Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
AMP Order of Battle 1 2022-06-05 Noveran He blocked arrows and other projectiles constantly and with a huge amount of skill with his weapon and hands.
Celdrik Paragon Peasant 10 2021-09-06 Celdrik I am well known around my parts for the role I play during battle games and events. Words of my Peasantry is held high within my Duchy
Faelynn Hadrea Master Griffin 3 2022-11-21 ShyLa the Lost For exceptional honor and kindness during the Trailblaizer Tournament. For example, she coached opponent's on smarter placement of dead legs (instead of just taking easy shots and wins); and afterwards offered to give anyone who wanted it feedback on striking strength.
Father Jeckel Lord 2022-08-20 Overlord Morden Otomo Continued support and willingness to step up for Lichwood positions
Flynn Daniels Order of the Dragon 9 2022-06-12 Sir Corwyn Lindenson Consistently singing and writing wonderfull songs sung at bardics online
Flynn Daniels Order of the Lion 1 2022-06-12 Sir Corwyn Lindenson Leading bardics
Kashu Order of the Rose 9 2024-10-04 Lady Zafina Swiftsteel Mastery of the crochet artwork, can literally make anything out of yarn the hood and lollypop as an example
Leofwine Order of the Smith 1 2022-01-11 Khakana Sivaro Creating MP3's of the Alto Parts for Lullaby by Billy Joel for Choir of the Nine Blades
Leofwine Order of the Smith 2 2022-01-11 Khakana Sivaro Creating MP3's of Soprano, Tenor, and Bass Parts for Lullaby by Billy Joel for Choir of the Nine Blades
Popo Mudfeet Master Dragon 10 2024-10-15 Lady Zafina Swiftsteel Mastery of the editble arts!
Sheridan Order of the Dragon 5 2022-06-12 Sir Corwyn Lindenson Amazing singing at the o line bardics
Sheridan Order of the Mask 2 2022-06-12 Sir Corwyn Lindenson Consistently staying in character at the online bardics
Sir Grand Admiral Anne Cash Order of the Owl 9 2024-05-04 Mithius Silverbow Incredibly original scale arm bracers that are inspiring
Sir Grand Admiral Anne Cash Order of the Owl 10 2024-05-04 Mithius Silverbow Creation of a new technique and pattern for round scale bracers
The Long Boyd Order of the Dragon 5 2021-12-15 Tatum Wetlands best of belts 2nd place textile belt
Wunjo Ballo Page 10 2021-08-31 Wunjo Ballo Testing the system by paging myself 10 times.