Award Recommendations

Kingdom Persona Award Rank Date Sent By Reason
Abraxos Junshin Order of the Griffin 4 2024-04-07 Rethal Saryth Concise, Considerate, and respectful bard play during FoF '24
Abraxos Junshin Order of the Smith 4 2024-04-07 Rethal Saryth Helping faciliate the smooth play and objective of pick up games in the evening of FoF '24 the smooth play
Archive Knight of the Serpent 1 2022-04-07 Pork Xop For his aesthetic mastery of the trading card medium, evidenced in the design, development and production of the Shifting Tides Card Game. Through this selfless artistic practice, Axis has brought together an Amtgard community across space and time during the midst of a global pandemic. What else could the kingdom ask for in a Knight? His efforts will always be felt in the shifting of the tides!
Archive Knight of the Serpent 10 2022-04-18 Battlemaster Higure Tetrisson, Esq. the Darkness For creating, designing, drawing, organizing, distributing, and displaying a whole brand new board game featuring many Neverwinter citizens as playable characters. On top of this his continues service to the park and to the game as a whole in creating promotional materials for use of expanding the park and our numbers is simply unparalleled. He even takes people under his wing to help them improve
Archive Order of the Dragon 10 2023-03-06 Asael An entire working cardgame representing all players in the cards design, solely and handcrafted by themselves with continuing updates and maintenance.
Arkadas Order of the Lion 6 2023-11-13 Fenroc Everfrost Organization of club table, and combat demo, for NEKOCON 2023.
Astrosar McKegley Fleurose Battlemaster 7 2021-10-04 Astrosar McKegley Fleurose Advance use of class abilities and knowing when to use them against opponents. As a druid I have a spell sheet than mimics each melee and magic class to be used as a reference for countering different classes and filling in to give my team an advantage against an opponent. Been targeted several times with my selfish druid build at kingdom level. Fought and won a brimstone basilisk trial of combat
Astrosar McKegley Fleurose Paragon Druid 1 2022-04-11 Tanner Victus Has played a variety of builds for Druid, playing each effectively and efficiently. Capable of filling any role (support, assault, defense and executioner). Understands his class to its fullest.
Astrosar McKegley Fleurose Paragon Druid 1 2021-09-21 Astrosar McKegley Fleurose Level 6. Able to use all archetypes effectively on field. Able to quickly explain abilities without impeding the game. Taught others how to play the class according to their play style. Able to explain all abilities of the class. Have made a spell list that will take any class and be playable as druid
AttA Raxia Order of the Smith 8 2022-07-17 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui For holding a shield construction class and donating all materials used for the seven people who participated
AttA Raxia Order of the Warrior 10 2024-05-28 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Winning goldenvale tournament may 25th 2024
AttA Raxia Warlord 2024-05-28 Ender (The Lone, Star) Coqui Winning both a neverwinter and goldenvale tournamen
Augustine Joust Order of Battle 1 2024-10-12 Violet Windsinger This lovely human was very helpful to the bowmen on field at KFC 2024, and has a very good grasp on the Healer Class. With only two months of play! I was very impressed. A fantastic teammate.
Ayame Master 1 2021-12-24 Sir Adler Burbleson Ornimegalonyx Created new Freehold and held Regent position for >1 year. Starting out as never holding a position before, she stepped into the role well creating several Freehold level A&S competitions and encouraging park members to participate beyond in Inter-kingdom events for mostly brand new players.
Ayame Lady 1 2022-04-06 Ayame This award was missed somehow. Lord Adler Burbleson got it in case you need to ask someone questions. Ayame helped start a park in NJ (Eastern Pine Camp). She acted as Prime Minister, Regent and even a reave. She held a few Art and Science events, and an actual A&S competition. She helped create the park fb page and heraldry as well. Created weapons and tunics for new players.
Bain Thunder Throw Paragon Barbarian 10 2021-09-10 Grainmag Everfrost Mercades Bain ha shown that he takes the look the part to the highest degree for barbarian. his demeanor on field, garb, and even his weapons of choice scream barbarian to me. he has also shown a deep understanding of the class and always takes time and is open to learning new things with barbarian.
