Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Aiolos Order of the Griffin 1 2024-08-18 Powerhouse Nemesis Gave advice to tournament fighters during the Early-bird Tournament at CK Midreign 68 (recommendation from Spik)
Aiolos Order of the Rose 1 2024-08-18 Powerhouse Nemesis Helping me with calculating tallies at the end of the Contest of Champions Tournament at CK Midreign 68
Boyar Boza Rasputin Lord 10 2023-01-31 Lady Elaine O'Malley service to NOcturnis
Boyar Boza Rasputin Order of Battle 9 2024-02-06 Donser for excellent battle gaming and use of tactics
Boyar Boza Rasputin Order of Battle 9 2024-03-21 Nova Ayreth Northstar Was very effective and efficient with the use of the barbarian class. Each time I heard him yell alive he was quick to return to the front lines of battle.
Boyar Boza Rasputin Order of Battle 9 2024-08-08 Sir Garrick Kershaw A force to be reckoned with on any field, he has the drive to push his team towards victory. He consistently shows his skills and let's others soak the spotlight that he rightly deserves!
Boyar Boza Rasputin Order of Battle 9 2024-10-18 Selve No joke to this battle gamer! Excellent usage of spells and fighting on the field. Rallying their team at a big event at GAC!
Boyar Boza Rasputin Order of the Rose 8 2023-11-16 Sir Garrick Kershaw Warcrat at Endreign
Boyar Boza Rasputin Paragon Peasant 10 2024-08-27 Marquis Meliodas Wynn helped lead the peasant rush at GAC and was roleplaying a begger with a sign with the rest of the Justicars
Dianysus Master Dragon 1 2023-12-01 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Music performance
Dianysus Order of the Dragon 2 2023-12-03 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Ender limerick
Dianysus Order of the Garber 1 2023-12-01 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Made garb for aiden
Dianysus Order of the Garber 2 2023-12-01 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Crocheting a class sash for Sam son of Megiddo
Dianysus Order of the Garber 3 2023-12-03 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Modifying meggido’s court garb
Dianysus Order of the Owl 1 2023-12-01 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Hercs cow shield cover
Dianysus Order of the Owl 2 2023-12-01 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Making sir Herc’s spell strips
Dianysus Order of the Rose 1 2023-12-01 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Helping prepare feast at spring war
Dizzy Vertigo Battlemaster 10 2023-01-31 Lady Elaine O'Malley he uses his superior game mastery to find the chink in every class for his advantage to secure a win for his team.
Dizzy Vertigo Knight of Battle 2023-11-13 Sir Garrick Kershaw Absolute terror on the battlefield in a number of classes. Definitely deserved
Dizzy Vertigo Paragon Assassin 10 2022-04-10 Sir Jameson O'Malley is the Master ASSASSIN teaching all the little fine tricks
Drakknar Order of the Lion 1 2023-11-11 Sir Garrick Kershaw Going above and beyond for CK ER feast
Drakknar Order of the Lion 2 2023-11-11 Sir Garrick Kershaw Going above and beyond for CK ER feast
Drakknar Order of the Lion 3 2023-11-11 Sir Garrick Kershaw Going above and beyond for CK ER feast
Ed Order of the Dragon 1 2023-04-17 Adelaide Scardwynn crawfish boil
Ed Order of the Rose 1 2023-04-17 Adelaide Scardwynn crawfish boil
Ed Order of the Rose 2 2023-04-17 Adelaide Scardwynn crawfish boil
Ellistrae Laitha Avur Master Garber 2022-03-21 Fog Continued excellence at garbing multiple people with detailed and intricate tunics
Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Master Smith 8 2024-11-10 admin Warocrat for Wetlands midreign
Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Order of the Griffin 8 2024-02-10 Alexander Blackwood Honor shown at the EH weapons master tournament today
Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Order of the Griffin 8 2023-08-04 Dreadknight Oran the Greyseer Vender is the most honorable player I have ever seen in the entire game. Honestly, I think he meets the requirments for Master Griffon
Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Order of the Warrior 10 2024-08-03 Donser For winning weapon master.
Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Order of the Warrior 10 2024-08-04 Sir Garrick Kershaw Winning reign 68 Weaponmaster!
Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Paragon Druid 2024-05-06 Boyar Boza Rasputin This giys has numerous classes at 6 and no paragons and he knows the Druid class inside out he needs this!
Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Warlord 2024-08-08 Boyar Boza Rasputin Has won multi kingdom WM and won the Weapon master 2024
Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Warlord 2024-08-04 Sir Garrick Kershaw Winning reign 68 Weaponmaster!
Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Warlord 10 2024-08-05 Donser Winning weapons master
Hercule M Satan Warlord 10 2024-01-28 Donser winning 1/27/24 weapons master
Hercule M Satan Warlord 10 2024-01-28 Boyar Boza Rasputin Won weapon master 1/27/24
Krix Master Crown 2022-11-05 Sir Garrick Kershaw It would be his CROWNING achievement
Lil Spicy Warlord 9 2023-02-06 Sir Jameson O'Malley weaponmaster 65 winner
Lil Spicy Warlord 10 2023-02-06 Sir Jameson O'Malley quals 64 winner
Mad Laddie Order of the Garber 8 2024-12-16 Sir Garrick Kershaw Knighting tunic for Darth Squidious! Stunning work!
