Lord Alaric drakaasi Order of the Flame 2 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Lord Alaric drakaasi Order of the Rose 8 2023-11-16 Lady Aurora For doing security, gate and reeving at crossroads
Lord Alaric drakaasi Paragon Warrior 1 2023-09-19 Lady Aurora Being a good warrior
Lord Camroth Custom Award 3 2022-10-24 Chris Shadowfeather I know I can't really suggest awards to experienced players, but in gratitude: Camroth has made both my sons and I feel welcome and has demonstrated inspiring capacity for battle. I appreciate his dedication to improvement, even when he is already quite accomplished.
Lord Camroth Paragon Archer 2024-03-05 Sage Siege Lucretius Proficiency and accuracy with a bow and archer abilities. Watch out camroth is shooting now!
Lord Camroth Paragon Archer 2024-03-05 Cayleigh Blackheart He is a master of the bow, he knows all the class abilities and helps others learn the class.
Lord Camroth Paragon Wizard 2024-03-05 Sage Siege Lucretius For domination in all archetypes as a wizard!
Lord Camroth Paragon Wizard 2024-03-05 Cayleigh Blackheart He knows all the spells and is able to adjust accordingly to balance the game. He helps and guides other players to learn the class.
Lord Captain Allistairius Master Griffin 10 2024-07-12 Lord Captain Allistairius Incredible humility about being honorable
Lord Captain Allistairius Order of Battle 8 2024-03-04 Lord Captain Allistairius Received numerous comments of surprise that my level 3 Paladin isn't a Paragonhood. Very solid Monster, exceptional Scout despite low level. Almost always one of the first picked when RE and IH play together.
Lord Captain Allistairius Order of Battle 8 2024-05-09 Zioet Vici The dude has a paragon
Lord Captain Allistairius Order of the Dragon 5 2024-03-04 Lord Captain Allistairius Decent miniature painter
Lord Captain Allistairius Order of the Griffin 10 2024-07-12 Lord Captain Allistairius Probably the last person in existence that says "Not friendly behind" and waits 2 seconds before whacking people's back
Lord Captain Allistairius Order of the Owl 6 2024-02-09 Zioet Vici He made brig armor!
Lord Captain Allistairius Order of the Smith 6 2024-04-18 Lord Captain Allistairius Making some VERY well received Cosmere themed battlegames, members of IH and WD thoroughly enjoyed joining RE to play them at Doosan's farewell party
Lord Captain Allistairius Order of the Warrior 6 2024-03-04 Lord Captain Allistairius Won two Barony level tournaments in a row. Very low overdue
Lord Captain Allistairius Paragon Monk 10 2024-07-12 Lord Captain Allistairius I only played Monk one time and people asked me to never play Monk again because I was too good at it
Lord Captain Allistairius Paragon Monster 10 2024-03-04 Lord Captain Allistairius The go-to smashy monster in RE
Lord Captain Allistairius Paragon Reeve 10 2024-07-12 Lord Captain Allistairius I'm a good reeve
Lord Captain Allistairius Paragon Scout 10 2024-07-12 Lord Captain Allistairius I can hit the broad side of a barn with heavy throwies and a bow
Lord Captain Allistairius Weaponmaster 1 2023-03-10 Lord Captain Allistairius Winning RE Weaponmaster 2023
Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Lord 1 2023-08-20 Stradivarius Greywolf consisten commitment to multiple parks and amtgard as a whole.
Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Order of the Lion 2 2023-05-29 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Showing leadership by stepping up to help reeve the Valkyrie tournament at Salt Wars. Helped get the tournament on track and provide everyone with a fair and fun experience.
Lord Lucifer Nikolai Dragonsboon Order of the Mask 1 2023-11-13 Ramba While I'm always pleased to meet another Captain, it's wonderful when I meet a new person and we gab IC so much I forget that I'm IC to begin with, it's a magical moment. Thank you
Lord Lunch, the Menu Marquis Master Smith 10 2025-01-30 Lord Captain Allistairius One of the best battlegame makers to ever exist in this game.
Lord Lunch, the Menu Marquis Order of Battle 9 2025-01-30 Lord Captain Allistairius Genuinely a terrifying person to go up against in battlegames. Incredibly knowledgeable and skilled.
Lord Lunch, the Menu Marquis Order of the Warrior 5 2023-07-19 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled Meeting qualified for taking third I'm duchy tournament
Lord Protector Calexial Order of the Jovius 2 2021-12-18 Shadow Silverblade Excellent attitude on the field of battle
Lord Protector Dumah Silentblade Order of the Dragon 4 2021-09-04 Bronzeboar Darksiders and Amalur Recitations entered into Kingdom Dragonmaster
Lord Protector Dumah Silentblade Order of the Lion 5 2022-05-30 Garbage Successful time as the quest crat for salt wars 2022
Lord Soop Man of Steel Order of Battle 5 2024-07-23 Squire Baronette Gemini Dominating the field at SW 2024 and helping his team win the game several times.
Lord Soop Man of Steel Order of Battle 5 2024-11-29 Vita Consistent and effective frontline fighter. Also makes good use of throwing weapons.
Lord Soop Man of Steel Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Lord Soop Man of Steel Order of the Rose 6 2024-11-18 Stradivarius Greywolf Security Crat excellence at crossroads 2024
Lord Soop Man of Steel Paragon Monk 1 2023-09-19 Lady Aurora Being a great monk
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Order of the Roach 2 2024-11-20 Squire Baronette Gemini Roleplaying as verum to trick everyone at crossroads 2024
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Baronet 1 2023-05-31 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Served with excellence as Ducal Monarch
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Master Owl 2024-09-02 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled Edwards Knight belt
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Order of the Flame 2 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Order of the Flame 3 2024-11-18 Squire Baronette Gemini The masks made Thursday night dinner for Crossroads
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Order of the Griffin 9 2023-05-22 Lady Aurora Always helpful in training new players
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Order of the Lion 5 2024-11-19 Hangman Excellently run tournaments at Crossroads 2024!
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Order of the Lion 5 2024-11-29 Vita Friendly and helpful. Helps train newer players.
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Order of the Lion 5 2024-11-29 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Running both Tournaments at Crossroads.
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Order of the Lion 5 2024-11-17 Squire Baronette Gemini Running two successful tournaments at crossroads 2024
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Order of the Lion 5 2024-11-18 Ser Finley Fortess Tournament Crat at Crossroads
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Order of the Mask 5 2024-11-29 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart For Farland, or Verum, or Wizzo. Not really sure which.
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Order of the Mask 5 2024-11-20 Oran rp for wizzo and twinning as verum
Lord Squire Farland The Moist Order of the Mask 5 2024-11-17 Wilhelm continued excellence in wizzoing
Lord Squire Hambone Oakheart Order of the Dragon 7 2024-08-21 Parkmom Aerin [ ] Providing libations and deejay services at one helluva Salt Wars party, making awesome plastdip shields for our monarch and others, creating a logo and theme song (plus belt favors) for his household, and general awesomess in attitude while staying neutral during park drama.
Lord Squire Hambone Oakheart Order of the Dragon 9 2025-01-30 Lord Captain Allistairius An incredible amount of excellent stuff that Hambone has crafted, easily rivaling anything that any Serpent Knights have made in this kingdom for well over a decade.