Baron Cerberus St.Beast Battlemaster 10 2022-04-07 Sir Pharoah DarkChylde Evarayne Has time and again proven a field general and tactician and willing to teach anyone wanting to learn. Can literally change the tide of any battle game.
Baron Cerberus St.Beast Battlemaster 10 2023-06-11 Bjorn the Northern Gale Anyone who has seen Cerb on field knows his use of tactics, fighting ability,and intimidation. He is effective, efficient with any class I've seen him play, and uses the abilities of his class to a high level of proficiency. For any needed specifics please reach out.
Commodore Muirin Order of the Mask 8 2022-10-16 Gorovan Dramsson RP at Dance of the Dead 2022
Corran Gray Knight of the Serpent 2021-09-01 Lord Paragon Squire Krussk Blackwolf DaPpendix Kneeslasher, Villainous Deetch, Hero of Power This man, in a few short months, has blown away several judges and competition for his belt weaving capabilities. He has placed and won in several kingdom and out of Kingdom events. He deserves this so much as he has worked his ass off and even entered his own original weave in previous A&S as it's origin story
Corran Gray Order of the Dragon 6 2021-12-15 Tatum Wetlands Best of Belts 1st place textile belt
Grace Kiellia Esquire 1 2022-04-06 Ayame Was guild master of Reaves for eastern pine camp. Created the Reeves test as well. Was the first gmr for the park.
Grainmag Everfrost Mercades Battlemaster 10 2021-08-31 Corran Gray 4 Paragons
Grainmag Everfrost Mercades Paragon Warrior 10 2024-06-07 Fenroc Everfrost Has continuously displayed, exemplary play as a warrior at multiple consecutive events throughout the king, and on the interkingdom level.
Iro Filius Draconis Order of the Griffin 8 2023-06-03 Sx Twilus the Hunter Extremely good honor taking hits in the Rising Winds Kingdom Warskills Tourney
Lady Jae Order of the Garber 8 2023-11-14 AttA Raxia Rookies knighting tunic
Lord Kyro Gold Paragon Reeve 10 2021-09-10 Grainmag Everfrost Mercades Kyro has shown to be a reliable person to lean on for reeves and shows a good talent for it as he is able to make snap calls during any situation he sees and gives a clear unbiased call for it.
Luna Honeybadger Order of the Crown 5 2022-06-01 Basil Red Deer served as regent for Harbour of Ryhe for 2 terms, Servered as Monarch for Harbour of Ryhe 1 term, Served at Interim Princess for Princaplity of Eastern Shore when Virgina was trying to create a princeaplity and Served 1 term as PM for Hels Gate.
Luna Honeybadger Order of the Warrior 5 2023-08-24 Basil Red Deer On 08-12-2023 Attended Weapons Master at the Barony of Port union, placed 4th in sword and board, 3rd in open,
Medvedus Stronkbac Paragon Scout 2024-07-29 Bjorn the Northern Gale Med has been an excellent scout for a hot minute now. This past KSM he used battlefield terrain, and a perception of the field to stop a dual barbar teleport. Perfectly timed, excellent flex.
Mercy Oceansong Order of the Garber 4 2024-04-07 Rethal Saryth Creating a fantastic cow-folk costume to play the role of Ruby for FoF 2024
Mercy Oceansong Paragon Bard 2023-03-29 Alashandra Not only was she playing an effective bard on the field, she also entertained the crowds at the role play Tavern.
Mercy Oceansong Paragon Peasant 2023-09-16 Marquess Squire Katriona Tul Great role play for the Keep night quest.
PG Master Griffin 2 2021-09-01 Squire Baron Baronet Master Dreadlord Commander Sinaaq, Sheriff of the Broken Lands Honor during Kingdom Summer Quals 2021
Piper Lesonette Order of the Dragon 9 2024-05-10 Shadow Silverblade Super Amazing Baked Goods!
Piper Lesonette Paragon Color 1 2022-01-23 Sir Adler Burbleson Ornimegalonyx Despite being Baroness, she always goes above and beyond to talk with as many people as she can at every park day. So much so that she barely has any time to just relax and enjoy the day. I have never seen her miss an opportunity to notice and complement on garb or new creations. Even during battle games I notice she’s still busy off the field. Therefore I would recommend her for Paragon Color.
