Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Bahamut Dern Order of the Jovius 1 2022-02-20 Skeeter Everhard Absolutely fantastic sense of humor and great attitude. Made my time at winterbash more enjoyable
Cat Viserion Tendragon Order of Battle 9 2023-03-19 Rodnik Ferrowell During Spring war 29, Cat was an essential asset to her team. She strategically worked with her comrades in order to target and repel threats with abilities while also being on the FRONT line in heavy bridge combat. Her contributions in fighting and battlefield control are directly responsible for the difficulty the attacking team had advancing.
Cat Viserion Tendragon Order of the Owl 9 2024-03-12 Louie Flameseeker Knighting belt for Dagon
Cat Viserion Tendragon Order of the Owl 10 2024-03-29 Dame Kiafia Or'zuke beautifully made chain belt for Kiafia's knighting gift
Dagon Hellsfire Order of the Garber 8 2022-04-26 RoseThorn Made awesome armor that looks amazing!
Elles Angelica Stormveil Custom Award 2021-10-31 Kanphuzian Duskwalker recommending for the title of the Master the ability to recommend for the title of Master is not an option, hence the custom award recommendation) for a well done reign as champion of obsidian Grove. she has gone above and beyond the requirements of the office, going above and beyond whenever able.
Elles Angelica Stormveil Order of the Warrior 2 2024-11-12 Alphie For participating in Stormhavens tournaments and showing skillsets that are developing. Great communication and honor in and out of the tourents
Nelloon De\'Varius Order of the Dragon 1 2021-09-05 Kanphuzian Duskwalker The video he filmed and then shared on the Obsidian Grove Facebook page on Sept 5th, 2021
Rogue Order of the Rose 4 2022-05-25 Emi rose For helping with security at spring war
Rogue Order of the Rose 5 2022-05-25 Emi rose For working security at an ik level event
Sir Requiem Darksun, Master Illuminator of Blackspire Paragon Color 1 2021-10-26 Silenus What has Requiem not done for Blackspire? What parts have been plaid in realms of service that he hasn't had at least a small hand in?