
Guild Kingdom Park Player Attendance
Anti-Paladin The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Flail Snail Sluffanuffagus Phelddagrif Flumph 2
Anti-Paladin The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Rodrev 23
Archer The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Baron Raten Firewalker 5
Archer The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Jade Everfall 8
Archer The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Oban Battleforge 8
Assassin The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Baron Raten Firewalker 1
Assassin The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Cody 4
Assassin The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Craia 1
Assassin The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Jade Everfall 2
Assassin The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Lex 1
Assassin The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Not raten 1
Assassin The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Rodrev 3
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Demomess Renesemee 1
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Garruk 3
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Hulk 3
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Mango 1
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Ragnar 16
Barbarian The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades thorn 2
Bard The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Persona 1
Bard The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Ragnar 1
Bard The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Sevrish 19
Color The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Nicki Haire 1
Color The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Oban Battleforge 1
Druid The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Rodrev 5
Healer The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Ixe 12
Healer The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Kaltorian Firewalker 8
Healer The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Tay 8
Monk The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Bagel 1
Monk The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Bale 2
Monk The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Flail Snail Sluffanuffagus Phelddagrif Flumph 2
Monk The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Iron Vladeus Blayde 8
Monk The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades kovu de medici 4
Monk The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Ragnar 1
Monk The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Shiro 1
Monster The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Enzo Piazza 1
Monster The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Great Lady TikTik 50
Monster The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Hrolf Fenrisulfr 2
Monster The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Iron Vladeus Blayde 4
Monster The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Uvron Swiftfoot 1
Paladin The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Baron Raten Firewalker 14
Paladin The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Mango 1
Paladin The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Rodrev 4
Paladin The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Zeus MacDaniels 25
Scout The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Arwin 1
Scout The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Enzo Piazza 7
Scout The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Fox 2
Warrior The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Enzo Piazza 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Flail Snail Sluffanuffagus Phelddagrif Flumph 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades kovu de medici 1
Warrior The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Roger 1
Wizard The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Arongarth 2
Wizard The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Flail Snail Sluffanuffagus Phelddagrif Flumph 1
Wizard The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Glamrok 1
Wizard The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Hrolf Fenrisulfr 16
Wizard The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Ixe 3
Wizard The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Ixe 1
Wizard The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades rimmar 1
Wizard The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Sevrish 2
Wizard The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Talic 2
Wizard The Kingdom of the Rising Winds Emerald Glades Zeus MacDaniels 1