Lord Squire Hambone Oakheart Order of the Garber 2 2024-06-03 Squire Domina Binx Celestial Epic coat
Lord Squire Hambone Oakheart Order of the Griffin 1 2024-08-18 Lady Jerenda Honorable conduct in Scrunglebonk 2024
Lord Squire Hambone Oakheart Order of the Jovius 1 2024-06-02 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Being a wonderful human and creating an atmosphere of fun and enjoyment for others
Lord Squire Hambone Oakheart Order of the Rose 6 2024-06-02 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Running an awesome pub night at Salt War
Lord Squire Hambone Oakheart Order of the Rose 6 2024-07-28 Parkmom Aerin Planning such a successful season opener event for potluck, DM/A&S, WM, and battlegames that it was promoted to a kingdom event (for extra credits including travel)
Lord Squire Hambone Oakheart Order of the Smith 3 2024-09-21 Grand Duchess Whiskey Sama the Remembrancer For plasti dip class at collegium 2024
Lord Tristan Darkskul Order of Battle 8 2022-05-31 Shadow Silverblade Paragon
Lord Tristan Darkskul Order of the Warrior 7 2022-10-12 Arch Duchess Dame Sindari Elfstone Won the 6th and Under Tourney at National Westmarch Kingdom EventvFeastvof Odin October 2022
Lord Zen Order of the Roach 1 2023-11-12 Galvin the Mad Scientist Ate a sandwich in the dragon lair at Crossroads.
Lord Zen Order of the Roach 1 2023-11-14 Ser Finley Fortess going insub in the dragon lair just to cheers the dragon and eat a sandwich
Lord Zen Order of the Roach 1 2023-11-13 Hangman Snuck into a dragon’s lair for the sole purpose of eating a sandwich. 10/10, solid choice.
Lord Zen Order of Battle 7 2024-11-21 Hangman Amazing ability use during Crossroads 2024 — not only for himself, but for his team.
Lord Zen Order of the Dragon 2 2024-03-04 Lord Captain Allistairius Makes good mead, but owes me another bottle
Lord Zen Order of the Dragon 3 2024-11-17 Ser Finley Fortess Mead Making
Lord Zen Order of the Dragon 4 2024-03-04 Lord Captain Allistairius Focaccia bread
Lord Zen Order of the Griffin 4 2024-11-19 Hangman Good battlefield honor at Crossroads 2024
Lord Zen Order of the Griffin 4 2024-08-18 Lady Jerenda Honorable conduct in Scrunglebonk 2024
Lord Zen Order of the Griffin 8 2025-01-30 Lord Captain Allistairius One of the most honorable combatants I've ever had the supreme pleasure of fighting against. Never have I ever questioned any call Zen has made, his honesty when fighting is truly next level.
Lord Zen Order of the Jovius 1 2024-03-04 Lord Captain Allistairius Always in a good mood, always smiling and laughing, THE DUCKY HAT
Lord Zen Order of the Mask 1 2024-11-20 Oran Fairy monster in Fairy Ball
Lord Zen Order of the Owl 3 2024-08-21 Parkmom Aerin Maintaining park loaner weapons, repairing non-combat items for teammates, and teaching fighting skills at fighter practice weekly.
Lord Zen Order of the Rose 5 2024-11-17 Ser Finley Fortess 4th and 5th Rose for being one of the most helpful people at Crossroads stepping in to help people set up, tear down, kitchen, weapon check and many other things.
Lord Zen Paragon Monk 2023-06-03 Strawberry For knowing and consistently using the spells at their disposal, including Heal and Resurrect during team games
Lord Zen Paragon Monk 2024-05-29 Galvin the Mad Scientist At Salt War 2024 he used all of the monk class abilities to their full extent. He was the busiest back support monk on the field. Casting heals and resurrections often. Also used banish to shut down assassins.
Lord Zen Paragon Monk 2024-11-18 Stradivarius Greywolf Class excellence and display of paragon level skills and abilities at crossroads 2024.
Lord Zen Paragon Monk 2024-11-21 Hangman Insanely good ability use, even/especially with the brand new martial archetypes. Possibly the best monk ability use I’ve ever seen.
Lord Zen Paragon Monk 1 2024-11-16 Ser Finley Fortess Using every single "medium" subclass ability. Heal, res, banish, sanctuary... Everything
Lord Zen Paragon Monk 10 2024-03-04 Lord Captain Allistairius He's a passable monk, but he's also a good monk. Perfectly imperfect and works very hard to remain that way
Lord Zen Warlord 1 2023-05-28 Sir Lucas OL IV Another 1st Order of the Warrior
Lotis Whiteray Order of the Dragon 3 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf ANS enrty
Lotis Whiteray Order of the Jovius 1 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf Outstanting service and performance
Lotis Whiteray Order of the Rose 5 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf Outstanting service and performance
Lotis Whiteray Order of the Zodiac 1 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf Outstanting service and performance
Luna Order of the Dragon 1 2023-01-09 Riley Redwood For submitting a hand made bardic to a A&S tournament
Lylis Order of the Warrior 6 2023-08-14 Baroness Lady Hen Placing 2nd in our duchy level fighting tournament!
Lyriel Order of Battle 1 2023-10-19 Milan of Amber How does he not have at least one order of the battle? A devestating tank on the battlefield
MAA Lady Azireal Syn Varie Order of the Dragon 3 2024-10-01 Vulcan, Defender of the Iron Mountains Photography at Rakis
MAA Lady Azireal Syn Varie Order of the Owl 2 2024-04-08 Rootgem Building out a full quiver of legal arrows
MAA Lady Azireal Syn Varie Order of the Owl 3 2024-04-08 Rootgem crocheting multiple spell balls and spell strips for use on the feild
MAA Lady Azireal Syn Varie Order of the Rose 6 2024-10-01 Vulcan, Defender of the Iron Mountains Helping organize things for Rakis
MAA Lady Azireal Syn Varie Order of the Smith 1 2024-04-08 Rootgem Organizing and running battle games
MAA Lady Azireal Syn Varie Order of the Smith 2 2024-04-08 Rootgem Creation of themed battlegames to match reign theme
Mael the Darkblade Order of the Mask 2023-06-10 Radiant Medic Gwendolyn Lowell Nemetona For his excellent role play of a Goblin during the battlegame on 6-10-23. His many uses of sheer numbers and recognizing that he was a new Goblin every time was fabulous and made things hilarious!
Mael the Darkblade Order of the Mask 1 2023-06-21 Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor For his excellent and hilarious roleplay of a goblin on park days
Mael the Darkblade Order of the Mask 1 2023-06-17 Dreoilin LightSeeker Excellent role-playing on the field
Makaru Paragon Wizard 10 2023-10-09 Lady Talisyn Consistently displays perfect knowledge of the class: Wizard
Mariachi Dreadbeard Lord 1 2023-10-14 Baron Shadow, Paragon Warrior, Defender of the Valley, Butcher of the Valley, Stranger of Treachery 2 successful terms as local park monarch
Marshall Order of Battle 1 2023-11-14 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Being effective at his class
Marshall Order of the Griffin 1 2023-11-13 Hangman Great honor at Crossroads 2023 battle master tournament
Marshall Order of the Warrior 1 2023-11-14 Ser Finley Fortess Great fighting in 11th warrior tournament at Crossroads
Marshall Order of the Warrior 1 2023-11-11 Lord Zen Participation
Marshall Order of the Warrior 2 2023-11-14 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Battlefield prowess
Marshall Order of the Warrior 2 2023-11-14 Ser Finley Fortess great fighting in Battlemaster Tournament at Crossroads the Witcher
Master Marquis Kohaku Umezawa Order of the Garber 3 2024-11-17 Hammer Lightstone Making multiple class sashes for multiple people
Master Marquis Kohaku Umezawa Order of the Rose 9 2024-12-31 Hammer Lightstone Giving up the chance to play at 12th night for the needs of the event as it needed a reeve. Excellent reeving on top of it despite it being last minute
Master Marquis Kohaku Umezawa Order of the Rose 9 2025-01-03 The Butcher Giving the chance to play at 12th Night to Reeve games, to ensure that everyone had a fair fun time.
