Add Attendance to Darkmoon

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Kingdom Park Player Class Credits Entered By ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Aravol Barbarian 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Art Scout 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Baronet Squire Illeria of the Lost Soul Archer 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Berserker Barbarian 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon brewforce Scout 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Daenogg Scout 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Diamond Kinderd Warrior 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Jarvis NH Scout 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Kraken Barbarian 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Leonidas Barbarian 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Panda Express Warrior 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Quorpeck Kinderd Monster 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Reaper Grimm Druid 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Ruby (inactive) Assassin 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Sidekick Jet Kinderd Assassin 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×
The Empire of the Iron Mountains Darkmoon Tal'El, Man of Mithril Scout 1 Aeris Lockheart Kinderd ×