Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Baron Von Blight W. D\'Grande Battlemaster 2024-01-27 Lord Akiyama Okami 10 Orders of Battle, proven field strategist and tactician, and great hair.
Byouki Hikumo Order of the Mask 1 2022-11-22 Lord Akiyama Okami Online RP contributions.
Crymorium the Reborn Red Phoenix Order of the Crown 1 2023-12-05 Lord Akiyama Okami For a successful reign as Regent of Murky Waters
Crymorium the Reborn Red Phoenix Order of the Owl 1 2023-08-15 Lord Akiyama Okami For construction of several weapons, notably his short spear.
Lady Arlana Dela\'Rae Order of the Mask 1 2022-11-22 Lord Akiyama Okami For assistance in repairing the armature dragons made by Phoenix Everlily. Lady Arlana's persona is the Speaker For Dragons, her 'nursing' the wounded dragons back to full health exemplifies this aspect of her RP within Amtgard.
Lady CreyLi Lonewolf Order of the Crown 1 2023-12-05 Lord Akiyama Okami For a successful reign as PM of Murky Waters
Lord Ravenheart Darkstone Battlemaster 1 2021-09-26 Lord Akiyama Okami Paragon in Assassin, Healer, and Warrior. Seriously, Knight of Battle this man ASAP.
Lord Ravenheart Darkstone Order of Battle 10 2021-12-16 Lord Hydra Ravenheart is a Paragon Assassin, Paragon Healer, and a Paragon Warrior.
Lord Redwolf Master Rose 2024-04-14 Firestorm Lord Redwolf has served amtgard for most of his adult life since the mid 1990's he has served as an officer of Xanadu to his service in murky waters through the eairly 2000's he has done everything from supporting events to even helping his fighting company from the sidelines i know he is not quite as active in the parks anymore but this is long over due in my opinion he still helps when needed
Lord Swift Alexander Order of Battle 8 2022-12-07 Lord Akiyama Okami Paragon Scout.
Lord Swift Alexander Order of Battle 8 2022-12-12 Defender Sir Pyro Flamespitter Paragon Scout.
Lord Swift Alexander Paragon Scout 1 2021-11-22 Sir Lord Magus Lonewolf Exemplar scout, always helpful teaches the class and very strategic in use of abilities
Pawl Order of Battle 8 2022-11-08 Lord Akiyama Okami Paragon Warrior.
Pawl Paragon Peasant 2022-11-21 Lord Hydra This man is more effective with a single short sword and no abilities than most Amtgarders are with a full kit. You have to respect him and you have to be aware of where he is or you're simply dead.
Sir Lord Magus Lonewolf Order of the Warrior 8 2022-08-30 Defender Sir Pyro Flamespitter Winner of kingdom visit tournament. Extreamly honorabe and fair fighter that strives to better his park with mentorship in fighting styles.