Master Marquis Kohaku Umezawa Paragon Wizard 2024-03-05 Sage Siege Lucretius Taking out a whole team by himself
Master Marquis Kohaku Umezawa Paragon Wizard 1 2024-03-06 Hoon Rithux every time he plays wizard is a farce t obe reconed with. the battle is flawlessly turned towards his teams favor
Masumba Order of Battle 3 2022-12-05 Lord Captain Allistairius Great job playing the Monk class and excellent use of small throwies as an Assassin
Masumba Order of the Griffin 4 2022-12-05 Lord Captain Allistairius Great teamwork and honor on the battlefield
Masumba Order of the Warrior 3 2022-12-05 Lord Captain Allistairius Battlefield prowess, including excellent use of small throwies in battlegames
Masumba Order of the Warrior 5 2023-10-02 Sir Lucas OL IV For taking 3rd place in the Duchy of Wymzee Dayle's - Crown Qualifications Weaponmaster
Masumba Paragon Monk 2023-06-03 Strawberry For knowing and consistently using the spells at their disposal, including Heal and Resurrect during team games
Mathias Order of Battle 3 2024-10-21 Fancy Continuous improvement in both martial skill and spellcasting.
Matsumoto Takahiro Order of the Roach 1 2021-09-07 Rodesko For trying to heal the Rebel Cultist intentionally during the Sheep Hunt
Mewy Cutie Kamien Lady 1 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf Outstanting service and performance
Mewy Cutie Kamien Order of the Jovius 1 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf Outstanting service and performance
Mirchaz Order of the Rose 4 2022-07-09 Matriarch Guin Llewellyn Reeving at Stormhaven and assisting in setting up battlegame
Mistress Steam Order of the Garber 2 2025-01-02 Hammer Lightstone Making cloaks for the our fighting company
Momma Charms Lady 1 2021-09-23 Kitfox Momma Charms has always shown a willingness and eagerness to better the experience of others at park and events. While her ORK starts in 2017, she started playing back in 2003, showing encouragement the whole time. The fact that she can put the game away for so long and then come back to it with such enthusiasm shows me that she is deserving of this Title.
Morthwyl Eohric Order of the Warrior 3 2023-05-28 Master Baronette Jeriah Nimo For demonstrating combat prowess during Salt Wars 2023.
Munnin Aegir Order of the Roach 1 2023-04-13 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Cmon, we can all agree to this.
Munnin Aegir Order of the Juror 1 2023-03-29 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Serving as judge for WD A&S CQ March 2023
Nathan the scarecrow Order of the Owl 1 2024-08-01 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Attending sword build
Nathan the scarecrow Order of the Warrior 2 2024-08-04 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Winning sword and board
Necromancer Supreme Astria Dalinar Ransomer of Death Order of the Roach 1 2023-05-30 Baron Corbeaux Tindalos Golem Triple Stack at salt war
Necromancer Supreme Astria Dalinar Ransomer of Death Order of the Roach 1 2023-03-29 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Dedication to the Unseelie Court
Necromancer Supreme Astria Dalinar Ransomer of Death Order of the Juror 1 2023-03-29 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Serving as a judge for WD A&S CQ March 2023
Necromancer Supreme Astria Dalinar Ransomer of Death Order of the Juror 2 2023-07-17 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Served as judge during 7/15/23 Dragonmaster
Necromancer Supreme Astria Dalinar Ransomer of Death Order of the Hydra 1 2023-10-09 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Qualifying for Champion in September 2023.
Necromancer Supreme Astria Dalinar Ransomer of Death Order of the Walker in the Middle 10 2024-06-10 Lady Jerenda Knows the rulebook backwards and forwards. Always has the correct answer in the case of a dispute.
Necromancer Supreme Astria Dalinar Ransomer of Death Paragon Healer 8 2022-07-16 Tidus Brokefoot For being a grand healer
Necromancer Supreme Astria Dalinar Ransomer of Death Paragon Healer 10 2023-01-13 Hobbz for being a meance on the field as a cc healer and doing an amazing job at teaching others how to be a healer
Necromancer Supreme Astria Dalinar Ransomer of Death Paragon Reeve 10 2023-06-18 Lady Jerenda Walker in the Middle/Paragon Reeve for consistently knowing rule interactions and potentially confusing details. Explains rules clearly to others and does an excellent job as GMR.
Nightingale Lady 1 2023-05-31 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Serving with excellence as TDV's PM
Oran Order of the Garber 4 2025-01-02 Squire Baronette Gemini Furret garb hat
Oran Order of the Griffin 7 2024-11-24 Galaxy Outstanding honor in the tournament and having a positive attitude.
Orion Drakethorn Order of the Crown 1 2024-11-20 Amalgam excellent service as Marshall of Helheim
Orion Drakethorn Order of the Griffin 2 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Honor on the field
Orion Drakethorn Order of the Owl 1 2024-03-11 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych For safe weapon construction
Orion Drakethorn Order of the Owl 2 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych For good weapon maintainence and repair
Orion Drakethorn Order of the Smith 1 2024-11-20 Amalgam Fantastic Battlegame running at Helheim fields
Orion Drakethorn Order of the Smith 2 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych for continued good battlegame crafting
Orion Drakethorn Order of the Smith 3 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Exceptional battlegame balance on a small field
Orion Drakethorn Order of the Warrior 2 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Continued battlefield prowess
Ozen Order of the Griffin 2 2021-12-06 Shadow Silverblade Great Honor shown while fighting at Kingdom End Reign
Padishar Order of the Dragon 1 2021-09-23 Kitfox Plastidip finish on medium shield.
Pahyum Sumac Asayri Order of Battle 3 2021-09-01 Bronzeboar For swashbuckling goodness across the battlefield.
Pahyum Sumac Asayri Order of the Warrior 3 2021-09-04 Bronzeboar A long overdue award for dueling prowess
Parkmom Aerin Baronetess 10 2025-01-30 Lord Captain Allistairius Nonstop service to River's End and tireless effort to continue in positions of monarchy.
Parkmom Aerin Order of the Crown 4 2025-01-30 Lord Captain Allistairius Nonstop time spent in local office since starting in the game.
Parkmom Aerin Order of the Dragon 1 2024-12-17 Lord Squire Hambone Oakheart A&S Entries from 2024 Summer season
Parkmom Aerin Order of the Dragon 2 2024-12-17 Lord Squire Hambone Oakheart A&S Entries from 2024 Summer season
Parkmom Aerin Order of the Dragon 3 2024-12-17 Lord Squire Hambone Oakheart A&S Entries from 2024 Summer season
Parkmom Aerin Order of the Dragon 5 2025-01-30 Lord Captain Allistairius Making jewelry, trinkets, diadems, etc that have been very popular and if high quality.
Parkmom Aerin Order of the Lion 3 2023-05-26 Garbage Successful kid crat for salt wars 2023 and for losing her job to the effort.
Pharaoh Lotus (formally Sunflower) Order of the Griffin 6 2023-03-10 Lord Captain Allistairius Excellent honor during Kingdom Weaponmaster tourney 2023
Proteus Order of the Dragon 1 2024-04-16 Ser Finley Fortess Stories told around the Bardic Circle at SWW - Don't point at the moon, White Tiger, etc
Qrow Ravenixe Order of Battle 2 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Prowess on the field
Qrow Ravenixe Order of Battle 3 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Continued battlefield prowess
Qrow Ravenixe Order of the Garber 1 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Making a class sash
Qrow Ravenixe Order of the Warrior 2 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Continued battlefield prowess
Qrow Ravenixe Order of the Warrior 3 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych For winning several matches at a Duchy Weaponmaster
Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor Master Griffin 9 2022-12-10 Squirrel An\'Gaiesgeach Chaco is one of the most honorable sword fighters I have met, and there hasn't been a moment it has not been true since I joined Ironhold. He makes and keeps deals on the field, he helps new players, and is just in general all around a good natured funny guy on the field.
Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor Master Lion 2023-05-29 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled stepping up and being warcrat for saltwars 2023
Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor Order of the Griffin 9 2022-12-05 Lord Captain Allistairius Exceptional honor on the battlefield, excellent teamwork, incredible patience with newer players, and always willing to take time to discuss rules to help with the flow of the game.
Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor Order of the Lion 10 2023-05-27 Shadow Silverblade War - o - crat Salt War 2023
Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor Order of the Lion 10 2024-09-22 Grand Duchess Whiskey Sama the Remembrancer Constant example of helping outside of office. A staple of this community.
Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor Paragon Assassin 2022-04-02 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled uses abilites to the fullest and knows his stuff
Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor Paragon Assassin 2022-04-02 Squire Severin Bloodbeard knows his powers as assassin and always knows how to flank and dominate with his powers
Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor Paragon Barbarian 2022-04-02 Squire Severin Bloodbeard good swordsmen fear his dualweilding by itself add beserk and fair thee well
Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor Paragon Barbarian 2022-04-02 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled uses abilities well and helps others do the same when learning the class
Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor Paragon Paladin 2024-08-10 Lord Lunch, the Menu Marquis For dominating on the battlefield as a Paladin every time he plays, and embodying the class in his armor, garb, and actions.
Radiant Jarl Tyerva Rockhammer Order of the Crown 9 2021-12-06 Shadow Silverblade Excellent Reign as Duchess winter 2021
Radiant Jarl Tyerva Rockhammer Order of the Crown 9 2022-05-16 Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor Outstanding Winter 2021 Reign: -raised over 300 dollars for coffers -saw growth from new members despite pandemic -successful reign theme and hosting of events -always communicating with the populous
Radiant Jarl Tyerva Rockhammer Order of the Crown 10 2022-05-21 Grand Duchess Whiskey Sama the Remembrancer For their consistency in office as a great example. They have done an excellent job over the years and I find them to be one of the key pillars to keeping Iron Hold such a stable foundation. Not only did they help grow the park, they helped it become a positive and welcoming environment. Being able to have a park do this well for that long is incredible.
Radiant Jarl Tyerva Rockhammer Order of the Crown 10 2023-12-03 Shadow Silverblade Excellence in office from 2019-2024
Ramba Custom Award 2022-11-13 Galaxy Can we change her pronouns on the other notes to she?
Ramba Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Ramba Order of the Warrior 4 2024-05-05 Galaxy Fighty whacks
Rampart Order of the Juror 1 2024-09-25 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Judging A&S
Ramphen Woman-at-Arms 2021-10-18 Vixent Amaranthine Northwood She is already WAA to Steve's Wife (i forgot her name and feel bad)
Rauke Dragonmaster 3 2022-10-16 Riley Redwood For holding his longsword out the entire time while frozen at the Phoenix Bazaar, despite it being difficult to hold something with your arm extended for a long time
Razael Soulscar Master Smith 2024-10-29 Stradivarius Greywolf 7 - 10 / Master. Soulscar has been developing master level battle games that are easy for any player to understand and are still fun, new and exciting. He has been doing this locally for most of his amt career and also writes many, many kingdom level battle games. He is beyond deserving of the title master smith.
Razael Soulscar Order of the Warrior 9 2023-04-16 Ser Finley Fortess Winning kingdom level tournament at SWW 8
Razael Soulscar Order of the Warrior 9 2023-04-27 Oran 1st Place in Weaponmaster tournament at SWW8
Rhaerin Order of the Rose 1 2023-04-01 Lady Sarka Volsung For volunteering to judge at the April 1st 2023 Iron Hold Dragonmaster
Rhogar Norixius Order of the Dragon 8 2024-12-08 Lady Sarka Volsung For placing 2nd/Co-Champion of Salt Wars Best of the Best 2024
Richard the Great Order of the Warrior 1 2024-03-18 Baroness Saffron Rhea the Flaming Cheeto Improved fighting skills
Ridlik Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Rodesko Order of the Griffin 1 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf Outstanting service and performance
Rodesko Order of the Jovius 1 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf Outstanting service and performance
Rodesko Order of the Lion 1 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf Outstanting service and performance
Rodesko Order of the Owl 2 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf ANS enrty
Rodesko Order of the Smith 2 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf Outstanting service and performance
Rootgem Master Smith 1 2023-08-13 MAA Lady Azireal Syn Varie Beginning and running a new local park consistently and helping coordinate park level games.
Rootgem Order of the Owl 6 2024-09-02 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled edwards live steel sword crafted
Rukada Order of the Rose 1 2023-06-10 D Jarvish Steamgriffin For helping set up fightes practice
Saben Halfmoon Order of Battle 4 2024-11-20 Bohng Silent B Combat skills during crossroads 2024 battle games
Saben Halfmoon Order of Battle 4 2024-11-19 Hangman Them rocks tho
Saben Halfmoon Order of the Dragon 10 2024-02-18 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Amazing banner painting
Saben Halfmoon Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Sage Siege Lucretius Archduke 2024-02-28 Grand Duke Sir Rocky Siege has qualified for arch Duke through terms of office via kingdom monarchy
Sage Siege Lucretius Archduke 1 2024-11-19 Ser Finley Fortess Excellence in Kingdom Monarch Serivce
Sage Siege Lucretius Battlemaster 1 2021-12-06 Grand Duke Sir Rocky Back dating orders of battle- award rec from monarch, based on paragon criteria and battlefield presence and willingness to do take on any role to ensure others have a fair and balanced battle game including dropping from the game to reeve to ensure others fun! He displays the qualities of leadership on the battlefield that makes him a good general!
Sage Siege Lucretius Battlemaster 1 2022-04-29 Master Marquis Kohaku Umezawa knows the game better than any player i know. has truly mastered the rules
Sage Siege Lucretius Battlemaster 10 2021-12-08 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled dominates the field is well quallified
Sage Siege Lucretius Battlemaster 10 2021-12-07 Baroness Lady Hen 4 paragon, years of active game play and reeving- current rules rep and trusted rules resource for the kingdom prior to officially taking rep on. Very deserved!
Sage Siege Lucretius Knight of the Flame 10 2022-04-10 Master Marquis Kohaku Umezawa Been in the game for a long time with consistent service and experience
Sage Siege Lucretius Knight of the Flame 10 2022-06-05 Anya Meraki He has done so much service to the game for years and he continues to do so.
Sage Siege Lucretius Master Crown 2023-03-20 Sir Lucas OL IV Did an exceptional job as Kingdom Monarch, and has put a tremendous amount of work into the Kingdom itself.
Sage Siege Lucretius Master Rose 10 2023-04-02 D Jarvish Steamgriffin For helping make swords for con, and helping at tree city con
Sage Siege Lucretius Order of the Dragon 9 2022-12-04 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled picking up and running feast for frost quest 2022
Sage Siege Lucretius Order of the Mask 2 2024-11-17 Hammer Lightstone Really enjoyed his ghost/old man roleplay at RG mid-reign. It was fun and encouraged others to roleplay and get into the quest game
Sage Siege Lucretius Order of the Smith 8 2021-12-07 Baroness Lady Hen Hosting sessions to make a cloak and weapons, also being a great teacher for embroidery and tunic construction
Screeech Master Dragon 1 2024-10-16 Ser Finley Fortess Saytr Headband
Screeech Master Garber 1 2024-10-16 Ser Finley Fortess Saytr Pants
Screeech Order of the Owl 1 2024-12-30 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Making a belt
Ser Finley Fortess Master Crown 10 2024-04-15 Rootgem Supreme leadership and recognition of deserving members of desert winds as queen.
