Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Devon Stark Marquis 1 2024-12-07 Sir Nidalap Holding the title of Sheirff for Myth Vael for the past 4 years during and after the Covid shut down. Holding together the leadership of MV until such a time as new members can learn to lead.
Devon Stark Order of Battle 10 2024-05-10 Zioet Vici Devon has repeatedly shown, not only as a master warrior, but through his actions on the field that he has honor in the game, tactical thinking on the field, and a willingness to engage with others and shepherd newbies even at Kingdom games.
Pharaoh Lotus (formally Sunflower) Order of the Griffin 6 2023-03-10 Lord Captain Allistairius Excellent honor during Kingdom Weaponmaster tourney 2023