Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Ashurbanipal Order of Battle 10 2023-06-20 Heron Lamana Ashurbanipal is a slayer Druid and Antipaladin. Both years I've been to Keep they've been a notable force on either team in just about every game, and being a Phoenix League world champ has to count for something! And Ash was playing HEALER at the time! Such versatility! Definitely on the level of any other RW Battlemaster I've met.
Familiar Ash Order of the Rose 2 2023-05-16 Ashurbanipal cat meow
Maestro Ogreslayer Ironnipple Order of the Rose 9 2022-03-10 Sargon Drin For all of his continued online work for the Kingdom during and after the lockdown to this day.
Master Duo Silverbush Order of the Warrior 5 2022-04-06 Turek Fen obvious battlefield prowess
Sir Manama Proster, Songkeeper Order of the Rose 9 2021-09-18 Sir Lucas OL IV For his continuous and outstanding contributions to Keep events
Tanath Lagoon Paragon Monk 10 2022-11-22 Marceline Aidan Fangmeier Tanath was super impactful during the battles at Keep On The Borderlands 2022. They were my teammate for many of the games and his ability to read the field and use his class skills to best advantage is top notch. He did an amazing job as Monk and should be made a Paragon. He is also an excellent teacher and always willing to help new players understand the rulebook. TANATH FOR PARAGON MONKKKKKKK!
Tanath Lagoon Paragon Scout 10 2022-04-06 Tanath Lagoon Look, everyone "lobbies" for class paragons, so I'm just going to ask for it.
Tanath Lagoon Warlord 10 2023-05-09 Kildaar Elketh Tanath had a 24 streak in our eh kingdom tourney and has now won 2 kingdom level tourneys. It's an honor to fight them and I think they can be the kind of warlord that will change the game and the view of warlords for the better. They've earned their 10th warrior, and in my eyes, are a master of stick and an inspiration to someone like me who strives to get to their level. Warlord material