Ser Finley Fortess Master Lion 1 2024-11-20 Oran Continued crat and service to park and kingdom. Organization of principality. fundraising of food wars. this list goes on and on
Ser Finley Fortess Master Lion 10 2025-01-14 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Finley is putting in a TON of work for planning the principality on top of all the other things she already does
Ser Finley Fortess Master Rose 2024-11-18 Stradivarius Greywolf Running Crossroads 2024 and her entire body of work in service to amtgard.
Ser Finley Fortess Master Rose 2022-10-07 Lord Paragon Squire Krussk Blackwolf DaPpendix Kneeslasher, Villainous Deetch, Hero of Power Autocratted 3rd highest Food Fight with minimal prep time and brilliant execution
Ser Finley Fortess Master Rose 2024-11-20 Squire Baronette Gemini When I think of someone who selflessly helps our kingdom and local park, it's Ser Finley Fortess. She is always the first to volunteer, to lead, and teach. It's actually insane that she does not already hold this masterhood
Ser Finley Fortess Master Rose 1 2022-10-11 Lady Mythic the Historian The amazing work through Food Fight 2022 nit just locally but also working on the Amtgard Internation event side of things. Always willing to step up and make the game better not just for your park but the kingdom and game as a whole.
Ser Finley Fortess Master Rose 1 2022-10-08 Drustan Twotrees Food Fight 2022 Event Team where she played a major role in setting up the event for this year, designed and crafted the winner's banner, and additionally was heavily involved with local efforts leading to a 2nd Place Kingdom finish in the competition.
Ser Finley Fortess Master Rose 1 2024-11-20 Oran Continued crat and service to park and kingdom. Organization of principality. fundraising of food wars. this list goes on and on
Ser Finley Fortess Master Rose 10 2023-11-13 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Runninc successful events, raising money for Food Fight, and overall doing so much for the game
Ser Finley Fortess Master Rose 10 2023-05-28 Wisteria, Karmic Hammer Finley is the true gold standard for service. She is constantly volunteering, making things and donating time and energy into amtgard. TDV would not be what it is without Finley. This award was designed for people like her.
Ser Finley Fortess Order of the Dragon 8 2024-11-29 Vita Aesthetic, themed playing card throwing weapons. I saw them fly well as well as have sufficient volume and mass.
Ser Finley Fortess Order of the Lion 10 2022-01-09 Lady Mythic the Historian Her service as hier apparent while working on AI BOD as volunteer. Doing all this while serving her park. This showing her dedication to the game to expand and make it better.
Ser Finley Fortess Order of the Lion 10 2024-11-19 Hangman Excellence as co autocrat of Crossroads 2024
Ser Finley Fortess Order of the Lion 10 2024-11-18 Stradivarius Greywolf Cratting Crossroads 2024 at above a level of excellence. this is beyond deserved.
Ser Finley Fortess Order of the Rose 10 2022-10-07 Lord Paragon Squire Krussk Blackwolf DaPpendix Kneeslasher, Villainous Deetch, Hero of Power Autocratting the 3rd highest food Fight
Ser Finley Fortess Order of the Warrior 6 2024-07-28 Parkmom Aerin For placing third in the Weaponmaster tournament at River's End July 2024
Sereen Order of the Dragon 6 2024-03-04 Blud Skullbiter A myriad of art projects over the last year or more.
Sereen Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Sereen Order of the Rose 6 2024-04-06 Blud Skullbiter Assisting all weekend at SKBC 2024
Serpent of the Vangaurd Order of Battle 3 2025-01-02 The Butcher Was one of the reasons the final battle at 12th night lasted so long. Now that he is level 6 healer, the game "final lives" really showed how he controls the outcome of that game.
Serpent of the Vangaurd Order of Battle 3 2024-12-20 Hammer Lightstone Was one off the main reasons that the final battlegame at 12th Night. Now that he is a level 6 healer, the final lives game at the event really showed his ability to dictate the flow of the field and be a rock for his team
Sesasha the Siren, the Technomancer Duchess 10 2022-10-02 Lord Captain Allistairius Serving as Kingdom Regent twice with distinction
Sesasha the Siren, the Technomancer Order of the Crown 10 2022-05-31 Grand Duke Sir Rocky For her reign during 2022 as kingdom regent, she consistently provided unwavering support through out the entire reign couldn't have asked for a better running mate
Sesasha the Siren, the Technomancer Order of the Garber 5 2022-01-15 Shadow Silverblade Goblin hat entered in Kingdom Crown Quals
Shenron Order of the Warrior 3 2022-04-11 Padishar Winning weaponsmaster overall. Consecutive win streak of 7 or more.
Shenron Order of the Warrior 6 2022-05-07 Ephriam A. Jostle 3rd place in the fighting tournament at the Westmarch kingdom quals
Sigrid Order of Battle 2 2021-10-19 Aubrii Cinder 1st and 2nd for being a wonderful teammate, and her skill as a healer in battlegames.
Silver Squirrel Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Sinder Order of Battle 3 2024-10-12 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych For killing a fully armored Paladin with a dagger
Sir Raunik Baron 1 2023-05-31 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Served 2 reigns as Ducal regent
Sir Raunik Battlemaster 2023-08-09 Hangman Having recently had the privilege of witnessing and engaging an established battlemaster in full class games, I feel that Raunik displays a similar level of skill and should be considered for recognition accordingly.
Sir Raunik Custom Award 5 2022-05-30 Garbage Juror for judging best of the best
Sir Raunik Order of the Flame 4 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Sir Raunik Paragon Assassin 1 2023-11-27 Galvin the Mad Scientist Plays the class at it's fullest. Uses all abilities to their fullest potential to help his team to victory.
Sir Tsume Hanami Order of the Rose 9 2022-03-31 Chaos Lord Farkas Firebeard, The Crimson Kahn For continuous service in accepting commissions for weapon construction and garbing for players as well as donating great to new players and teaching anyone who asks for tutelage
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Countess 1 2024-11-05 Ser Finley Fortess Magnificent Monarching. A staple of the community. TDV wouldn't be what it is without Sir Zephyr the Sentinal
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Order of the Jovius 1 2024-11-29 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Zephyr created a great atmosphere during the Masquerade. Singing, dancing around everywhere she went. Doing the fastest glow stick dance I've ever seen. She was a beacon of joy.
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Order of the Lion 9 2024-11-19 Hangman Excellence as co autocrat of Crossroads 2024
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Order of the Lion 9 2024-11-17 Squire Baronette Gemini Exceptional job as co-autocrat for 2024 crossroads
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Order of the Lion 9 2024-11-18 Stradivarius Greywolf Outstanding crat work at Crossroads 2024.
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Order of the Lion 9 2024-11-17 Ser Finley Fortess Crossroads 9 co autocrat!!
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Order of the Lion 9 2024-11-20 Oran co autocrated crossroads. event went smoothly and kept a calm external demeanor despite the wind
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Order of the Owl 9 2024-11-18 Lord Squire Farland The Moist 2 crosroads dppr sheilds
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Order of the Rose 9 2024-04-06 Blud Skullbiter Jumping in to assist kitchen at SKBC 2024
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Order of the Warrior 5 2024-11-20 Oran Zephyr is a force on their own on the field. They understand how to fight with allies as well.