Rouff McFurnathem Order of the Lion 1 2024-12-10 Socks Guiding a newer player into the path of garbe. CONSTANTLY going above and beyond in leadership, outside of office.
Rouff McFurnathem Order of the Owl 4 2024-12-15 Rouff McFurnathem Scoring highly at barony level competition with Alchemist Rogue's Belt
Rouff McFurnathem Order of the Owl 5 2024-12-15 Rouff McFurnathem Scoring highly at Kingdom dragon master and receiving a Judge's choice for Blood Rose Knight's Belt.
SandD Fairy Order of the Crown 1 2024-09-09 Sir Pharoah DarkChylde Evarayne outstanding work as Prime Minister
Senpai Rel Shan Master Lion 2022-10-17 Primarch Lauxus Stormtide continued service to to the game through leadership while outside of office. i dont know what else there is for them to learn at this point. imo they are over qualified for this award.
Senpai Rel Shan Paragon Reeve 1 2021-09-28 Sir Zike McNasty, The Wanker Banker Fantastic reeving at Keep, Was incredibly impressed with how she conducted herself and made calls while keeping the flow of battle moving
Ser Jynx Mercades Order of Battle 9 2024-05-10 Shadow Silverblade RoP suggests 9th for 2 paragons
Ser Jynx Mercades Paragon Barbarian 10 2021-09-10 Grainmag Everfrost Mercades Jynx has shown a deep understanding of the class in and out of field and takes his knowledge to teach others. He has taken any advice given to him by paragons he has asked and learned from them to make a playstyle all his own for this class. He is the wall his team needs to have to be able to gain so much tactical advantage in the games he plays.
Serf Jillian Esquire 1 2021-12-24 Sir Adler Burbleson Ornimegalonyx Serving as PM for a new Freehold as a brand new player. She learned the ORK very quickly maintaining records quickly and accurately. She left the position with it ready to solicit for entry into a Kingdom.
Serf Jillian Order of the Warrior 1 2022-05-14 Stenvar took second in tournament
Shadow Silverblade Order of the Griffin 10 2024-02-16 Borg He is consistently exactly what this award is about, he's a warrior in a garden, a benevolent caring attitude and willingness to help, teach and learn. All around.
Shadow Silverblade Order of the Zodiac 5 2023-12-21 Admiral Edward Blood the many titled Helpful to monarchy and all the players
Sinttrix Paragon Scout 10 2021-09-12 Grainmag Everfrost Mercades Sinttrix has been making waves at parks for months now. he is planned around in games because he is a big threat and even if he isnt a threat he learns to be a support role for his team. he takes any advice to heart and improves on it. he is a clear definition of being better today than you were yesterday.
Sir Pharoah DarkChylde Evarayne Paragon Paladin 10 2021-09-10 Grainmag Everfrost Mercades First off do not get this worng I'm recommending Pharoah for a Pagagon Anit- Paladin (there isnt a option for anit-paladin) that being said, this guy. this guy is the bar for anti paladin. he is a force on field and knows his abilities in and out and quite honestly a good bar to have for any future recommendations for this particular award.
Socks Order of the Garber 2 2024-12-10 Fenroc Everfrost Sock's Page belt made for herself completed November 14th, 2024
Socks Order of the Lion 1 2024-12-10 Fenroc Everfrost Leading BFE's 2023 Food fight entries, resulting in KCGs 4th place in 2023 Food Fight.
Socks Order of the Mask 1 2024-12-10 Fenroc Everfrost CONTINUOUS Roleplay of Socks responding with "quack" to show her curse is still unlifted.
Stug Master Griffin 6 2023-05-28 Ser Finley Fortess Extream honor in 3 Man tournament in salt wars.
Tanner Victus Paragon Monster 10 2021-09-10 Grainmag Everfrost Mercades Tanner has shown that he is ready and willing to help with any quest with a vast array of props and garb for numerous monsters that continues to grow day by day as he constantly improves. he also helps sells these monsters by playing so many good characters to draw in rp for his park and beyond