Marquis Meliodas Wynn Order of Battle 9 2024-08-08 Boyar Boza Rasputin At SW i saw what it truely means to have a pargagon druid on a team, he handled out a can of whoop ass and demonstrates nay is a master of battle field tactics and will also take time out of his day to explain tactic to others a true hero in the making.
Marquis Meliodas Wynn Paragon Peasant 2024-05-05 Sir Garrick Kershaw The peasantiest peasant
Marquis Meliodas Wynn Paragon Peasant 10 2024-08-26 Jordan Redhawk As one of the leading Pey-sants at GAC 2024, Meliodas was vital on our quest for funds, homes, and peyote. He played the class to its utmost extreme, including making a sign asking for support in true peasant fashion. Truly, this man is the epitome of the peasant.
Masao Loublin, Liege Order of the Griffin 7 2024-09-16 Sir Garrick Kershaw Superior honor on the field of battle!
Megiddo, Esq. Knight of the Crown 10 2021-08-31 Hercule M Satan quals
Megiddo, Esq. Order of the Dragon 8 2023-10-18 Sir Zike McNasty, The Wanker Banker Making three amazing awards during my reign a paragon scout for Que a paragon assassin for wintergreen and a warlord for Tieberius
Megiddo, Esq. Order of the Walker in the Middle 10 2023-01-03 Harold Continued excellence and mastery of planning, setting up, and reeving battlegames. Should have been made a Walker many years ago. I cannot recommend him highly enough.
Nightshade Knight of Battle 10 2021-09-01 Drukka Voht Never seen a fight where his skills were at a loss. His aim has turned tides. A true master!
Sash Order of the Griffin 1 2023-10-16 Lady Elaine O'Malley New to the game and took and honorable death!
Scorpion dentiata Order of the Griffin 6 2024-06-30 Rodnik Ferrowell Performance during Duchy of King's Point Summer 2024 Tournament
Scorpion dentiata Order of the Warrior 6 2024-06-30 Rodnik Ferrowell 2nd place in Duchy of King's Points 2024 summer Tournament
Selve Master Garber 2024-08-04 Sir Garrick Kershaw Amazing showing at reign 68 DM!
Selve Master Garber 10 2024-11-02 Lady Elaine O'Malley Bc she is badass
Sir Garrick Kershaw Order of Battle 9 2024-08-08 Boyar Boza Rasputin He demonstrates consistent tactics in battle games and he can rally his troops to win at any cost. I have personally seen him take a loosing team and win in kingdom level battle games aka SW.
Sir Garrick Kershaw Paragon Scout 2024-08-27 Daggrak Scalebreaker Sir Garrick played scout to excellent effect during the questing portion of GaC in the kingdom of polaris.
Sir Jameson O'Malley Battlemaster 10 2022-08-28 Crowley Nightstalker Jameson O’Malley is annoying with any team he is assigned with and gives everything he has when it comes to using his bow sword and shield to even his ice balls to win
Sir Jameson O'Malley Master Rose 2024-10-17 Selve Food fight contribution and doanting over 600lbs of food for foodfight
Sir Jameson O'Malley Master Rose 10 2024-11-02 Lady Elaine O'Malley He wishes the best for everyone and strives that all people just have fun while playing the game
Sir Jameson O'Malley Order of the Griffin 5 2022-04-04 Defender Sir Pyro Flamespitter His his chilvery, homer and courage on the battle field for fair game play are above reproach. He deserves this 100 percent.
Sir Jameson O'Malley Order of the Jovius 2022-04-07 Matriarch Guin Llewellyn I traveled from WA State to SW. Jameson instantly became a friend, and made sure I wasn’t alone in the battlegames to have a comrade to fight with. Very jovial and excited player overall
Sir Jameson O'Malley Paragon Druid 10 2022-08-28 Crowley Nightstalker I Crowley believe Jameson O’Malley deserves his paragon druid at Midreign he was wicked with using his dispells enchantments and fighting abilities were beyond an average Druid he is a master in his class and is a force to be reckoned with on any field he steps on
Sir Jameson O'Malley Paragon Scout 10 2022-03-19 Sir Zike McNasty, The Wanker Banker Excellence in scout at spring war
Sir Torq Order of the Lion 6 2023-11-11 Sir Garrick Kershaw Going above and beyond for ER feast
Sir Torq Order of the Lion 7 2023-11-11 Sir Garrick Kershaw Going above and beyond for ER feast
Sir Torq Order of the Lion 8 2023-11-11 Sir Garrick Kershaw Going above and beyond for ER feast
Tesla Valkyrie Order of the Rose 3 2024-08-18 Powerhouse Nemesis She gave me advice on how to keep track of tallies. Also helped me calculate scores during the Contest of Champions at CK Midreign 68.
TuSocks Kayranus Master Dragon 2021-11-28 Ellistrae Laitha Avur Body of work - Long overdue IMHO