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Order of the Warrior 5 2024-11-18 Stradivarius Greywolf Performance in tournaments at Crossroads 2024.
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Order of the Warrior 5 2024-11-18 Lord Squire Farland The Moist 2nd in 11th Warrior tournament at Crossroads 2024
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Order of the Warrior 5 2024-11-29 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart I was on the receiving end of Zephyrs sword in the 11th man
Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Order of the Warrior 5 2024-11-17 Ser Finley Fortess 2nd place in the 11th warrior tournament at crossroads 9
Skalva Order of Battle 2 2024-03-31 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Effective teamwork on the field
Skell Order of the Griffin 1 2024-05-05 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Honor on the field
Skell Order of the Warrior 1 2024-05-05 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Fighting in Mimics tournament
Skun De Mundi Paragon Anti-Paladin 1 2023-11-11 Dib Belgerik Raeonwyn He is the epitome of an anti paladin
Song Heart Order of the Crown 1 2024-07-06 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Serving as Regent from April-Oct ‘24
Song Heart Paragon Color 2024-09-23 Lady Jerenda She is always there, always cheerful, and always ready to chat. Makes our park feel like a home.
Spoon Baronet 1 2023-05-31 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Served with excellence as Ducal Monarch (Lovingly, Duk Duk)
Spoon Order of Battle 4 2024-12-02 Atrox (TDV) Great teamwork and control of objectives
Spoon Order of the Flame 3 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Spoon Order of the Flame 5 2024-02-18 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Zephyr's banner
Spoon Order of the Smith 5 2023-11-13 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Creating impromptu quests while giving Zephyr a break at Crossroads
Squid Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Squid Order of the Griffin 2 2024-11-19 Hangman Clean whacks all throughout Crossroads 2024
Squire Baroness Llor Veilarde Order of the Rose 7 2022-10-29 Garbage Gate crat for several salt wars
Squire Baronet Maura Sydney Baroness 2023-12-10 Sesasha the Siren, the Technomancer Service with excellence of park Baroness and additional reigns in barony Park leadership
Squire Baronette Gemini Lady 1 2023-09-28 Lady Aurora For all her help to the realm
Squire Baronette Gemini Order of the Crown 5 2024-11-29 Vita Attentive in keeping track of credits, votes, and rules during time as Prime Minister. Also hepled a lot with answering questions.
Squire Baronette Gemini Order of the Rose 5 2024-11-17 Galaxy Gate-o-crat xroads 2024
Squire Baronette Gemini Paragon Archer 1 2023-09-19 Lady Aurora Being a great archer
Squire Baronette Gemini Paragon Scout 2024-11-18 Stradivarius Greywolf Outstanding performance of class abilities and strategies used at Crossroads 2024
Squire Baronette Gemini Paragon Scout 1 2024-11-20 Oran consistently using full kit to it's maximum potential. Tracking insub targets and then deftly dealing with them. Using Adaptive Pro to avoid constant command spells on a kingdom event field.
Squire Baronette Gemini Viscountess 1 2024-11-05 Ser Finley Fortess All of the monarchy positions in such a short time. Handling things as a Regent for both of her Monarchs, stepping into PM when needed.
Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Baronetess 1 2021-10-03 Hearthseer Leo Lightbringer Shes been Baroness once and Barony regent twice. She is still willing to make her home available for A&S nights
Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Master Rose 1 2022-10-08 Drustan Twotrees Food Fight 2022 Desert Winds Kingdom Representative directly responsible for all local programming during the month of September and led the Kingdom to an overall 2nd Place finish in the competition.
Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Master Rose 1 2021-09-28 Grand Duke Sir Rocky Continued service to the game and being a phenomenal beacon of service in the game!
Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Master Rose 1 2022-10-11 Lady Mythic the Historian The amazing work through Food Fight 2022 working in cooperation with 20 other parks and Amtgard Interntional.
Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Order of Battle 7 2022-09-24 Shadow Silverblade Winner of 5 man midreign tournament fall 2022
Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Order of the Crown 7 2021-10-03 Hearthseer Leo Lightbringer WD reign 10 Regent. Doing an excellent job restarting in person craft nights
Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Order of the Jovius 1 2021-12-06 Shadow Silverblade Excellent attitude on the field of battle
Squire Baronettess Kimbra Gryphonheart Order of the Smith 4 2023-07-17 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Serving at Collegium 2023.
Squire Dazzle Abbadon Order of Battle 5 2023-11-13 Hangman Those crossbow bolts will get you! Also poison arrow sniping a limb during a battle master tournament, then deliberately bouncing a shot off the ground into an unarmored arm? Dang.
Squire Lorelei Archmage of Attire Order of the Dragon 7 2024-12-20 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Chaco's etched Paragon Bard Scroll
Squire Severin Bloodbeard Baronet 1 2023-12-24 Shadow Silverblade Ducal PM 2023
Squire Severin Bloodbeard Esquire 2022-07-31 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled going above and beyond in helping the monarchy out with anything and everything
Squire Severin Bloodbeard Order of Battle 9 2023-05-28 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled as per rules he has paragon wizard and got it after his 8th battle and is a force on the battle field
Squire Severin Bloodbeard Order of the Rose 8 2023-05-21 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled Helping with trash crew at saltwars
Squire-page Trystin Lord 2024-07-31 Strawberry He qualifies, plus those term pm were great he did a good job.
Squire-page Trystin Order of Battle 2 2024-08-03 Strawberry Understands the difference between subdual and sorcery
Squire-page Trystin Order of Battle 4 2024-03-04 Lord Captain Allistairius He can hit people with a bow, also his stick game alright. And he knows how to Battlegame well. He kinda short tho so idk
Squire-page Trystin Order of the Crown 1 2024-07-31 Strawberry For his terms as PM. He was not taught but did a phenomenal job anyway.
Squire-page Trystin Order of the Warrior 3 2024-03-04 Lord Captain Allistairius Stick game is acceptable (Darth Vader meme)
Squire-page Trystin Paragon Scout 2024-08-03 Strawberry He's been competent, at the class for many years and has the skills to use the class to out class most of the field (I watched him make up for not having melee by keeping people from getting to him)
Stich Knight of Battle 2024-12-21 TUG he is always taking his class to fill his teams weakpoint bolstering weakness and giving opening for his team. his tactics look to dicest a field and make it so his team can thrive while relizing when to step back and take everyones fun over winning
Stich Order of the Dragon 2 2022-12-01 Fancy Consistently excellent roleplay on the field of battle
Stich Order of the Griffin 8 2024-06-02 Master Baronette Jeriah Nimo Stich is easily one of the most honorable fighters I've ever had the pleasure of being mercilessly slaughtered by.
Stich Order of the Jovius 1 2024-06-02 Master Baronette Jeriah Nimo For being a source of positivity on the field.
Stich Order of the Smith 2 2024-09-21 Grand Duchess Whiskey Sama the Remembrancer For teaching sword and board with downstick class at 2024 collegiun
Stigandr de la Montagne Order of the Crown 1 2024-03-11 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych For his Service as PM
Stigandr de la Montagne Order of the Crown 2 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych For his continued service as Helheim's PM
Stigandr de la Montagne Order of the Crown 3 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych For being Helheim's PM for over a year
Stigandr de la Montagne Order of the Griffin 1 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Honor on the field
Stigandr de la Montagne Order of the Griffin 2 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Continued honor on the field
Stigandr de la Montagne Order of the Griffin 3 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych For being excellent at counting armor and taking hits
Stigandr de la Montagne Order of the Warrior 1 2024-03-11 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych For his prowess on the field
Stigandr de la Montagne Order of the Warrior 2 2024-03-11 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych For his prowess on the field
Stigandr de la Montagne Order of the Warrior 3 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Continued battlefield prowess
Stradivarius Greywolf Battlemaster 2024-11-20 Squire Baronette Gemini Amazing knowledge of the rules and classes, has great threat assessment on the battlefield, and actively is mentoring new players.
