
Guild Kingdom Park Player Attendance
Anti-Paladin The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Sir Anubis Devilboon 1
Archer The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Halfstar der Grune Jager 1
Archer The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Jarl Squire Revna Reignleif 9
Archer The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Kamal Aser Allah bin Mustafa bin Hassen A\'Meca 3
Assassin The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Fenrir McMorrough 3
Assassin The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Luna Darkheart 1
Assassin The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Sir Anubis Devilboon 3
Assassin The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Vergil Ravencroft 1
Assassin The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Waylin Bluemoon 19
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow El Pollo 1
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Fenrir McMorrough 3
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Lafdarineth 1
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Nala 13
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Severek Shatterclaw the Ignored 3
Bard The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Halfstar der Grune Jager 1
Bard The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Morgan Whitewave (The Forgetful) 3
Bard The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Waylin Bluemoon 7
Color The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Daimyo Vyse D. Blackwood 2
Color The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Emerald mi Ezel_Airen 16
Color The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Jarl Squire Revna Reignleif 1
Color The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Lesa 2
Color The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Loopy 2
Color The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Netzai 1
Color The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Sam 2
Color The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Sonic 1
Color The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Ursa de Ula 1
Druid The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Kamal Aser Allah bin Mustafa bin Hassen A\'Meca 11
Druid The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Morgan Whitewave (The Forgetful) 1
Healer The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Avalbane Brehon 15
Healer The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Decidio Foulblood 1
Healer The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Edris Firethorn 2
Healer The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Kamal Aser Allah bin Mustafa bin Hassen A\'Meca 1
Healer The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Loki 2
Healer The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Morgan Whitewave (The Forgetful) 14
Monk The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Daimyo Vyse D. Blackwood 7
Monk The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Fenrir McMorrough 1
Monk The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Kamal Aser Allah bin Mustafa bin Hassen A\'Meca 7
Monk The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Shield Maiden Olette Odenson 6
Monster The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Daimyo Vyse D. Blackwood 6
Monster The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Sir Anubis Devilboon 1
Monster The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Waylin Bluemoon 1
Paladin The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Halfstar der Grune Jager 3
Paladin The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Morgan Whitewave (The Forgetful) 3
Reeve The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Daimyo Vyse D. Blackwood 1
Reeve The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Emerald mi Ezel_Airen 7
Reeve The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Evetta Stillwell 11
Scout The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Avalbane Brehon 7
Scout The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Jarl Squire Revna Reignleif 21
Scout The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Loopy 1
Scout The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Morgan Whitewave (The Forgetful) 2
Warrior The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Decidio Foulblood 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Fenrir McMorrough 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Garrett 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Leviathon 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Loki 2
Warrior The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Nala 3
Warrior The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Sonic 2
Warrior The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Yunikon 6
Wizard The Kingdom of the Golden Plains Evermore Hollow Squire Darineth Thunderstrike Deathdealer, Nymph of the Nizari 2