Stradivarius Greywolf Battlemaster 2024-11-18 Lady Maple Incredible knowledge of classes and game mechanics, in possession of multiple paragons. Eager to share his knowledge and teach others, having notably taken new players under his wing. A source of threat on the battlefield no matter which class he plays, has to consistently be balanced against.
Stradivarius Greywolf Battlemaster 1 2024-11-20 Oran for command and evaluation of the field. class knowledges, assiting/teaching others.
Stradivarius Greywolf Battlemaster 10 2024-11-20 Amalgam Phenomenal knowledge of the rules, how to read a battlefield, how to play any class effectively, and how to mentor both new and experienced players to improve their battlefield impact. Top tier strategist.
Stradivarius Greywolf Battlemaster 10 2024-10-27 Iron Lord Gideon Feralheart Understanding the rules in depth. Being a force on the field, helping run battlemaster tournaments, inspiring and teaching new players. Possessing multiple paragons. 10th order battle already
Stradivarius Greywolf Battlemaster 10 2024-12-15 Thane Brom Swifthammer Not only is he an inspiration to battlegaming as a whole but he is part of the reason why I have mine today. he pushes all members of his park and even outside of his park to become better battlegamers he is paragon on multiple classes and continues to strive for excellence.
Stradivarius Greywolf Knight of the Serpent 2023-10-03 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych For his mastery of song through composition.
Stradivarius Greywolf Paragon Assassin 1 2024-11-20 Oran effective armored throwy assassin. mastered usage of abilities and has taught it to others as well
Strawberry Order of Battle 9 2024-03-04 Lord Captain Allistairius Terrifying
Strawberry Order of the Crown 6 2023-05-27 Sesasha the Siren, the Technomancer Took over for barony regent and successfully completed 9 months in office before handing off the reigns.
Stuka Rectorai Order of Battle 1 2021-09-03 Bronzeboar For team contributions in class battlegames.
Stuka Rectorai Order of Battle 3 2021-09-03 Bronzeboar For team contributions in class battlegames.
Sunny Master Griffin 2 2021-09-23 Kitfox Showed great aptitude and honor during my visit.
Syxx Order of the Dragon 1 2024-04-16 Ser Finley Fortess VIP Lunch Show
Syxx Order of the Jovius 2 2024-11-19 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Always being an absolute beacon of positivity
Syxx Order of the Jovius 3 2024-11-20 Amalgam Nonstop being positive and supportive, regardless of the situation
Syxx Order of the Warrior 7 2024-11-19 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Winning the 11th Warrior with Krod at Crossroads 2024
Syxx Order of the Warrior 7 2024-11-18 Lord Squire Farland The Moist Winning 11th warrior at crossroads
Syxx Order of the Warrior 7 2024-11-17 Hangman One half of the winning team at the 11th Warrior tournament at Crossroads 2024.
Syxx Order of the Warrior 7 2024-11-20 Amalgam 2nd Consecutive win of the Kingdom Level 11th Warrior Tournament
Taeda Order of the Garber 1 2024-05-03 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Viking tunic
Taeda Order of the Griffin 1 2024-02-13 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Honor on the field
Tal Order of the Griffin 1 2023-05-19 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Honor in the Champion's tournament
Talentless Kensei The Smoke Pillar Master Griffin 10 2024-12-27 Talis Rushlock Maybe being the most honorably defeated will bring him out more
Talis Rushlock Custom Award 2024-03-18 Toshan “Worst Leftie is Desert Winds” for being the worst leftie in Desert Winds
Talis Rushlock Paragon Warrior 2024-05-24 Lord Lunch, the Menu Marquis Exceptional representation of his class and a force to be reckoned with at Salt Wars 2024
Tamran Order of Battle 2 2021-09-03 Bronzeboar For team contributions in class battlegames.
Tarsus d'Anconia Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
The Asian Temptation Order of the Garber 2 2023-02-25 Grand Duchess Whiskey Sama the Remembrancer Knight’s belt entered in quals 2.0 Iron Hold
The Butcher Order of Battle 2 2025-01-02 Hammer Lightstone Capturing 3 of the 5 points for his team at 12th night
The Butcher Order of the Griffin 1 2024-12-24 Hammer Lightstone Very good at taking hits and honor on the field
The Ginger Order of the Griffin 3 2023-03-12 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Great honor at TDV's Weaponmaster
Theros Order of the Dragon 1 2024-11-20 Amalgam Scrolls and Artsy Constructions
Theros Order of the Griffin 1 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Honor on the field
Theros Order of the Owl 5 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Excellent weapon construction for both field and themed weapons
Theros Order of the Owl 5 2024-11-20 Amalgam Construction of lightweight and optimized weapons as well as more complex, themed weapons
Theros Order of the Warrior 2 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Continued battlefield prowess
Theseus Order of the Garber 6 2022-10-24 Chris Shadowfeather I of course am too new to actually suggest this level of award, but I really appreciate the Minotaur garb and this seems like an okay way to indicate by appreciation. Nice work!
Thorn Order of the Warrior 1 2022-11-14 Baroness Lady Hen Participation in kle when still a new player!
Toast Toast Order of the Mask 1 2024-02-07 Talon the Discerning Roleplay as Lost Boi at Westmarch OUT
Trin Master Griffin 1 2023-07-02 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Great honor shown during WD WM 7/1/23
Tzigana Order of the Dragon 2 2024-07-14 Oran jewelry submitted to A&S
Uliem brother of Red Order of the Rose 3 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf Outstanting service and performance
Uliem brother of Red Order of the Warrior 1 2022-12-09 Enigma the Lone Wolf Improved performance in combant
Ullnir Order of the Dragon 2 2023-11-14 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Gorgeous photos at Crossroads
Unitbroker Order of the Owl 2 2024-07-14 Oran piles of swords that he made for himself and his family.
Upper Classmen Verum Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Upper Classmen Verum Order of the Lion 7 2024-11-29 Vita Gave myself and many other members their first weapons. Willing to teach others, spar, and organize bear pits often during breaks between battlegames to further player interaction, engagement, and combat skill.
Upper Classmen Verum Order of the Mask 2 2024-11-20 Oran wizzo rp and fairy ball rp
Valora WilloWood Baronet 2022-03-31 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled 1 term as dutchy champion with eccelence and 1 term as dutchy prime minister going above and beyond the job title making sure everything was done on time and running for a second term as pm
Valora WilloWood Baronet 2022-04-02 Squire Severin Bloodbeard excellence in offices served
Valora WilloWood Baronet 1 2022-07-12 Grand Duchess Whiskey Sama the Remembrancer Doing a wonderful job as PM for Iron Hold
Valora WilloWood Baronet 1 2022-05-22 Shadow Silverblade Multiple terms of excellence in office
Valora WilloWood Paragon Color 2023-06-20 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne They have always welcomed me at IH with open arms and I know that they take care of their own.
Vansen Custom Award 10 2024-07-31 Arch Duchess Dame Sindari Elfstone Suggest next OoW for Vansen won 1st place in Kingdom of Blackspire Kingdom Game Day Kingdom. Level event held at Dusk Hollow with sufficient competition for Warmaster. July 21st 2024
Vansen Order of Battle 9 2024-04-22 Radiant Baronet Chaco Rockhammer, The Mentor For their innate battle prowess and understanding of team tactics. This lead their team to victory in the 2023 Salt Wars 3v3 martial tournament.
Vansen Order of the Mask 3 2024-10-01 Vulcan, Defender of the Iron Mountains Great Roleplay as a Peasant as the peasant union president
Vansen Order of the Smith 3 2024-09-21 Grand Duchess Whiskey Sama the Remembrancer For teaching footwork class at the 2024 collegium
Vansen Order of the Smith 4 2024-09-21 Grand Duchess Whiskey Sama the Remembrancer For arranging and taking care of the fighting portion of classes for the 2024 collegium
Vansen Paragon Barbarian 1 2024-10-01 Vulcan, Defender of the Iron Mountains Great play as a Barbarian. Always usses all his abilities to stay alive and roll the field. He knows where to apply pressure and has a knack for getting behind enemy lines. He also uses fight after death well to clear congested areas and make space. A good example of a solid barbarian
Vasher Order of the Dragon 1 2023-06-11 Razael Soulscar For his custom made sword
Vebren Order of Battle 1 2021-09-07 Rodesko Versatility on the battlefield
Venantis Master Owl 6 2024-03-04 Debbie For their helm of mirebat entered into the February Dragonmaster tournament
Venantis Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Venantis Order of the Mask 3 2024-11-18 Lord Squire Farland The Moist Monster RP
Venantis Order of the Rose 6 2024-11-19 Hangman Providing the goblin trading post at Crossroads 2024!
Venantis Order of the Rose 6 2023-11-14 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Multiple NPC shifts at Crossroads
Vered Jericho Order of Battle 3 2021-09-03 Bronzeboar For team contributions in class battlegames.
Vhaeragohst Nailo Order of the Mask 1 2021-09-07 Rodesko Excellent portrayal of the Mythic Sheep
Vinea ap Wyrddych Order of the Dragon 1 2024-09-11 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Bridgette's Kneeler
Vinea ap Wyrddych Order of the Dragon 2 2024-12-18 Lord Gillion ap Wyrddych Excellent facepaint
War Witch Order of the Dragon 8 2023-11-14 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Gorgeous photos and vidio of crossroads
War Witch Order of the Dragon 9 2024-02-18 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Zephyr's knighting chest
Wilhelm Order of the Owl 7 2024-11-20 Amalgam Hand-made Plate armor, made from scratch from aluminum plate, including a helmet. All painted thoroughly to match the paladin of Brettonia character
Wilhelm Order of the Smith 7 2024-11-20 Squire Baronette Gemini creating fun and interactive quests for Crossroads 2024
Willow Lionheart Order of the Garber 1 2025-01-13 Squire Baronette Gemini Belt Pouch
Wisteria, Karmic Hammer Count 1 2024-11-05 Ser Finley Fortess Monarch of TDV twice, Very helpful during Record of Ragnorak Kingdom Reign.
Wisteria, Karmic Hammer Order of the Garber 4 2024-12-02 Squire Baronette Gemini Beautifully made appliquéd belt pouches given to Atrox and I
Wisteria, Karmic Hammer Order of the Lion 7 2024-11-18 Ser Finley Fortess Co-Warocrat for Crossroads 9
Wisteria, Karmic Hammer Order of the Rose 9 2024-12-31 Dagger For excellence as a Rules Rep: Wisteria stepped into the role with one day to completely catch-up on 150+ different proposals. He quickly and accurately learned what he needed, and was able to meet all of the needs of the position with such promptness as to be notably praiseworthy. I expect there will be more recommendations coming for his diligence in the role.
Wisteria, Karmic Hammer Order of the Smith 9 2025-01-14 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Wisteria has been helping me balance quests and stat monsters for like 7 years
Wisteria, Karmic Hammer Order of the Smith 9 2024-11-18 Stradivarius Greywolf Memorable and balanced battle game design from Crossroads 2024.
Wisteria, Karmic Hammer Order of the Smith 9 2024-11-17 Galvin the Mad Scientist Crossroads battle games.
Wisteria, Karmic Hammer Paragon Assassin 1 2024-11-05 Squire Baronette Gemini Wisteria has shown time and time again on both local and kingdom fields that he has mastered the assassin class. With the new changes to the class, he has shown he can adapt and still be a force. Wisteria also teaches new players and helps them understand this class's abilities.
Wizo Order of the Rose 2 2022-06-23 Scar Lionsbane Educational and engaging Youtube videos for Amtgard classes
Wizo Order of the Rose 3 2022-06-23 Scar Lionsbane Educational and engaging Youtube videos for Amtgard classes
Wizo Order of the Rose 4 2022-06-23 Scar Lionsbane Educational and engaging Youtube videos for Amtgard classes
Wizo Order of the Rose 5 2022-06-23 Scar Lionsbane Educational and engaging Youtube videos for Amtgard classes
Wolf Bruadarach Order of the Griffin 1 2024-06-25 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Honor on the field
Wolf Bruadarach Order of the Owl 1 2024-06-25 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Making small throwies
Wolf Bruadarach Order of the Rose 1 2024-06-25 D Jarvish Steamgriffin For helping clean up park
Wrath Order of the Warrior 2 2022-08-14 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled taking 3rd in the Valkyrie tourney
Wynn Adair Order of the Hydra 1 2023-07-17 Fey Frostleaf Blackthorne Qualifying for Regent during WD CQ April 2023.
Xenra White Fang Order of the Warrior 3 2025-01-30 D Jarvish Steamgriffin Winning a shire level tournament
Yarrow Order of Battle 3 2024-11-19 Hangman Battlefield skill at Crossroads 2024
Yarrow Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Yarrow Order of the Owl 1 2024-11-18 Bohng Silent B For making their spear.
Yarrow Order of the Warrior 4 2024-11-19 Hangman Battlefield prowess
Yuki Order of the Flame 1 2023-05-30 Garbage Years of patience with Jewbacca horning in on all of the TDV fun.
Yuki Order of the Rose 2 2023-11-14 Sir Zephyr the Sentinel Helping Zephyr an INSANE amount at Crossroads
Zacharia Order of the Dragon 6 2021-09-01 Bronzeboar For an expansive and impressive gallery of marble painting.
Zacharia Order of the Dragon 6 2022-01-10 Aubrii Cinder For his composition "The Inn of the Singing Dragon"
Zacharia Order of the Jovius 1 2021-09-01 Bronzeboar For being a voice of reason, diplomacy, and integrity during treacherous times. An absolute rock of positive vibes. Appreciation!
Zirra Lady 1 2023-03-03 Lady Hera Faldare I believe that Zirra deserve to be awarded the title of Lady because Zirra does great work that I have seen so far.
Zirra Order of the Dragon 5 2023-03-03 RoseThorn Awsome leatherwork for destonia (see her fb post in Westmarch group)
Zirra Order of the Dragon 6 2023-03-03 Lady Hera Faldare Hello my name is Lady Page Hera Faldare(Dustonya Harrington) I am from Kingdom of Westmarch. I asked Zirra to make me crown, belt, bag and digital picture and the items came out great and I love it. And I have post the picture of the item the crown, belt and bag only to Kingdom of the Desert Winds so everyone can see it. And this is my second time getting commission from this player.
Zoe Zoe Paragon Peasant 1 2021-09-01 Bronzeboar Zoe is the absolute queen of the no-garb, single sword battlegame presence. Let's make it official!
Zug Zug Order of the Warrior 2 2024-07-28 Parkmom Aerin Valor in kingdom battlegame and Weaponmaster tournament July 2024 at RE Season Opener